Module voxelfuse.mesh
Mesh Class
Initialized from a voxel model
Copyright 2021 - Cole Brauer, Dan Aukes
Expand source code
Mesh Class
Initialized from a voxel model
Copyright 2021 - Cole Brauer, Dan Aukes
import sys
import numpy as np
import meshio
import k3d
import mcubes
from quad_mesh_simplify import simplify_mesh
from typing import Union as TypeUnion, Tuple
from numba import njit
from tqdm import tqdm
import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qtw
import PyQt5.QtGui as qg
import pyqtgraph.opengl as pgo
from voxelfuse.voxel_model import VoxelModel, rgb_to_hex
from voxelfuse.materials import material_properties
class Mesh:
Mesh object that can be exported or passed to a Plot object.
def __init__(self, voxels: TypeUnion[np.ndarray, None], verts: np.ndarray, verts_colors: np.ndarray, tris: np.ndarray, resolution: float):
Initialize a Mesh object.
voxels: Voxel data array
verts: List of coordinates of surface vertices
verts_colors: List of colors associated with each vertex
tris: List of the sets of vertices associated with triangular faces
resolution: Number of voxels per mm
if voxels is not None:
self.model = voxels
self.model = np.array([[[0]]])
self.verts = verts
self.colors = verts_colors
self.tris = tris
self.res = resolution
def fromMeshFile(cls, filename: str, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)):
Import a mesh file to a mesh object.
``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.fromMeshFile(example.stl)``
filename: File name with extension
color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
# Open file
data =
# Read verts
verts = np.array(data.points)
# Align to origin
x_min = np.min(verts[:, 0])
y_min = np.min(verts[:, 1])
z_min = np.min(verts[:, 2])
verts[:, 0] = np.subtract(verts[:, 0], x_min)
verts[:, 1] = np.subtract(verts[:, 1], y_min)
verts[:, 2] = np.subtract(verts[:, 2], z_min)
# Generate colors
verts_colors = generateColors(len(verts), color)
# Read tris
tris = []
for cell in data.cells:
if cell[0] == 'triangle':
for tri in cell[1]:
tris = np.array(tris)
return cls(None, verts, verts_colors, tris, 1)
def fromVoxelModel(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None):
Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object.
``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.fromVoxelModel(model1)``
voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh
color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a), None to use voxel colors
voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace()
voxel_model_array = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16)
model_materials = voxel_model_fit.materials
model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords
# Find exterior voxels
exterior_voxels_array = voxel_model_fit.difference(voxel_model_fit.erode(radius=1, connectivity=1)).voxels
x_len, y_len, z_len = voxel_model_array.shape
# Create list of exterior voxel coordinates
exterior_voxels_coords = []
for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Finding exterior voxels'):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
if exterior_voxels_array[x, y, z] != 0:
exterior_voxels_coords.append([x, y, z])
# Get voxel array
voxel_model_array[voxel_model_array < 0] = 0
# Initialize arrays
verts = []
verts_colors = []
verts_indices = np.zeros((x_len+1, y_len+1, z_len+1))
tris = []
vi = 1 # Tracks current vertex index
# Loop through voxel_model_array data
for voxel_coords in tqdm(exterior_voxels_coords, desc='Meshing'):
x, y, z = voxel_coords
if color is None:
r = 0
g = 0
b = 0
for i in range(voxel_model.materials.shape[1]-1):
r = r + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['r']
g = g + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['g']
b = b + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['b']
r = 1 if r > 1 else r
g = 1 if g > 1 else g
b = 1 if b > 1 else b
a = 1 - model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][1]
voxel_color = [r, g, b, a]
voxel_color = list(color)
# Add cube vertices
new_verts, verts_indices, new_tris, vi = addVerticesAndTriangles(voxel_model_array, verts_indices, model_offsets, x, y, z, vi)
verts += new_verts
tris += new_tris
# Apply color to all vertices
for i in range(len(new_verts)):
verts = np.array(verts, dtype=np.float32)
verts_colors = np.array(verts_colors, dtype=np.float32)
tris = np.array(tris, dtype=np.uint32)
return cls(voxel_model_array, verts, verts_colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution)
def simpleSquares(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None):
Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object using large square faces.
This function can greatly reduce the file size of generated meshes. However, it may not correctly recognize
small (1 voxel) model features and currently produces files with a nonstandard vertex arrangement. Use at your own
``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.simpleSquares(model1)``
voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh
color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a), None to use voxel colors
voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace()
voxel_model_array = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16)
model_materials = voxel_model_fit.materials
model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords
x_len, y_len, z_len = voxel_model_array.shape
# Determine vertex types
vert_type = np.zeros((x_len + 1, y_len + 1, z_len + 1), dtype=np.uint8)
vert_color = np.zeros((x_len + 1, y_len + 1, z_len + 1, 4), dtype=np.float32)
for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Finding voxel vertices'):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
if voxel_model_array[x, y, z] > 0:
vert_type[x:x+2, y:y+2, z:z+2] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior
if color is None:
r = 0
g = 0
b = 0
for i in range(voxel_model.materials.shape[1] - 1):
r = r + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['r']
g = g + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['g']
b = b + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['b']
r = 1 if r > 1 else r
g = 1 if g > 1 else g
b = 1 if b > 1 else b
a = 1 - model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][1]
voxel_color = np.array([r, g, b, a])
voxel_color = np.array(color)
for cx in range(x, x+2):
for cy in range(y, y+2):
for cz in range(z, z+2):
vert_color[cx, cy, cz, :] = voxel_color
for x in tqdm(range(1, x_len), desc='Finding interior vertices'):
for y in range(1, y_len):
for z in range(1, z_len):
vert_type = markInterior(vert_type, x, y, z)
for x in tqdm(range(0, x_len+1), desc='Finding feature vertices'):
for y in range(0, y_len+1):
for z in range(0, z_len+1):
vert_type = markInsideCorner(vert_type, x, y, z)
# Initialize arrays
vi = 0 # Tracks current vertex index
verts = []
colors = []
tris = []
quads = []
vert_index = np.multiply(np.ones_like(vert_type, dtype=np.int32), -1)
for x in tqdm(range(x_len + 1), desc='Meshing'):
for y in range(y_len + 1):
for z in range(z_len + 1):
dirs = [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
for d in dirs:
vi, vert_type, vert_index, new_verts, new_colors, new_tris, new_quads = findSquare(vi, vert_type, vert_index, vert_color, voxel_model_array, x, y, z, d[0], d[1], d[2])
verts += new_verts
colors += new_colors
tris += new_tris
quads += new_quads
verts = np.array(verts, dtype=np.float32)
colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.float32)
tris = np.array(tris, dtype=np.uint32)
quads = np.array(quads, dtype=np.uint32)
# Shift model to align with origin
verts[:, 0] = np.add(verts[:, 0], model_offsets[0])
verts[:, 1] = np.add(verts[:, 1], model_offsets[1])
verts[:, 2] = np.add(verts[:, 2], model_offsets[2])
return cls(voxel_model_array, verts, colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution)
def marchingCubes(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, smooth: bool = False, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)):
Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object using a marching cubes algorithm.
This meshing approach is best suited to high resolution models where some smoothing is acceptable.
voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh
smooth: Enable smoothing
color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace().getOccupied()
voxels = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16)
x, y, z = voxels.shape
model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords
voxels_padded = np.zeros((x + 2, y + 2, z + 2))
voxels_padded[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = voxels
if smooth:
voxels_padded = mcubes.smooth(voxels_padded)
levelset = 0
levelset = 0.5
verts, tris = mcubes.marching_cubes(voxels_padded, levelset)
# Shift model to align with origin
verts = np.subtract(verts, 0.5)
verts[:, 0] = np.add(verts[:, 0], model_offsets[0])
verts[:, 1] = np.add(verts[:, 1], model_offsets[1])
verts[:, 2] = np.add(verts[:, 2], model_offsets[2])
verts_colors = generateColors(len(verts), color)
return cls(voxels_padded, verts, verts_colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution)
def copy(cls, mesh):
Initialize a Mesh that is a copy of another mesh.
mesh: Reference Mesh object
new_mesh = cls(np.copy(mesh.model), np.copy(mesh.verts), np.copy(mesh.colors), np.copy(mesh.tris), mesh.res)
return new_mesh
def setResolution(self, resolution: float):
Change the defined resolution of a mesh.
The mesh resolution will determine the scale of plots and exported mesh files.
resolution: Number of voxels per mm (higher number = finer resolution)
new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self)
new_mesh.res = resolution
return new_mesh
def scale(self, factor: float):
Apply a scaling factor to a mesh.
factor: Scaling factor
new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self)
new_mesh.verts = np.multiply(self.verts, factor)
return new_mesh
def simplify(self, percent_verts: float, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)):
Simplify a mesh to contain a given percentage of the original number of vertices.
More information on the simplification algorithm is available at:
percent_verts: Percentage of vertex count allowed in the result mesh, 0-1
color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
num_verts = self.verts.shape[0]
target_verts = num_verts * percent_verts
new_verts, new_tris = simplify_mesh(positions=self.verts.astype(np.double), face=self.tris.astype(np.uint32), num_nodes=target_verts)
verts_colors = generateColors(len(new_verts), color)
return Mesh(np.copy(self.model), new_verts, verts_colors, new_tris, self.res)
def translate(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]):
Translate a model by the specified vector.
vector: Translation vector in voxels
new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self)
new_mesh.verts[:, 0] = np.add(self.verts[:, 0], vector[0])
new_mesh.verts[:, 1] = np.add(self.verts[:, 1], vector[1])
new_mesh.verts[:, 2] = np.add(self.verts[:, 2], vector[2])
return new_mesh
def translateMM(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]):
Translate a model by the specified vector.
vector: Translation vector in mm
xV = vector[0] * self.res
yV = vector[1] * self.res
zV = vector[2] * self.res
new_mesh = self.translate((xV, yV, zV))
return new_mesh
def setColor(self, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float]):
Change the color of a mesh.
color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self)
new_mesh.colors = generateColors(len(self.verts), color)
return new_mesh
def plot(self, plot = None, name: str = 'mesh', wireframe: bool = True, mm_scale: bool = False, **kwargs):
Add mesh to a K3D plot in Jupyter Notebook.
Additional display options:
- flat_shading: `bool`. Whether mesh should display with flat shading.
- opacity: `float`. Opacity of mesh.
- volume: `array_like`. 3D array of `float`
- volume_bounds: `array_like`. 6-element tuple specifying the bounds of the volume data (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1)
- opacity_function: `array`. A list of float tuples (attribute value, opacity), sorted by attribute value. The first tuples should have value 0.0, the last 1.0; opacity is in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
- side: `string`. Control over which side to render for a mesh. Legal values are `front`, `back`, `double`.
- texture: `bytes`. Image data in a specific format.
- texture_file_format: `str`. Format of the data, it should be the second part of MIME format of type 'image/', for example 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'tiff'.
- uvs: `array_like`. Array of float uvs for the texturing, coresponding to each vertex.
- kwargs: `dict`. Dictionary arguments to configure transform and model_matrix.
More information available at:
plot: Plot object to add mesh to
name: Mesh name
wireframe: Enable displaying mesh as a wireframe
mm_scale: Enable to use a mm plot scale, disable to use a voxel plot scale
kwargs: Additional display options (see above)
K3D plot object
# Get verts
verts = self.verts
# Adjust coordinate scale
if mm_scale:
verts = np.divide(verts, self.res)
# Get tris
tris = self.tris
# Get colors
colors = []
for c in self.colors:
colors.append(rgb_to_hex(c[0], c[1], c[2]))
colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.uint32)
# Plot
if plot is None:
plot = k3d.plot()
plot += k3d.mesh(verts.astype(np.float32), tris.astype(np.uint32), colors=colors, name=name, wireframe=wireframe, **kwargs)
return plot
def viewer(self, grids: bool = False, drawEdges: bool = True,
edgeColor: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0, 0.5),
positionOffset: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), viewAngle: Tuple[int, int, int] = (40, 30, 300),
resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (1280, 720), name: str = 'Plot 1', export: bool = False):
Display the mesh in a 3D viewer window.
This function will block program execution until viewer window is closed
grids: Enable/disable display of XYZ axes and grids
drawEdges: Enable/disable display of voxel edges
edgeColor: Set display color of voxel edges
positionOffset: Offset of the camera target from the center of the model in voxels
viewAngle: Elevation, Azimuth, and Distance of the camera
resolution: Window resolution in px
name: Plot window name
export: Enable/disable exporting a screenshot of the plot
app = qtw.QApplication(sys.argv)
mesh_data = pgo.MeshData(vertexes=self.verts, faces=self.tris, vertexColors=self.colors, faceColors=None)
mesh_item = pgo.GLMeshItem(meshdata=mesh_data, shader='balloon', drawEdges=drawEdges, edgeColor=edgeColor,
smooth=False, computeNormals=False, glOptions='translucent')
widget = pgo.GLViewWidget()
if grids:
# Add grids
gx = pgo.GLGridItem()
gx.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50)
gx.rotate(90, 0, 1, 0)
gx.translate(-0.5, 24.5, 24.5)
gy = pgo.GLGridItem()
gy.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50)
gy.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0)
gy.translate(24.5, -0.5, 24.5)
gz = pgo.GLGridItem()
gz.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50)
gz.translate(24.5, 24.5, -0.5)
# Add axes
ptsx = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [50, -0.5, -0.5]])
pltx = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsx, color=(1, 0, 0, 1), width=1, antialias=True)
ptsy = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 50, -0.5]])
plty = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsy, color=(0, 1, 0, 1), width=1, antialias=True)
ptsz = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, -0.5, 50]])
pltz = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsz, color=(0, 0, 1, 1), width=1, antialias=True)
# Set plot options
widget.opts['center'] = qg.QVector3D(((self.model.shape[0] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[0],
((self.model.shape[1] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[1],
((self.model.shape[2] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[2])
widget.opts['elevation'] = viewAngle[0]
widget.opts['azimuth'] = viewAngle[1]
widget.opts['distance'] = viewAngle[2]
widget.resize(resolution[0], resolution[1])
# Show plot
# if export: # TODO: Fix export code
# widget.paintGL()
# widget.grabFrameBuffer().save(str(name) + '.png')
print('Close viewer to resume program')
# Export model from mesh data
def export(self, filename: str):
Save a copy of the mesh with the specified name and file format.
filename: File name with extension
# Adjust coordinate scale
verts = np.divide(self.verts, self.res)
cells = {
"triangle": self.tris
output_mesh = meshio.Mesh(verts, cells)
meshio.write(filename, output_mesh)
# Helper functions ##############################################################
def generateColors(n: int, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)):
Generate a colors list with the given number of elements
n: Number of vertices in target model
color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
List of vertex colors
verts_colors = []
voxel_color = list(color)
for i in range(n):
verts_colors = np.array(verts_colors)
return verts_colors
def check_adjacent(input_model: np.ndarray, x_coord: int, y_coord: int, z_coord: int, x_dir: int, y_dir: int, z_dir: int):
Check if a target voxel has another voxel adjacent to it in the specified direction.
input_model: VoxelModel.voxels
x_coord: Target voxel X location
y_coord: Target voxel Y location
z_coord: Target voxel Z location
x_dir: Specify X direction and distance (usually 1 or -1)
y_dir: Specify Y direction and distance (usually 1 or -1)
z_dir: Specify Z direction and distance (usually 1 or -1)
Adjacent voxel present/not present
x_coord_new = x_coord+x_dir
y_coord_new = y_coord+y_dir
z_coord_new = z_coord+z_dir
x_in_bounds = (x_coord_new >= 0) and (x_coord_new < input_model.shape[0])
y_in_bounds = (y_coord_new >= 0) and (y_coord_new < input_model.shape[1])
z_in_bounds = (z_coord_new >= 0) and (z_coord_new < input_model.shape[2])
if x_in_bounds and y_in_bounds and z_in_bounds and input_model[x_coord_new, y_coord_new, z_coord_new] > 0:
return True
return False
def addVerticesAndTriangles(voxel_model_array: np.ndarray, verts_indices: np.ndarray, model_offsets: Tuple, x: int, y: int, z: int, vi: int):
Find the applicable mesh vertices and triangles for a target voxel.
voxel_model_array: VoxelModel.voxels
verts_indices: verts indices array
model_offsets: VoxelModel.coords
x: Target voxel X location
y: Target voxel Y location
z: Target voxel Z location
vi: Current vertex index
New verts, Updated verts indices array, New tris, Updated current vert index
adjacent = [
[check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 1, 0, 0), check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, -1, 0, 0)],
[check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 0, 1, 0), check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 0, -1, 0)],
[check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 0, 0, 1), check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 0, 0, -1)]
cube_verts_indices = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
verts = []
tris = []
if not adjacent[0][0] or not adjacent[1][0] or not adjacent[2][0]:
vert_pos = (x+1, y+1, z+1)
if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1:
verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi
verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]])
vi = vi + 1
cube_verts_indices[0] = verts_indices[vert_pos]
if not adjacent[0][0] or not adjacent[1][1] or not adjacent[2][0]:
vert_pos = (x+1, y, z+1)
if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1:
verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi
verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]])
vi = vi + 1
cube_verts_indices[1] = verts_indices[vert_pos]
if not adjacent[0][1] or not adjacent[1][0] or not adjacent[2][0]:
vert_pos = (x, y+1, z+1)
if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1:
verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi
verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]])
vi = vi + 1
cube_verts_indices[2] = verts_indices[vert_pos]
if not adjacent[0][1] or not adjacent[1][1] or not adjacent[2][0]:
vert_pos = (x, y, z+1)
if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1:
verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi
verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]])
vi = vi + 1
cube_verts_indices[3] = verts_indices[vert_pos]
if not adjacent[0][0] or not adjacent[1][0] or not adjacent[2][1]:
vert_pos = (x+1, y+1, z)
if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1:
verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi
verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]])
vi = vi + 1
cube_verts_indices[4] = verts_indices[vert_pos]
if not adjacent[0][0] or not adjacent[1][1] or not adjacent[2][1]:
vert_pos = (x+1, y, z)
if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1:
verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi
verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]])
vi = vi + 1
cube_verts_indices[5] = verts_indices[vert_pos]
if not adjacent[0][1] or not adjacent[1][0] or not adjacent[2][1]:
vert_pos = (x, y+1, z)
if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1:
verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi
verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]])
vi = vi + 1
cube_verts_indices[6] = verts_indices[vert_pos]
if not adjacent[0][1] or not adjacent[1][1] or not adjacent[2][1]:
vert_pos = (x, y, z)
if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1:
verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi
verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]])
vi = vi + 1
cube_verts_indices[7] = verts_indices[vert_pos]
if not adjacent[0][0]:
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[0] - 1, cube_verts_indices[1] - 1, cube_verts_indices[5] - 1])
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[5] - 1, cube_verts_indices[4] - 1, cube_verts_indices[0] - 1])
if not adjacent[1][0]:
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[2] - 1, cube_verts_indices[0] - 1, cube_verts_indices[4] - 1])
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[4] - 1, cube_verts_indices[6] - 1, cube_verts_indices[2] - 1])
if not adjacent[2][0]:
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[1] - 1, cube_verts_indices[0] - 1, cube_verts_indices[2] - 1])
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[2] - 1, cube_verts_indices[3] - 1, cube_verts_indices[1] - 1])
if not adjacent[0][1]:
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[3] - 1, cube_verts_indices[2] - 1, cube_verts_indices[6] - 1])
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[6] - 1, cube_verts_indices[7] - 1, cube_verts_indices[3] - 1])
if not adjacent[1][1]:
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[1] - 1, cube_verts_indices[3] - 1, cube_verts_indices[7] - 1])
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[7] - 1, cube_verts_indices[5] - 1, cube_verts_indices[1] - 1])
if not adjacent[2][1]:
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[4] - 1, cube_verts_indices[5] - 1, cube_verts_indices[7] - 1])
tris.append([cube_verts_indices[7] - 1, cube_verts_indices[6] - 1, cube_verts_indices[4] - 1])
return verts, verts_indices.astype(np.uint32), tris, vi
def markInterior(vert_type: np.ndarray, x: int, y: int, z: int):
Determine if target voxel is an interior voxel.
vert_type: Array of vertex types
x: Target voxel X
y: Target voxel Y
z: Target voxel Z
Updated array of vertex types
if np.all(vert_type[x-1:x+2, y-1:y+2, z-1:z+2] != 0):
vert_type[x, y, z] = 3 # Type 3 = interior/already included in a square
return vert_type
def markInsideCorner(vert_type, x, y, z):
Determine if target voxel is an inside corner.
vert_type: Array of vertex types
x: Target voxel X
y: Target voxel Y
z: Target voxel Z
Updated array of vertex types
x_len, y_len, z_len = vert_type.shape
adjacent_empty = [True, True, True, True, True, True]
if x > 0:
adjacent_empty[0] = (vert_type[x - 1, y, z] == 0)
if x < x_len-1:
adjacent_empty[1] = (vert_type[x + 1, y, z] == 0)
if y > 0:
adjacent_empty[2] = (vert_type[x, y - 1, z] == 0)
if y < y_len-1:
adjacent_empty[3] = (vert_type[x, y + 1, z] == 0)
if z > 0:
adjacent_empty[4] = (vert_type[x, y, z - 1] == 0)
if z < z_len-1:
adjacent_empty[5] = (vert_type[x, y, z + 1] == 0)
is_face = [adjacent_empty[0] != adjacent_empty[1],
adjacent_empty[2] != adjacent_empty[3],
adjacent_empty[4] != adjacent_empty[5]]
# Inside corner - 0 faces
# Face - 1 face
# Outside edge - 2 faces
# Outside corner - 3 faces
if vert_type[x, y, z] == 1 and np.sum(np.array(is_face)) == 0:
vert_type[x, y, z] = 2 # Type 2 = blocking
return vert_type
def findSquare(vi: int, vert_type: np.ndarray, vert_index: np.ndarray, vert_color: np.ndarray, voxel_model_array: np.ndarray, x: int, y: int, z: int, dx: int, dy: int, dz: int):
Find the largest square starting from a given point and generate the corresponding points and tris.
vi: Current vertex index
vert_type: Array of vertex types
vert_index: Array of vertex indices
vert_color: Array of vertex colors
voxel_model_array: Voxel data array
x: Target voxel X
y: Target voxel Y
z: Target voxel Z
dx: Square search step in X
dy: Square search step in Y
dz: Square search step in Z
vi, vert_type, vert_index, new_verts, new_colors, new_tris, new_quads
x_len, y_len, z_len = vert_type.shape
new_verts = []
new_colors = []
new_tris = []
new_quads = []
vert_on_surface = (vert_type[x, y, z] == 1 or vert_type[x, y, z] == 2)
if vert_on_surface and x+dx < x_len and y+dy < y_len and z+dz < z_len: # Point is a face vertex and next point is in bounds
xn = x
yn = y
zn = z
for i in range(1, max(x_len - x, y_len - y, z_len - z)): # See if a square can be found starting at this point
xn = x + dx * i
yn = y + dy * i
zn = z + dz * i
# Check if endpoint is in bounds
in_range = [xn < x_len,
yn < y_len,
zn < z_len]
if not np.all(np.array(in_range)):
xn = x + dx * (i-1)
yn = y + dy * (i-1)
zn = z + dz * (i-1)
face = (vert_type[x:xn+1, y:yn+1, z:zn+1] == 1)
blocking = (vert_type[x:xn+1, y:yn+1, z:zn+1] == 2)
on_surface = np.logical_or(face, blocking)
# Check if square includes only surface vertices
if not np.all(on_surface):
xn = x + dx * (i-1)
yn = y + dy * (i-1)
zn = z + dz * (i-1)
# Check if square includes any blocking vertices
if np.any(blocking):
square = None
# Determine vert coords based on search direction
if xn > x and yn > y and zn == z:
# vert_type[x:xn+1, y:yn+1, z] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior
vert_type[x+1:xn, y+1:yn, z] = 3 # Type 3 = interior/already included in a square
vx_pos = False
vx_neg = False
if z - 1 >= 0:
vx_neg = (voxel_model_array[x, y, z - 1] != 0)
if z < z_len-1:
vx_pos = (voxel_model_array[x, y, z] != 0)
if vx_pos and not vx_neg: # CW
square = [[x, y, z],
[x, yn, z],
[xn, y, z],
[xn, yn, z]]
elif vx_neg and not vx_pos: # CCW
square = [[x, y, z],
[xn, y, z],
[x, yn, z],
[xn, yn, z]]
else: # Interior face -- can occur with certain small features
square = None
elif xn > x and yn == y and zn > z:
# vert_type[x:xn+1, y, z:zn+1] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior
vert_type[x+1:xn, y, z+1:zn] = 3 # Type 3 = interior/already included in a square
vx_pos = False
vx_neg = False
if y - 1 >= 0:
vx_neg = (voxel_model_array[x, y - 1, z] != 0)
if y < y_len-1:
vx_pos = (voxel_model_array[x, y, z] != 0)
if vx_pos and not vx_neg: # CW
square = [[x, y, z],
[xn, y, z],
[x, y, zn],
[xn, y, zn]]
elif vx_neg and not vx_pos: # CCW
square = [[x, y, z],
[x, y, zn],
[xn, y, z],
[xn, y, zn]]
else: # Interior face -- can occur with certain small features
square = None
elif xn == x and yn > y and zn > z:
# vert_type[x, y:yn+1, z:zn+1] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior
vert_type[x, y+1:yn, z+1:zn] = 3 # Type 3 = interior/already included in a square
vx_pos = False
vx_neg = False
if x - 1 >= 0:
vx_neg = (voxel_model_array[x - 1, y, z] != 0)
if x < x_len-1:
vx_pos = (voxel_model_array[x, y, z] != 0)
if vx_pos and not vx_neg: # CW
square = [[x, y, z],
[x, y, zn],
[x, yn, z],
[x, yn, zn]]
elif vx_neg and not vx_pos: # CCW
square = [[x, y, z],
[x, yn, z],
[x, y, zn],
[x, yn, zn]]
else: # Interior face -- can occur with certain small features
square = None
# Add verts, tris, quads, and colors
if square is not None:
p = []
for i in range(len(square)):
new_vi = vert_index[square[i][0], square[i][1], square[i][2]]
if new_vi == -1:
new_colors.append(vert_color[square[i][0], square[i][1], square[i][2]])
vert_index[square[i][0], square[i][1], square[i][2]] = vi
vi = vi + 1
new_tris.append([p[0], p[1], p[2]])
new_tris.append([p[3], p[2], p[1]])
new_quads.append([p[0], p[1], p[3], p[2]])
return vi, vert_type, vert_index, new_verts, new_colors, new_tris, new_quads
def addVerticesAndTriangles(voxel_model_array: numpy.ndarray, verts_indices: numpy.ndarray, model_offsets: Tuple[], x: int, y: int, z: int, vi: int)
Find the applicable mesh vertices and triangles for a target voxel.
- VoxelModel.voxels
- verts indices array
- VoxelModel.coords
- Target voxel X location
- Target voxel Y location
- Target voxel Z location
- Current vertex index
New verts, Updated verts indices array, New tris, Updated current vert index
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@njit() def addVerticesAndTriangles(voxel_model_array: np.ndarray, verts_indices: np.ndarray, model_offsets: Tuple, x: int, y: int, z: int, vi: int): """ Find the applicable mesh vertices and triangles for a target voxel. Args: voxel_model_array: VoxelModel.voxels verts_indices: verts indices array model_offsets: VoxelModel.coords x: Target voxel X location y: Target voxel Y location z: Target voxel Z location vi: Current vertex index Returns: New verts, Updated verts indices array, New tris, Updated current vert index """ adjacent = [ [check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 1, 0, 0), check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, -1, 0, 0)], [check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 0, 1, 0), check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 0, -1, 0)], [check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 0, 0, 1), check_adjacent(voxel_model_array, x, y, z, 0, 0, -1)] ] cube_verts_indices = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) verts = [] tris = [] if not adjacent[0][0] or not adjacent[1][0] or not adjacent[2][0]: vert_pos = (x+1, y+1, z+1) if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1: verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]]) vi = vi + 1 cube_verts_indices[0] = verts_indices[vert_pos] if not adjacent[0][0] or not adjacent[1][1] or not adjacent[2][0]: vert_pos = (x+1, y, z+1) if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1: verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]]) vi = vi + 1 cube_verts_indices[1] = verts_indices[vert_pos] if not adjacent[0][1] or not adjacent[1][0] or not adjacent[2][0]: vert_pos = (x, y+1, z+1) if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1: verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]]) vi = vi + 1 cube_verts_indices[2] = verts_indices[vert_pos] if not adjacent[0][1] or not adjacent[1][1] or not adjacent[2][0]: vert_pos = (x, y, z+1) if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1: verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]]) vi = vi + 1 cube_verts_indices[3] = verts_indices[vert_pos] if not adjacent[0][0] or not adjacent[1][0] or not adjacent[2][1]: vert_pos = (x+1, y+1, z) if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1: verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]]) vi = vi + 1 cube_verts_indices[4] = verts_indices[vert_pos] if not adjacent[0][0] or not adjacent[1][1] or not adjacent[2][1]: vert_pos = (x+1, y, z) if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1: verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]]) vi = vi + 1 cube_verts_indices[5] = verts_indices[vert_pos] if not adjacent[0][1] or not adjacent[1][0] or not adjacent[2][1]: vert_pos = (x, y+1, z) if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1: verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]]) vi = vi + 1 cube_verts_indices[6] = verts_indices[vert_pos] if not adjacent[0][1] or not adjacent[1][1] or not adjacent[2][1]: vert_pos = (x, y, z) if verts_indices[vert_pos] < 1: verts_indices[vert_pos] = vi verts.append([vert_pos[0]+model_offsets[0], vert_pos[1]+model_offsets[1], vert_pos[2]+model_offsets[2]]) vi = vi + 1 cube_verts_indices[7] = verts_indices[vert_pos] if not adjacent[0][0]: tris.append([cube_verts_indices[0] - 1, cube_verts_indices[1] - 1, cube_verts_indices[5] - 1]) tris.append([cube_verts_indices[5] - 1, cube_verts_indices[4] - 1, cube_verts_indices[0] - 1]) if not adjacent[1][0]: tris.append([cube_verts_indices[2] - 1, cube_verts_indices[0] - 1, cube_verts_indices[4] - 1]) tris.append([cube_verts_indices[4] - 1, cube_verts_indices[6] - 1, cube_verts_indices[2] - 1]) if not adjacent[2][0]: tris.append([cube_verts_indices[1] - 1, cube_verts_indices[0] - 1, cube_verts_indices[2] - 1]) tris.append([cube_verts_indices[2] - 1, cube_verts_indices[3] - 1, cube_verts_indices[1] - 1]) if not adjacent[0][1]: tris.append([cube_verts_indices[3] - 1, cube_verts_indices[2] - 1, cube_verts_indices[6] - 1]) tris.append([cube_verts_indices[6] - 1, cube_verts_indices[7] - 1, cube_verts_indices[3] - 1]) if not adjacent[1][1]: tris.append([cube_verts_indices[1] - 1, cube_verts_indices[3] - 1, cube_verts_indices[7] - 1]) tris.append([cube_verts_indices[7] - 1, cube_verts_indices[5] - 1, cube_verts_indices[1] - 1]) if not adjacent[2][1]: tris.append([cube_verts_indices[4] - 1, cube_verts_indices[5] - 1, cube_verts_indices[7] - 1]) tris.append([cube_verts_indices[7] - 1, cube_verts_indices[6] - 1, cube_verts_indices[4] - 1]) return verts, verts_indices.astype(np.uint32), tris, vi
def check_adjacent(input_model: numpy.ndarray, x_coord: int, y_coord: int, z_coord: int, x_dir: int, y_dir: int, z_dir: int)
Check if a target voxel has another voxel adjacent to it in the specified direction.
- VoxelModel.voxels
- Target voxel X location
- Target voxel Y location
- Target voxel Z location
- Specify X direction and distance (usually 1 or -1)
- Specify Y direction and distance (usually 1 or -1)
- Specify Z direction and distance (usually 1 or -1)
Adjacent voxel present/not present
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@njit() def check_adjacent(input_model: np.ndarray, x_coord: int, y_coord: int, z_coord: int, x_dir: int, y_dir: int, z_dir: int): """ Check if a target voxel has another voxel adjacent to it in the specified direction. Args: input_model: VoxelModel.voxels x_coord: Target voxel X location y_coord: Target voxel Y location z_coord: Target voxel Z location x_dir: Specify X direction and distance (usually 1 or -1) y_dir: Specify Y direction and distance (usually 1 or -1) z_dir: Specify Z direction and distance (usually 1 or -1) Returns: Adjacent voxel present/not present """ x_coord_new = x_coord+x_dir y_coord_new = y_coord+y_dir z_coord_new = z_coord+z_dir x_in_bounds = (x_coord_new >= 0) and (x_coord_new < input_model.shape[0]) y_in_bounds = (y_coord_new >= 0) and (y_coord_new < input_model.shape[1]) z_in_bounds = (z_coord_new >= 0) and (z_coord_new < input_model.shape[2]) if x_in_bounds and y_in_bounds and z_in_bounds and input_model[x_coord_new, y_coord_new, z_coord_new] > 0: return True else: return False
def findSquare(vi: int, vert_type: numpy.ndarray, vert_index: numpy.ndarray, vert_color: numpy.ndarray, voxel_model_array: numpy.ndarray, x: int, y: int, z: int, dx: int, dy: int, dz: int)
Find the largest square starting from a given point and generate the corresponding points and tris.
- Current vertex index
- Array of vertex types
- Array of vertex indices
- Array of vertex colors
- Voxel data array
- Target voxel X
- Target voxel Y
- Target voxel Z
- Square search step in X
- Square search step in Y
- Square search step in Z
vi, vert_type, vert_index, new_verts, new_colors, new_tris, new_quads
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@njit() def findSquare(vi: int, vert_type: np.ndarray, vert_index: np.ndarray, vert_color: np.ndarray, voxel_model_array: np.ndarray, x: int, y: int, z: int, dx: int, dy: int, dz: int): """ Find the largest square starting from a given point and generate the corresponding points and tris. Args: vi: Current vertex index vert_type: Array of vertex types vert_index: Array of vertex indices vert_color: Array of vertex colors voxel_model_array: Voxel data array x: Target voxel X y: Target voxel Y z: Target voxel Z dx: Square search step in X dy: Square search step in Y dz: Square search step in Z Returns: vi, vert_type, vert_index, new_verts, new_colors, new_tris, new_quads """ x_len, y_len, z_len = vert_type.shape new_verts = [] new_colors = [] new_tris = [] new_quads = [] vert_on_surface = (vert_type[x, y, z] == 1 or vert_type[x, y, z] == 2) if vert_on_surface and x+dx < x_len and y+dy < y_len and z+dz < z_len: # Point is a face vertex and next point is in bounds xn = x yn = y zn = z for i in range(1, max(x_len - x, y_len - y, z_len - z)): # See if a square can be found starting at this point xn = x + dx * i yn = y + dy * i zn = z + dz * i # Check if endpoint is in bounds in_range = [xn < x_len, yn < y_len, zn < z_len] if not np.all(np.array(in_range)): xn = x + dx * (i-1) yn = y + dy * (i-1) zn = z + dz * (i-1) break face = (vert_type[x:xn+1, y:yn+1, z:zn+1] == 1) blocking = (vert_type[x:xn+1, y:yn+1, z:zn+1] == 2) on_surface = np.logical_or(face, blocking) # Check if square includes only surface vertices if not np.all(on_surface): xn = x + dx * (i-1) yn = y + dy * (i-1) zn = z + dz * (i-1) break # Check if square includes any blocking vertices if np.any(blocking): break square = None # Determine vert coords based on search direction if xn > x and yn > y and zn == z: # vert_type[x:xn+1, y:yn+1, z] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior vert_type[x+1:xn, y+1:yn, z] = 3 # Type 3 = interior/already included in a square vx_pos = False vx_neg = False if z - 1 >= 0: vx_neg = (voxel_model_array[x, y, z - 1] != 0) if z < z_len-1: vx_pos = (voxel_model_array[x, y, z] != 0) if vx_pos and not vx_neg: # CW square = [[x, y, z], [x, yn, z], [xn, y, z], [xn, yn, z]] elif vx_neg and not vx_pos: # CCW square = [[x, y, z], [xn, y, z], [x, yn, z], [xn, yn, z]] else: # Interior face -- can occur with certain small features square = None elif xn > x and yn == y and zn > z: # vert_type[x:xn+1, y, z:zn+1] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior vert_type[x+1:xn, y, z+1:zn] = 3 # Type 3 = interior/already included in a square vx_pos = False vx_neg = False if y - 1 >= 0: vx_neg = (voxel_model_array[x, y - 1, z] != 0) if y < y_len-1: vx_pos = (voxel_model_array[x, y, z] != 0) if vx_pos and not vx_neg: # CW square = [[x, y, z], [xn, y, z], [x, y, zn], [xn, y, zn]] elif vx_neg and not vx_pos: # CCW square = [[x, y, z], [x, y, zn], [xn, y, z], [xn, y, zn]] else: # Interior face -- can occur with certain small features square = None elif xn == x and yn > y and zn > z: # vert_type[x, y:yn+1, z:zn+1] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior vert_type[x, y+1:yn, z+1:zn] = 3 # Type 3 = interior/already included in a square vx_pos = False vx_neg = False if x - 1 >= 0: vx_neg = (voxel_model_array[x - 1, y, z] != 0) if x < x_len-1: vx_pos = (voxel_model_array[x, y, z] != 0) if vx_pos and not vx_neg: # CW square = [[x, y, z], [x, y, zn], [x, yn, z], [x, yn, zn]] elif vx_neg and not vx_pos: # CCW square = [[x, y, z], [x, yn, z], [x, y, zn], [x, yn, zn]] else: # Interior face -- can occur with certain small features square = None # Add verts, tris, quads, and colors if square is not None: p = [] for i in range(len(square)): new_vi = vert_index[square[i][0], square[i][1], square[i][2]] if new_vi == -1: new_verts.append(square[i]) new_colors.append(vert_color[square[i][0], square[i][1], square[i][2]]) vert_index[square[i][0], square[i][1], square[i][2]] = vi p.append(vi) vi = vi + 1 else: p.append(new_vi) new_tris.append([p[0], p[1], p[2]]) new_tris.append([p[3], p[2], p[1]]) new_quads.append([p[0], p[1], p[3], p[2]]) return vi, vert_type, vert_index, new_verts, new_colors, new_tris, new_quads
def generateColors(n: int, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1))
Generate a colors list with the given number of elements
- Number of vertices in target model
- Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
List of vertex colors
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def generateColors(n: int, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)): """ Generate a colors list with the given number of elements Args: n: Number of vertices in target model color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: List of vertex colors """ verts_colors = [] voxel_color = list(color) for i in range(n): verts_colors.append(voxel_color) verts_colors = np.array(verts_colors) return verts_colors
def markInsideCorner(vert_type, x, y, z)
Determine if target voxel is an inside corner.
- Array of vertex types
- Target voxel X
- Target voxel Y
- Target voxel Z
Updated array of vertex types
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@njit() def markInsideCorner(vert_type, x, y, z): """ Determine if target voxel is an inside corner. Args: vert_type: Array of vertex types x: Target voxel X y: Target voxel Y z: Target voxel Z Returns: Updated array of vertex types """ x_len, y_len, z_len = vert_type.shape adjacent_empty = [True, True, True, True, True, True] if x > 0: adjacent_empty[0] = (vert_type[x - 1, y, z] == 0) if x < x_len-1: adjacent_empty[1] = (vert_type[x + 1, y, z] == 0) if y > 0: adjacent_empty[2] = (vert_type[x, y - 1, z] == 0) if y < y_len-1: adjacent_empty[3] = (vert_type[x, y + 1, z] == 0) if z > 0: adjacent_empty[4] = (vert_type[x, y, z - 1] == 0) if z < z_len-1: adjacent_empty[5] = (vert_type[x, y, z + 1] == 0) is_face = [adjacent_empty[0] != adjacent_empty[1], adjacent_empty[2] != adjacent_empty[3], adjacent_empty[4] != adjacent_empty[5]] # Inside corner - 0 faces # Face - 1 face # Outside edge - 2 faces # Outside corner - 3 faces if vert_type[x, y, z] == 1 and np.sum(np.array(is_face)) == 0: vert_type[x, y, z] = 2 # Type 2 = blocking return vert_type
def markInterior(vert_type: numpy.ndarray, x: int, y: int, z: int)
Determine if target voxel is an interior voxel.
- Array of vertex types
- Target voxel X
- Target voxel Y
- Target voxel Z
Updated array of vertex types
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@njit() def markInterior(vert_type: np.ndarray, x: int, y: int, z: int): """ Determine if target voxel is an interior voxel. Args: vert_type: Array of vertex types x: Target voxel X y: Target voxel Y z: Target voxel Z Returns: Updated array of vertex types """ if np.all(vert_type[x-1:x+2, y-1:y+2, z-1:z+2] != 0): vert_type[x, y, z] = 3 # Type 3 = interior/already included in a square return vert_type
class Mesh (voxels: Optional[numpy.ndarray], verts: numpy.ndarray, verts_colors: numpy.ndarray, tris: numpy.ndarray, resolution: float)
Mesh object that can be exported or passed to a Plot object.
Initialize a Mesh object.
- Voxel data array
- List of coordinates of surface vertices
- List of colors associated with each vertex
- List of the sets of vertices associated with triangular faces
- Number of voxels per mm
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class Mesh: """ Mesh object that can be exported or passed to a Plot object. """ def __init__(self, voxels: TypeUnion[np.ndarray, None], verts: np.ndarray, verts_colors: np.ndarray, tris: np.ndarray, resolution: float): """ Initialize a Mesh object. Args: voxels: Voxel data array verts: List of coordinates of surface vertices verts_colors: List of colors associated with each vertex tris: List of the sets of vertices associated with triangular faces resolution: Number of voxels per mm """ if voxels is not None: self.model = voxels else: self.model = np.array([[[0]]]) self.verts = verts self.colors = verts_colors self.tris = tris self.res = resolution @classmethod def fromMeshFile(cls, filename: str, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)): """ Import a mesh file to a mesh object. ---- Example: ``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.fromMeshFile(example.stl)`` ---- Args: filename: File name with extension color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: Mesh """ # Open file data = # Read verts verts = np.array(data.points) # Align to origin x_min = np.min(verts[:, 0]) y_min = np.min(verts[:, 1]) z_min = np.min(verts[:, 2]) verts[:, 0] = np.subtract(verts[:, 0], x_min) verts[:, 1] = np.subtract(verts[:, 1], y_min) verts[:, 2] = np.subtract(verts[:, 2], z_min) # Generate colors verts_colors = generateColors(len(verts), color) # Read tris tris = [] for cell in data.cells: if cell[0] == 'triangle': for tri in cell[1]: tris.append(tri) tris = np.array(tris) return cls(None, verts, verts_colors, tris, 1) @classmethod def fromVoxelModel(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None): """ Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object. ---- Example: ``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.fromVoxelModel(model1)`` ---- Args: voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a), None to use voxel colors Returns: Mesh """ voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace() voxel_model_array = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16) model_materials = voxel_model_fit.materials model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords # Find exterior voxels exterior_voxels_array = voxel_model_fit.difference(voxel_model_fit.erode(radius=1, connectivity=1)).voxels x_len, y_len, z_len = voxel_model_array.shape # Create list of exterior voxel coordinates exterior_voxels_coords = [] for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Finding exterior voxels'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): if exterior_voxels_array[x, y, z] != 0: exterior_voxels_coords.append([x, y, z]) # Get voxel array voxel_model_array[voxel_model_array < 0] = 0 # Initialize arrays verts = [] verts_colors = [] verts_indices = np.zeros((x_len+1, y_len+1, z_len+1)) tris = [] vi = 1 # Tracks current vertex index # Loop through voxel_model_array data for voxel_coords in tqdm(exterior_voxels_coords, desc='Meshing'): x, y, z = voxel_coords if color is None: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 for i in range(voxel_model.materials.shape[1]-1): r = r + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['r'] g = g + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['g'] b = b + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['b'] r = 1 if r > 1 else r g = 1 if g > 1 else g b = 1 if b > 1 else b a = 1 - model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][1] voxel_color = [r, g, b, a] else: voxel_color = list(color) # Add cube vertices new_verts, verts_indices, new_tris, vi = addVerticesAndTriangles(voxel_model_array, verts_indices, model_offsets, x, y, z, vi) verts += new_verts tris += new_tris # Apply color to all vertices for i in range(len(new_verts)): verts_colors.append(voxel_color) verts = np.array(verts, dtype=np.float32) verts_colors = np.array(verts_colors, dtype=np.float32) tris = np.array(tris, dtype=np.uint32) return cls(voxel_model_array, verts, verts_colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution) @classmethod def simpleSquares(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None): """ Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object using large square faces. This function can greatly reduce the file size of generated meshes. However, it may not correctly recognize small (1 voxel) model features and currently produces files with a nonstandard vertex arrangement. Use at your own risk. ---- Example: ``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.simpleSquares(model1)`` ---- Args: voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a), None to use voxel colors Returns: Mesh """ voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace() voxel_model_array = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16) model_materials = voxel_model_fit.materials model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords x_len, y_len, z_len = voxel_model_array.shape # Determine vertex types vert_type = np.zeros((x_len + 1, y_len + 1, z_len + 1), dtype=np.uint8) vert_color = np.zeros((x_len + 1, y_len + 1, z_len + 1, 4), dtype=np.float32) for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Finding voxel vertices'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): if voxel_model_array[x, y, z] > 0: vert_type[x:x+2, y:y+2, z:z+2] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior if color is None: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 for i in range(voxel_model.materials.shape[1] - 1): r = r + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['r'] g = g + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['g'] b = b + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['b'] r = 1 if r > 1 else r g = 1 if g > 1 else g b = 1 if b > 1 else b a = 1 - model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][1] voxel_color = np.array([r, g, b, a]) else: voxel_color = np.array(color) for cx in range(x, x+2): for cy in range(y, y+2): for cz in range(z, z+2): vert_color[cx, cy, cz, :] = voxel_color for x in tqdm(range(1, x_len), desc='Finding interior vertices'): for y in range(1, y_len): for z in range(1, z_len): vert_type = markInterior(vert_type, x, y, z) for x in tqdm(range(0, x_len+1), desc='Finding feature vertices'): for y in range(0, y_len+1): for z in range(0, z_len+1): vert_type = markInsideCorner(vert_type, x, y, z) # Initialize arrays vi = 0 # Tracks current vertex index verts = [] colors = [] tris = [] quads = [] vert_index = np.multiply(np.ones_like(vert_type, dtype=np.int32), -1) for x in tqdm(range(x_len + 1), desc='Meshing'): for y in range(y_len + 1): for z in range(z_len + 1): dirs = [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]] for d in dirs: vi, vert_type, vert_index, new_verts, new_colors, new_tris, new_quads = findSquare(vi, vert_type, vert_index, vert_color, voxel_model_array, x, y, z, d[0], d[1], d[2]) verts += new_verts colors += new_colors tris += new_tris quads += new_quads verts = np.array(verts, dtype=np.float32) colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.float32) tris = np.array(tris, dtype=np.uint32) quads = np.array(quads, dtype=np.uint32) # Shift model to align with origin verts[:, 0] = np.add(verts[:, 0], model_offsets[0]) verts[:, 1] = np.add(verts[:, 1], model_offsets[1]) verts[:, 2] = np.add(verts[:, 2], model_offsets[2]) return cls(voxel_model_array, verts, colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution) @classmethod def marchingCubes(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, smooth: bool = False, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)): """ Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object using a marching cubes algorithm. This meshing approach is best suited to high resolution models where some smoothing is acceptable. Args: voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh smooth: Enable smoothing color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: None """ voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace().getOccupied() voxels = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16) x, y, z = voxels.shape model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords voxels_padded = np.zeros((x + 2, y + 2, z + 2)) voxels_padded[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = voxels if smooth: voxels_padded = mcubes.smooth(voxels_padded) levelset = 0 else: levelset = 0.5 verts, tris = mcubes.marching_cubes(voxels_padded, levelset) # Shift model to align with origin verts = np.subtract(verts, 0.5) verts[:, 0] = np.add(verts[:, 0], model_offsets[0]) verts[:, 1] = np.add(verts[:, 1], model_offsets[1]) verts[:, 2] = np.add(verts[:, 2], model_offsets[2]) verts_colors = generateColors(len(verts), color) return cls(voxels_padded, verts, verts_colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution) @classmethod def copy(cls, mesh): """ Initialize a Mesh that is a copy of another mesh. Args: mesh: Reference Mesh object Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = cls(np.copy(mesh.model), np.copy(mesh.verts), np.copy(mesh.colors), np.copy(mesh.tris), mesh.res) return new_mesh def setResolution(self, resolution: float): """ Change the defined resolution of a mesh. The mesh resolution will determine the scale of plots and exported mesh files. Args: resolution: Number of voxels per mm (higher number = finer resolution) Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self) new_mesh.res = resolution return new_mesh def scale(self, factor: float): """ Apply a scaling factor to a mesh. Args: factor: Scaling factor Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self) new_mesh.verts = np.multiply(self.verts, factor) return new_mesh def simplify(self, percent_verts: float, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)): """ Simplify a mesh to contain a given percentage of the original number of vertices. More information on the simplification algorithm is available at: Args: percent_verts: Percentage of vertex count allowed in the result mesh, 0-1 color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: Mesh """ num_verts = self.verts.shape[0] target_verts = num_verts * percent_verts new_verts, new_tris = simplify_mesh(positions=self.verts.astype(np.double), face=self.tris.astype(np.uint32), num_nodes=target_verts) verts_colors = generateColors(len(new_verts), color) return Mesh(np.copy(self.model), new_verts, verts_colors, new_tris, self.res) def translate(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]): """ Translate a model by the specified vector. Args: vector: Translation vector in voxels Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self) new_mesh.verts[:, 0] = np.add(self.verts[:, 0], vector[0]) new_mesh.verts[:, 1] = np.add(self.verts[:, 1], vector[1]) new_mesh.verts[:, 2] = np.add(self.verts[:, 2], vector[2]) return new_mesh def translateMM(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]): """ Translate a model by the specified vector. Args: vector: Translation vector in mm Returns: Mesh """ xV = vector[0] * self.res yV = vector[1] * self.res zV = vector[2] * self.res new_mesh = self.translate((xV, yV, zV)) return new_mesh def setColor(self, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float]): """ Change the color of a mesh. Args: color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self) new_mesh.colors = generateColors(len(self.verts), color) return new_mesh def plot(self, plot = None, name: str = 'mesh', wireframe: bool = True, mm_scale: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Add mesh to a K3D plot in Jupyter Notebook. Additional display options: - flat_shading: `bool`. Whether mesh should display with flat shading. - opacity: `float`. Opacity of mesh. - volume: `array_like`. 3D array of `float` - volume_bounds: `array_like`. 6-element tuple specifying the bounds of the volume data (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) - opacity_function: `array`. A list of float tuples (attribute value, opacity), sorted by attribute value. The first tuples should have value 0.0, the last 1.0; opacity is in the range 0.0 to 1.0. - side: `string`. Control over which side to render for a mesh. Legal values are `front`, `back`, `double`. - texture: `bytes`. Image data in a specific format. - texture_file_format: `str`. Format of the data, it should be the second part of MIME format of type 'image/', for example 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'tiff'. - uvs: `array_like`. Array of float uvs for the texturing, coresponding to each vertex. - kwargs: `dict`. Dictionary arguments to configure transform and model_matrix. More information available at: Args: plot: Plot object to add mesh to name: Mesh name wireframe: Enable displaying mesh as a wireframe mm_scale: Enable to use a mm plot scale, disable to use a voxel plot scale kwargs: Additional display options (see above) Returns: K3D plot object """ # Get verts verts = self.verts # Adjust coordinate scale if mm_scale: verts = np.divide(verts, self.res) # Get tris tris = self.tris # Get colors colors = [] for c in self.colors: colors.append(rgb_to_hex(c[0], c[1], c[2])) colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.uint32) # Plot if plot is None: plot = k3d.plot() plot += k3d.mesh(verts.astype(np.float32), tris.astype(np.uint32), colors=colors, name=name, wireframe=wireframe, **kwargs) return plot def viewer(self, grids: bool = False, drawEdges: bool = True, edgeColor: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0, 0.5), positionOffset: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), viewAngle: Tuple[int, int, int] = (40, 30, 300), resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (1280, 720), name: str = 'Plot 1', export: bool = False): """ Display the mesh in a 3D viewer window. This function will block program execution until viewer window is closed Args: grids: Enable/disable display of XYZ axes and grids drawEdges: Enable/disable display of voxel edges edgeColor: Set display color of voxel edges positionOffset: Offset of the camera target from the center of the model in voxels viewAngle: Elevation, Azimuth, and Distance of the camera resolution: Window resolution in px name: Plot window name export: Enable/disable exporting a screenshot of the plot Returns: None """ app = qtw.QApplication(sys.argv) mesh_data = pgo.MeshData(vertexes=self.verts, faces=self.tris, vertexColors=self.colors, faceColors=None) mesh_item = pgo.GLMeshItem(meshdata=mesh_data, shader='balloon', drawEdges=drawEdges, edgeColor=edgeColor, smooth=False, computeNormals=False, glOptions='translucent') widget = pgo.GLViewWidget() widget.setBackgroundColor('w') widget.addItem(mesh_item) if grids: # Add grids gx = pgo.GLGridItem() gx.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50) gx.rotate(90, 0, 1, 0) gx.translate(-0.5, 24.5, 24.5) widget.addItem(gx) gy = pgo.GLGridItem() gy.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50) gy.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0) gy.translate(24.5, -0.5, 24.5) widget.addItem(gy) gz = pgo.GLGridItem() gz.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50) gz.translate(24.5, 24.5, -0.5) widget.addItem(gz) # Add axes ptsx = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [50, -0.5, -0.5]]) pltx = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsx, color=(1, 0, 0, 1), width=1, antialias=True) widget.addItem(pltx) ptsy = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 50, -0.5]]) plty = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsy, color=(0, 1, 0, 1), width=1, antialias=True) widget.addItem(plty) ptsz = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, -0.5, 50]]) pltz = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsz, color=(0, 0, 1, 1), width=1, antialias=True) widget.addItem(pltz) # Set plot options widget.opts['center'] = qg.QVector3D(((self.model.shape[0] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[0], ((self.model.shape[1] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[1], ((self.model.shape[2] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[2]) widget.opts['elevation'] = viewAngle[0] widget.opts['azimuth'] = viewAngle[1] widget.opts['distance'] = viewAngle[2] widget.resize(resolution[0], resolution[1]) # Show plot widget.setWindowTitle(str(name)) app.processEvents() # if export: # TODO: Fix export code # widget.paintGL() # widget.grabFrameBuffer().save(str(name) + '.png') print('Close viewer to resume program') app.exec_() app.quit() # Export model from mesh data def export(self, filename: str): """ Save a copy of the mesh with the specified name and file format. ---- Example: ``mesh1.export('result.stl')`` ---- Args: filename: File name with extension Returns: None """ # Adjust coordinate scale verts = np.divide(self.verts, self.res) cells = { "triangle": self.tris } output_mesh = meshio.Mesh(verts, cells) meshio.write(filename, output_mesh)
Static methods
def copy(mesh)
Initialize a Mesh that is a copy of another mesh.
- Reference Mesh object
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@classmethod def copy(cls, mesh): """ Initialize a Mesh that is a copy of another mesh. Args: mesh: Reference Mesh object Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = cls(np.copy(mesh.model), np.copy(mesh.verts), np.copy(mesh.colors), np.copy(mesh.tris), mesh.res) return new_mesh
def fromMeshFile(filename: str, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1))
Import a mesh file to a mesh object.
mesh1 = vf.Mesh.fromMeshFile(example.stl)
- File name with extension
- Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
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@classmethod def fromMeshFile(cls, filename: str, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)): """ Import a mesh file to a mesh object. ---- Example: ``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.fromMeshFile(example.stl)`` ---- Args: filename: File name with extension color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: Mesh """ # Open file data = # Read verts verts = np.array(data.points) # Align to origin x_min = np.min(verts[:, 0]) y_min = np.min(verts[:, 1]) z_min = np.min(verts[:, 2]) verts[:, 0] = np.subtract(verts[:, 0], x_min) verts[:, 1] = np.subtract(verts[:, 1], y_min) verts[:, 2] = np.subtract(verts[:, 2], z_min) # Generate colors verts_colors = generateColors(len(verts), color) # Read tris tris = [] for cell in data.cells: if cell[0] == 'triangle': for tri in cell[1]: tris.append(tri) tris = np.array(tris) return cls(None, verts, verts_colors, tris, 1)
def fromVoxelModel(voxel_model: VoxelModel, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None)
Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object.
mesh1 = vf.Mesh.fromVoxelModel(model1)
- VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh
- Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a), None to use voxel colors
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@classmethod def fromVoxelModel(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None): """ Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object. ---- Example: ``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.fromVoxelModel(model1)`` ---- Args: voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a), None to use voxel colors Returns: Mesh """ voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace() voxel_model_array = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16) model_materials = voxel_model_fit.materials model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords # Find exterior voxels exterior_voxels_array = voxel_model_fit.difference(voxel_model_fit.erode(radius=1, connectivity=1)).voxels x_len, y_len, z_len = voxel_model_array.shape # Create list of exterior voxel coordinates exterior_voxels_coords = [] for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Finding exterior voxels'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): if exterior_voxels_array[x, y, z] != 0: exterior_voxels_coords.append([x, y, z]) # Get voxel array voxel_model_array[voxel_model_array < 0] = 0 # Initialize arrays verts = [] verts_colors = [] verts_indices = np.zeros((x_len+1, y_len+1, z_len+1)) tris = [] vi = 1 # Tracks current vertex index # Loop through voxel_model_array data for voxel_coords in tqdm(exterior_voxels_coords, desc='Meshing'): x, y, z = voxel_coords if color is None: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 for i in range(voxel_model.materials.shape[1]-1): r = r + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['r'] g = g + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['g'] b = b + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i+1] * material_properties[i]['b'] r = 1 if r > 1 else r g = 1 if g > 1 else g b = 1 if b > 1 else b a = 1 - model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][1] voxel_color = [r, g, b, a] else: voxel_color = list(color) # Add cube vertices new_verts, verts_indices, new_tris, vi = addVerticesAndTriangles(voxel_model_array, verts_indices, model_offsets, x, y, z, vi) verts += new_verts tris += new_tris # Apply color to all vertices for i in range(len(new_verts)): verts_colors.append(voxel_color) verts = np.array(verts, dtype=np.float32) verts_colors = np.array(verts_colors, dtype=np.float32) tris = np.array(tris, dtype=np.uint32) return cls(voxel_model_array, verts, verts_colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution)
def marchingCubes(voxel_model: VoxelModel, smooth: bool = False, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1))
Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object using a marching cubes algorithm.
This meshing approach is best suited to high resolution models where some smoothing is acceptable.
- VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh
- Enable smoothing
- Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
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@classmethod def marchingCubes(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, smooth: bool = False, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)): """ Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object using a marching cubes algorithm. This meshing approach is best suited to high resolution models where some smoothing is acceptable. Args: voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh smooth: Enable smoothing color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: None """ voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace().getOccupied() voxels = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16) x, y, z = voxels.shape model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords voxels_padded = np.zeros((x + 2, y + 2, z + 2)) voxels_padded[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = voxels if smooth: voxels_padded = mcubes.smooth(voxels_padded) levelset = 0 else: levelset = 0.5 verts, tris = mcubes.marching_cubes(voxels_padded, levelset) # Shift model to align with origin verts = np.subtract(verts, 0.5) verts[:, 0] = np.add(verts[:, 0], model_offsets[0]) verts[:, 1] = np.add(verts[:, 1], model_offsets[1]) verts[:, 2] = np.add(verts[:, 2], model_offsets[2]) verts_colors = generateColors(len(verts), color) return cls(voxels_padded, verts, verts_colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution)
def simpleSquares(voxel_model: VoxelModel, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None)
Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object using large square faces.
This function can greatly reduce the file size of generated meshes. However, it may not correctly recognize small (1 voxel) model features and currently produces files with a nonstandard vertex arrangement. Use at your own risk.
mesh1 = vf.Mesh.simpleSquares(model1)
- VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh
- Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a), None to use voxel colors
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@classmethod def simpleSquares(cls, voxel_model: VoxelModel, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None): """ Generate a mesh object from a VoxelModel object using large square faces. This function can greatly reduce the file size of generated meshes. However, it may not correctly recognize small (1 voxel) model features and currently produces files with a nonstandard vertex arrangement. Use at your own risk. ---- Example: ``mesh1 = vf.Mesh.simpleSquares(model1)`` ---- Args: voxel_model: VoxelModel object to be converted to a mesh color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a), None to use voxel colors Returns: Mesh """ voxel_model_fit = voxel_model.fitWorkspace() voxel_model_array = voxel_model_fit.voxels.astype(np.uint16) model_materials = voxel_model_fit.materials model_offsets = voxel_model_fit.coords x_len, y_len, z_len = voxel_model_array.shape # Determine vertex types vert_type = np.zeros((x_len + 1, y_len + 1, z_len + 1), dtype=np.uint8) vert_color = np.zeros((x_len + 1, y_len + 1, z_len + 1, 4), dtype=np.float32) for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Finding voxel vertices'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): if voxel_model_array[x, y, z] > 0: vert_type[x:x+2, y:y+2, z:z+2] = 1 # Type 1 = occupied/exterior if color is None: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 for i in range(voxel_model.materials.shape[1] - 1): r = r + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['r'] g = g + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['g'] b = b + model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][i + 1] * material_properties[i]['b'] r = 1 if r > 1 else r g = 1 if g > 1 else g b = 1 if b > 1 else b a = 1 - model_materials[voxel_model_array[x, y, z]][1] voxel_color = np.array([r, g, b, a]) else: voxel_color = np.array(color) for cx in range(x, x+2): for cy in range(y, y+2): for cz in range(z, z+2): vert_color[cx, cy, cz, :] = voxel_color for x in tqdm(range(1, x_len), desc='Finding interior vertices'): for y in range(1, y_len): for z in range(1, z_len): vert_type = markInterior(vert_type, x, y, z) for x in tqdm(range(0, x_len+1), desc='Finding feature vertices'): for y in range(0, y_len+1): for z in range(0, z_len+1): vert_type = markInsideCorner(vert_type, x, y, z) # Initialize arrays vi = 0 # Tracks current vertex index verts = [] colors = [] tris = [] quads = [] vert_index = np.multiply(np.ones_like(vert_type, dtype=np.int32), -1) for x in tqdm(range(x_len + 1), desc='Meshing'): for y in range(y_len + 1): for z in range(z_len + 1): dirs = [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]] for d in dirs: vi, vert_type, vert_index, new_verts, new_colors, new_tris, new_quads = findSquare(vi, vert_type, vert_index, vert_color, voxel_model_array, x, y, z, d[0], d[1], d[2]) verts += new_verts colors += new_colors tris += new_tris quads += new_quads verts = np.array(verts, dtype=np.float32) colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.float32) tris = np.array(tris, dtype=np.uint32) quads = np.array(quads, dtype=np.uint32) # Shift model to align with origin verts[:, 0] = np.add(verts[:, 0], model_offsets[0]) verts[:, 1] = np.add(verts[:, 1], model_offsets[1]) verts[:, 2] = np.add(verts[:, 2], model_offsets[2]) return cls(voxel_model_array, verts, colors, tris, voxel_model.resolution)
def export(self, filename: str)
Save a copy of the mesh with the specified name and file format.
- File name with extension
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def export(self, filename: str): """ Save a copy of the mesh with the specified name and file format. ---- Example: ``mesh1.export('result.stl')`` ---- Args: filename: File name with extension Returns: None """ # Adjust coordinate scale verts = np.divide(self.verts, self.res) cells = { "triangle": self.tris } output_mesh = meshio.Mesh(verts, cells) meshio.write(filename, output_mesh)
def plot(self, plot=None, name: str = 'mesh', wireframe: bool = True, mm_scale: bool = False, **kwargs)
Add mesh to a K3D plot in Jupyter Notebook.
Additional display options:
- flat_shading:
. Whether mesh should display with flat shading. - opacity:
. Opacity of mesh. - volume:
. 3D array offloat
- volume_bounds:
. 6-element tuple specifying the bounds of the volume data (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) - opacity_function:
. A list of float tuples (attribute value, opacity), sorted by attribute value. The first tuples should have value 0.0, the last 1.0; opacity is in the range 0.0 to 1.0. - side:
. Control over which side to render for a mesh. Legal values arefront
. - texture:
. Image data in a specific format. - texture_file_format:
. Format of the data, it should be the second part of MIME format of type 'image/', for example 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'tiff'. - uvs:
. Array of float uvs for the texturing, coresponding to each vertex. - kwargs:
. Dictionary arguments to configure transform and model_matrix.
More information available at:
- Plot object to add mesh to
- Mesh name
- Enable displaying mesh as a wireframe
- Enable to use a mm plot scale, disable to use a voxel plot scale
- Additional display options (see above)
K3D plot object
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def plot(self, plot = None, name: str = 'mesh', wireframe: bool = True, mm_scale: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Add mesh to a K3D plot in Jupyter Notebook. Additional display options: - flat_shading: `bool`. Whether mesh should display with flat shading. - opacity: `float`. Opacity of mesh. - volume: `array_like`. 3D array of `float` - volume_bounds: `array_like`. 6-element tuple specifying the bounds of the volume data (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) - opacity_function: `array`. A list of float tuples (attribute value, opacity), sorted by attribute value. The first tuples should have value 0.0, the last 1.0; opacity is in the range 0.0 to 1.0. - side: `string`. Control over which side to render for a mesh. Legal values are `front`, `back`, `double`. - texture: `bytes`. Image data in a specific format. - texture_file_format: `str`. Format of the data, it should be the second part of MIME format of type 'image/', for example 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'tiff'. - uvs: `array_like`. Array of float uvs for the texturing, coresponding to each vertex. - kwargs: `dict`. Dictionary arguments to configure transform and model_matrix. More information available at: Args: plot: Plot object to add mesh to name: Mesh name wireframe: Enable displaying mesh as a wireframe mm_scale: Enable to use a mm plot scale, disable to use a voxel plot scale kwargs: Additional display options (see above) Returns: K3D plot object """ # Get verts verts = self.verts # Adjust coordinate scale if mm_scale: verts = np.divide(verts, self.res) # Get tris tris = self.tris # Get colors colors = [] for c in self.colors: colors.append(rgb_to_hex(c[0], c[1], c[2])) colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.uint32) # Plot if plot is None: plot = k3d.plot() plot += k3d.mesh(verts.astype(np.float32), tris.astype(np.uint32), colors=colors, name=name, wireframe=wireframe, **kwargs) return plot
- flat_shading:
def scale(self, factor: float)
Apply a scaling factor to a mesh.
- Scaling factor
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def scale(self, factor: float): """ Apply a scaling factor to a mesh. Args: factor: Scaling factor Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self) new_mesh.verts = np.multiply(self.verts, factor) return new_mesh
def setColor(self, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float])
Change the color of a mesh.
- Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
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def setColor(self, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float]): """ Change the color of a mesh. Args: color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self) new_mesh.colors = generateColors(len(self.verts), color) return new_mesh
def setResolution(self, resolution: float)
Change the defined resolution of a mesh.
The mesh resolution will determine the scale of plots and exported mesh files.
- Number of voxels per mm (higher number = finer resolution)
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def setResolution(self, resolution: float): """ Change the defined resolution of a mesh. The mesh resolution will determine the scale of plots and exported mesh files. Args: resolution: Number of voxels per mm (higher number = finer resolution) Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self) new_mesh.res = resolution return new_mesh
def simplify(self, percent_verts: float, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1))
Simplify a mesh to contain a given percentage of the original number of vertices.
More information on the simplification algorithm is available at:
- Percentage of vertex count allowed in the result mesh, 0-1
- Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a)
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def simplify(self, percent_verts: float, color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)): """ Simplify a mesh to contain a given percentage of the original number of vertices. More information on the simplification algorithm is available at: Args: percent_verts: Percentage of vertex count allowed in the result mesh, 0-1 color: Mesh color in the format (r, g, b, a) Returns: Mesh """ num_verts = self.verts.shape[0] target_verts = num_verts * percent_verts new_verts, new_tris = simplify_mesh(positions=self.verts.astype(np.double), face=self.tris.astype(np.uint32), num_nodes=target_verts) verts_colors = generateColors(len(new_verts), color) return Mesh(np.copy(self.model), new_verts, verts_colors, new_tris, self.res)
def translate(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float])
Translate a model by the specified vector.
- Translation vector in voxels
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def translate(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]): """ Translate a model by the specified vector. Args: vector: Translation vector in voxels Returns: Mesh """ new_mesh = Mesh.copy(self) new_mesh.verts[:, 0] = np.add(self.verts[:, 0], vector[0]) new_mesh.verts[:, 1] = np.add(self.verts[:, 1], vector[1]) new_mesh.verts[:, 2] = np.add(self.verts[:, 2], vector[2]) return new_mesh
def translateMM(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float])
Translate a model by the specified vector.
- Translation vector in mm
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def translateMM(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]): """ Translate a model by the specified vector. Args: vector: Translation vector in mm Returns: Mesh """ xV = vector[0] * self.res yV = vector[1] * self.res zV = vector[2] * self.res new_mesh = self.translate((xV, yV, zV)) return new_mesh
def viewer(self, grids: bool = False, drawEdges: bool = True, edgeColor: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0, 0.5), positionOffset: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), viewAngle: Tuple[int, int, int] = (40, 30, 300), resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (1280, 720), name: str = 'Plot 1', export: bool = False)
Display the mesh in a 3D viewer window.
This function will block program execution until viewer window is closed
- Enable/disable display of XYZ axes and grids
- Enable/disable display of voxel edges
- Set display color of voxel edges
- Offset of the camera target from the center of the model in voxels
- Elevation, Azimuth, and Distance of the camera
- Window resolution in px
- Plot window name
- Enable/disable exporting a screenshot of the plot
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def viewer(self, grids: bool = False, drawEdges: bool = True, edgeColor: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0, 0.5), positionOffset: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), viewAngle: Tuple[int, int, int] = (40, 30, 300), resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (1280, 720), name: str = 'Plot 1', export: bool = False): """ Display the mesh in a 3D viewer window. This function will block program execution until viewer window is closed Args: grids: Enable/disable display of XYZ axes and grids drawEdges: Enable/disable display of voxel edges edgeColor: Set display color of voxel edges positionOffset: Offset of the camera target from the center of the model in voxels viewAngle: Elevation, Azimuth, and Distance of the camera resolution: Window resolution in px name: Plot window name export: Enable/disable exporting a screenshot of the plot Returns: None """ app = qtw.QApplication(sys.argv) mesh_data = pgo.MeshData(vertexes=self.verts, faces=self.tris, vertexColors=self.colors, faceColors=None) mesh_item = pgo.GLMeshItem(meshdata=mesh_data, shader='balloon', drawEdges=drawEdges, edgeColor=edgeColor, smooth=False, computeNormals=False, glOptions='translucent') widget = pgo.GLViewWidget() widget.setBackgroundColor('w') widget.addItem(mesh_item) if grids: # Add grids gx = pgo.GLGridItem() gx.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50) gx.rotate(90, 0, 1, 0) gx.translate(-0.5, 24.5, 24.5) widget.addItem(gx) gy = pgo.GLGridItem() gy.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50) gy.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0) gy.translate(24.5, -0.5, 24.5) widget.addItem(gy) gz = pgo.GLGridItem() gz.setSize(x=50, y=50, z=50) gz.translate(24.5, 24.5, -0.5) widget.addItem(gz) # Add axes ptsx = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [50, -0.5, -0.5]]) pltx = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsx, color=(1, 0, 0, 1), width=1, antialias=True) widget.addItem(pltx) ptsy = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 50, -0.5]]) plty = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsy, color=(0, 1, 0, 1), width=1, antialias=True) widget.addItem(plty) ptsz = np.array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, -0.5, 50]]) pltz = pgo.GLLinePlotItem(pos=ptsz, color=(0, 0, 1, 1), width=1, antialias=True) widget.addItem(pltz) # Set plot options widget.opts['center'] = qg.QVector3D(((self.model.shape[0] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[0], ((self.model.shape[1] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[1], ((self.model.shape[2] / self.res) / 2) + positionOffset[2]) widget.opts['elevation'] = viewAngle[0] widget.opts['azimuth'] = viewAngle[1] widget.opts['distance'] = viewAngle[2] widget.resize(resolution[0], resolution[1]) # Show plot widget.setWindowTitle(str(name)) app.processEvents() # if export: # TODO: Fix export code # widget.paintGL() # widget.grabFrameBuffer().save(str(name) + '.png') print('Close viewer to resume program') app.exec_() app.quit()