Module voxelfuse.voxel_model
VoxelModel Class
Copyright 2021 - Cole Brauer, Dan Aukes
Expand source code
VoxelModel Class
Copyright 2021 - Cole Brauer, Dan Aukes
import os
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import meshio
import k3d
import zlib
import base64
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union as TypeUnion, Tuple, TextIO
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy import ndimage
from numba import njit, prange, cuda
from pyvox.parser import VoxParser
from voxelfuse.materials import *
# Floating point error threshold for rounding to zero
FLOATING_ERROR = 0.0000000001
class Axes(Enum):
Options for axes and planes.
X = (1,0,0)
Y = (0,1,0)
Z = (0,0,1)
XY = (1,1,0)
XZ = (1,0,1)
YZ = (0,1,1)
XYZ = (1,1,1)
class Dir(Enum):
Options for projection directions.
UP = 1
DOWN = 2
BOTH = 3
class Process(Enum):
Options for manufacturing process types.
MILL = 2
CAST = 4
class Struct(Enum):
Options for structuring element shapes.
class VoxelModel:
VoxelModel object that stores geometry, position, and material information.
def __init__(self, voxels: np.ndarray, materials: TypeUnion[int, np.ndarray] = None, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1):
Initialize a VoxelModel object.
voxels: Array storing the index of the material present at each voxel
materials: Material index (int), or array of all material mixtures present in model with material format: (a, m0, m1, ... mn)
coords: Model origin coordinates
resolution: Number of voxels per mm (higher number = finer resolution)
self.voxels = np.copy(voxels) # Use np.copy to break references
# Determine how materials were specified and create the materials array accordingly
if materials is None:
self.materials = generateMaterials(1)
elif isinstance(materials, int):
self.materials = generateMaterials(materials)
self.materials = np.copy(materials)
self.coords = coords
self.resolution = resolution
self.components = np.zeros_like(voxels)
self.numComponents = 0
def fromVoxFile(cls, filename: str, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1):
Create a VoxelModel from an imported .vox file.
``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.fromVoxFile('cylinder-red.vox', (0, 5, 0), 1)``
filename: File name with extension
coords: Model origin coordinates
resolution: Number of voxels per mm
# Import data and align axes
v1 = VoxParser(filename).parse()
v2 = np.array(v1.to_dense(), dtype=np.uint16)
v2 = np.flip(v2, 1)
v2 = np.rot90(v2, 1, (2, 0))
v2 = np.rot90(v2, 1, (1, 2))
# Generate materials table assuming indices match materials in material_properties
i = 0
materials = np.zeros((1, len(material_properties) + 1), dtype=np.float32)
for m in np.unique(v2):
if m != 0:
i = i+1
material_vector = np.zeros(len(material_properties) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
material_vector[0] = 1
material_vector[m+1] = 1
materials = np.vstack((materials, material_vector))
v2[v2 == m] = i
return cls(v2, materials, coords=coords, resolution=resolution)
def fromMeshFile(cls, filename: str, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), material: int = 1, resolution: float = 1, gmsh_on_path: bool = False):
Create a VoxelModel from an imported mesh file.
``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.fromMeshFile('center.stl', (67, 3, 0), 2, 1)``
filename: File name with extension
coords: Model origin coordinates
material: Material id corresponding to
resolution: Number of voxels per mm
gmsh_on_path: Enable/disable using system gmsh rather than bundled gmsh
data = makeMesh(filename, True, gmsh_on_path)
points = data.points
# Get lists of indices of point
# ii_tri = data.cells_dict['triangle']
ii_tet = data.cells_dict['tetra']
# Convert lists of indices to lists of points
# tris = points[ii_tri]
tets = points[ii_tet]
# Create barycentric coordinate system
T = np.concatenate((tets, tets[:, :, 0:1] * 0 + 1), 2)
T_inv = np.zeros(T.shape)
for ii, t in enumerate(T):
T_inv[ii] = np.linalg.inv(t).T
# Find bounding box
base = 1 / resolution
points_min = points.min(0)
points_max = points.max(0)
points_min_r = base * np.round(points_min/base)
points_max_r = base * np.round(points_max/base)
# Create 3D grid
xx = np.r_[points_min_r[0]:points_max_r[0]+1:base]
yy = np.r_[points_min_r[1]:points_max_r[1]+1:base]
zz = np.r_[points_min_r[2]:points_max_r[2]+1:base]
# Find center of every grid point
xx_mid = (xx[1:] + xx[:-1]) / 2
yy_mid = (yy[1:] + yy[:-1]) / 2
zz_mid = (zz[1:] + zz[:-1]) / 2
# Create grid of voxel centers
xyz_mid = np.array(np.meshgrid(xx_mid, yy_mid, zz_mid, indexing='ij'))
xyz_mid = xyz_mid.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0)
# Convert to list of points
xyz_mid = xyz_mid.reshape(-1, 3)
# Add 1 to allow conversion to barycentric coordinates
xyz_mid = np.concatenate((xyz_mid, xyz_mid[:, 0:1] * 0 + 1), 1)
# Create list of indices of each voxel
ijk_mid = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.r_[:len(xx_mid)], np.r_[:len(yy_mid)], np.r_[:len(zz_mid)], indexing='ij'))
ijk_mid = ijk_mid.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0)
ijk_mid2 = ijk_mid.reshape(-1, 3)
f3 = findFilledVoxels(np.asarray(T_inv, order='c'), np.asarray(xyz_mid, order='c'))
ii, jj = f3.nonzero()
lmn = ijk_mid2[np.unique(jj)]
voxels = np.zeros(ijk_mid.shape[:3], dtype=np.bool_)
voxels[lmn[:, 0], lmn[:, 1], lmn[:, 2]] = True
new_model = cls(voxels, generateMaterials(material), coords=coords, resolution=resolution).fitWorkspace()
return new_model
def empty(cls, size: Tuple[int, int, int], coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1, num_materials: int = len(material_properties)):
Initialize an empty VoxelModel.
size: Size of the empty model in voxels
coords: Model origin coordinates
resolution: Number of voxels per mm
num_materials: Number of material types in materials vector
model_data = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint16)
materials = np.zeros((1, num_materials + 1), dtype=np.float32)
new_model = cls(model_data, materials, coords=coords, resolution=resolution)
return new_model
def emptyLike(cls, voxel_model):
Initialize an empty VoxelModel with the same size, materials, coords, and resolution as another model.
voxel_model: Reference VoxelModel object
new_model = cls(np.zeros_like(voxel_model.voxels, dtype=np.uint16), voxel_model.materials, coords=voxel_model.coords, resolution=voxel_model.resolution)
return new_model
def copy(cls, voxel_model):
Initialize an VoxelModel that is a copy of another model.
voxel_model: Reference VoxelModel object
new_model = cls(voxel_model.voxels, voxel_model.materials, coords=voxel_model.coords, resolution=voxel_model.resolution)
new_model.numComponents = voxel_model.numComponents
new_model.components = voxel_model.components
return new_model
# Property update operations ##############################
def setResolution(self, res: float):
Change the resolution of a model.
res: aaa
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_model.resolution = res
return new_model
def fitWorkspace(self):
Remove excess empty space from a model.
Resize the workspace around a model to remove excess empty space.
Model coordinates are updated to reflect the change.
x_len = self.voxels.shape[0]
y_len = self.voxels.shape[1]
z_len = self.voxels.shape[2]
x_min = -1
x_max = -1
y_min = -1
y_max = -1
z_min = -1
z_max = -1
for x in range(x_len):
if np.sum(self.voxels[x, :, :]) > 0:
x_min = x
for x in range(x_len-1,-1,-1):
if np.sum(self.voxels[x, :, :]) > 0:
x_max = x+1
for y in range(y_len):
if np.sum(self.voxels[:, y, :]) > 0:
y_min = y
for y in range(y_len-1,-1,-1):
if np.sum(self.voxels[:, y, :]) > 0:
y_max = y+1
for z in range(z_len):
if np.sum(self.voxels[:, :, z]) > 0:
z_min = z
for z in range(z_len-1,-1,-1):
if np.sum(self.voxels[:, :, z]) > 0:
z_max = z+1
x_min = 0 if x_min == -1 else x_min
y_min = 0 if y_min == -1 else y_min
z_min = 0 if z_min == -1 else z_min
x_max = x_len if x_max == -1 else x_max
y_max = y_len if y_max == -1 else y_max
z_max = z_len if z_max == -1 else z_max
new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, z_min:z_max])
new_components = np.copy(self.components[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, z_min:z_max])
new_coords = (self.coords[0] + x_min, self.coords[1] + y_min, self.coords[2] + z_min)
new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, coords=new_coords, resolution=self.resolution)
new_model.numComponents = self.numComponents
new_model.components = new_components
return new_model
def removeDuplicateMaterials(self):
Remove duplicate rows from a model's material array.
This function can be greatly accelerated using CUDA. For more information on how to enable CUDA in VoxelFuse,
see the GpuSettings class.
new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels)
new_materials = np.unique(self.materials, axis=0)
# Get CUDA settings
CUDA_enable = bool(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_ENABLE'))
CUDA_device = int(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_DEVICE'))
except TypeError:
print('CUDA environment variables not found, defaulting to CUDA disabled')
CUDA_enable = False
CUDA_device = 0
if CUDA_enable:
# Select GPU
# CUDA blocks
blockdim = (8, 8, 8) # 512 threads (1024 threads max)
griddim = (new_voxels.shape[0] // blockdim[0] + 1, new_voxels.shape[1] // blockdim[1] + 1, new_voxels.shape[2] // blockdim[2] + 1)
# Update material indices
updateMatIndices[griddim, blockdim](new_voxels, self.materials, new_materials)
x_len, y_len, z_len = self.voxels.shape
for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Removing duplicate materials'):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
i = self.voxels[x, y, z]
m = self.materials[i]
ni = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0][0]
new_voxels[x, y, z] = ni
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def getComponents(self, connectivity: int = 1):
Update component labels for a model.
This function uses a disconnected components algorithm and assumes that adjacent
voxels with different materials are connected. Connectivity can be set to 1-3
and defines the shape of the structuring element.
connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
mask = np.array(self.voxels[:, :, :] > 0, dtype=np.bool_)
struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, connectivity)
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_model.components, new_model.numComponents = ndimage.label(mask, structure=struct)
new_model.components = np.uint8(new_model.components)
return new_model
# Selection operations ##############################
# TODO: Should this reference the material properties table?
# TODO: isolateMaterialVector
def isolateMaterial(self, material: int):
Get all voxels with a specified material.
``model2 = model1.isolateMaterial(4)``
material: Material index corresponding to the materials array for the model
mask = np.array(self.voxels == material, dtype=np.bool_)
materials = np.zeros((2, self.materials.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
materials[1] = self.materials[material]
return VoxelModel(mask.astype(int), materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def isolateLayer(self, layer: int):
Get all voxels in a specified layer.
``model2 = model1.isolateLayer(8)``
layer: Voxel layer to isolate
new_voxels = np.zeros_like(self.voxels, dtype=np.uint16)
new_voxels[:, :, layer - self.coords[2]] = self.voxels[:, :, layer - self.coords[2]]
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def isolateComponent(self, component: int):
Isolate a component by its component label.
Component labels must first be updated with getComponents.
Unrecognized component labels will return an empty object.
component: Component label to isolate
mask = np.array(self.components == component, dtype=np.bool_)
new_voxels = np.multiply(self.voxels, mask)
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
# Mask operations ##############################
# Material defaults to the first material in the input model
def getUnoccupied(self):
Get all voxels not occupied by the input model.
This operation can also be applied using the invert operator (~).
``model2 = model1.getUnoccupied()``
``model2 = ~model1``
mask = np.array(self.voxels == 0, dtype=np.bool_)
return VoxelModel(mask, self.materials[0:2, :], self.coords, self.resolution)
def __invert__(self):
Get all voxels not occupied by the input model.
Overload invert operator (~) for VoxelModel objects with getUnoccupied().
return self.getUnoccupied()
def getOccupied(self):
Get all voxels occupied by the input model.
mask = np.array(self.voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_)
return VoxelModel(mask, self.materials[0:2, :], self.coords, self.resolution)
def getBoundingBox(self):
Get all voxels contained in the bounding box of the input model.
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_model = new_model.fitWorkspace()
new_model = new_model.getOccupied()
new_model.materials = self.materials[0:2, :]
return new_model
def setMaterial(self, material: int):
Set the material of all voxels in a model.
``model2 = model1.getBoundingBox()``
``model3 = model2.setMaterial(2)``
material: Material id corresponding to
new_voxels = self.getOccupied().voxels # Converts input model to a mask, no effect if input is already a mask
material_vector = np.zeros(self.materials.shape[1], dtype=np.float32)
material_vector[0] = 1
material_vector[material+1] = 1
a = np.zeros(self.materials.shape[1], dtype=np.float32)
b = material_vector
m = np.vstack((a, b))
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, m, self.coords, self.resolution)
def setMaterialVector(self, material_vector): # material input is the desired material vector
Set the material of all voxels in a model.
``material_vector = np.zeros(len(materials) + 1)``
``material_vector[0] = 1 # Set a to 1``
``material_vector[3] = 0.3 # Set material 3 to 30%``
``material_vector[4] = 0.7 # Set material 4 to 70%``
``model2 = model1.setMaterialVector(material_vector)``
material_vector: Material mixture vector, format: (a, m0, m1, ... mn)
new_voxels = self.getOccupied().voxels # Converts input model to a mask, no effect if input is already a mask
a = np.zeros(len(material_vector), dtype=np.float32)
b = material_vector
materials = np.vstack((a, b))
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
# Boolean operations ##############################
# Material from base model takes priority
def union(self, model_to_add):
Find the geometric union of two models.
The materials from self will take priority in overlapping areas
of the resulting model. This operation can also be applied using
the OR operator (|)
``model3 = model1.union(model2)``
``model3 = model1 | model2``
model_to_add: VoxelModel to union with self
checkResolution(self, model_to_add)
materials = np.vstack((self.materials, model_to_add.materials[1:]))
a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_add)
i_offset = len(self.materials) - 1
b = b + i_offset
b[b == i_offset] = 0
# Paper uses a symmetric difference operation combined with the left/right intersection
# A condensed version of this operation is used here for code simplicity
mask = np.array(a == 0, dtype=np.bool_)
new_voxels = np.multiply(b, mask)
new_voxels = new_voxels + a # material from left model takes priority
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def __or__(self, other):
Find the geometric union of two models.
Overload OR operator (|) for VoxelModel objects with union().
other: VoxelModel to union with self
return self.union(other)
def difference(self, model_to_sub):
Find the geometric difference of two models.
``model3 = model1.difference(model2)``
model_to_sub: VoxelModel to subtract from self
checkResolution(self, model_to_sub)
a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_sub)
mask = np.array(b == 0, dtype=np.bool_)
new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask)
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def intersection(self, model_2):
Find the geometric intersection of two models.
The materials from self will be used in the resulting model.
This operation can also be applied using the AND operator (&)
``model3 = model1.intersection(model2)``
``model3 = model1 & model2``
model_2: VoxelModel to intersect with self
checkResolution(self, model_2)
a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_2)
mask = np.logical_and(np.array(a != 0, dtype=np.bool_), np.array(b != 0, dtype=np.bool_))
# Paper provides for left/right intersection
# For code simplicity, only a left intersection is provided here
new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask) # material from left model takes priority
materials = self.materials
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def __and__(self, other):
Find the geometric intersection of two models.
Overload AND operator (&) for VoxelModel objects with intersection().
other: VoxelModel to intersect with self
return self.intersection(other)
def xor(self, model_2):
Find the geometric exclusive or of two models.
This operation can also be applied using the XOR operator (^)
``model3 = model1.xor(model2)``
``model3 = model1 ^ model2``
model_2: VoxelModel to xor with self
checkResolution(self, model_2)
materials = np.vstack((self.materials, model_2.materials[1:]))
a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_2)
i_offset = len(self.materials) - 1
b = b + i_offset
b[b == i_offset] = 0
mask1 = np.array(b == 0, dtype=np.bool_)
mask2 = np.array(a == 0, dtype=np.bool_)
new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask1) + np.multiply(b, mask2)
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def __xor__(self, other):
Find the geometric exclusive or of two models.
Overload XOR operator (^) for VoxelModel objects with xor().
other: VoxelModel to xor with self
return self.xor(other)
# Material is computed
def add(self, model_to_add):
Find the material-wise addition of two models.
The materials of the result are calculated by adding the material vectors for each voxel together.
Example -- Adding a voxel containing material 1 and a voxel containing material 3:
>> Voxel A = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]\n
>> Voxel B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n
>> A + B = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]\n
>> Scale Result (see Cleanup Operations) → [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]\n
This operation can also be applied using the addition operator (+).
``model3 = model1.add(model2)``
``model3 = model1 + model2``
model_to_add: VoxelModel to add to self
checkResolution(self, model_to_add)
a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_add)
x_len = a.shape[0]
y_len = a.shape[1]
z_len = a.shape[2]
new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16)
new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32)
for x in range(x_len):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
i1 = int(a[x, y, z])
i2 = int(b[x, y, z])
m1 = self.materials[i1]
m2 = model_to_add.materials[i2]
m = m1 + m2
m[0] = np.logical_or(m1[0], m2[0])
i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0]
if len(i) > 0:
new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0]
new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m))
new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def __add__(self, other):
Find the material-wise addition of two models.
Overload addition operator (+) for VoxelModel objects with add().
other: VoxelModel to add to self
return self.add(other)
# Material is computed
def subtract(self, model_to_sub):
Find the material-wise difference of two models.
The materials of the result are calculated for each voxel by subtracting the
second material vector from the first.
Example -- Subtracting a voxel containing material 3 from the result of the
addition example:
>> Voxel A = [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]\n
>> Voxel B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n
>> A - B = [1, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.5]\n
>> Remove negatives (see Cleanup Operations) → [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0]\n
This operation can also be applied using the subtraction operator (-).
``model3 = model1.subtract(model2)``
``model3 = model1 - model2``
model_to_sub: VoxelModel to subtract from self
checkResolution(self, model_to_sub)
a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_sub)
x_len = a.shape[0]
y_len = a.shape[1]
z_len = a.shape[2]
new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16)
new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32)
for x in range(x_len):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
i1 = int(a[x, y, z])
i2 = int(b[x, y, z])
m1 = self.materials[i1]
m2 = model_to_sub.materials[i2]
m = m1 - m2
m[0] = np.logical_or(m1[0], m2[0])
i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0]
if len(i) > 0:
new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0]
new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m))
new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def __sub__(self, other):
Find the material-wise difference of two models.
Overload subtraction operator (-) for VoxelModel objects with subtract().
other: VoxelModel to subtract from self
return self.subtract(other)
def multiply(self, other):
Find the material-wise multiplication of two models.
The materials of the result are calculated by multiplying the material vectors
for each voxel. This function also supports multiplication by a scalar.
This operation can also be applied using the multiplication operator (*).
``model3 = model1.multiply(model2)``
``model3 = model1 * model2``
``model5 = model4 * 3``
other: VoxelModel to multiply with self
if type(other) is VoxelModel:
checkResolution(self, other)
a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, other)
x_len = a.shape[0]
y_len = a.shape[1]
z_len = a.shape[2]
new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16)
new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32)
for x in range(x_len):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
i1 = int(a[x, y, z])
i2 = int(b[x, y, z])
m1 = self.materials[i1]
m2 = other.materials[i2]
m = np.multiply(m1, m2)
m[0] = np.logical_and(m1[0], m2[0])
i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0]
if len(i) > 0:
new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0]
new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m))
new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_model.materials[1:, 1:] = np.multiply(new_model.materials[1:, 1:], other)
return new_model
def __mul__(self, other):
Find the material-wise multiplication of two models.
Overload multiplication operator (*) for VoxelModel objects with multiply().
other: VoxelModel to multiply with self
return self.multiply(other)
def divide(self, other):
Find the material-wise division of two models.
The materials of the result are calculated for each voxel by dividing
the first material vector by the second. This function also supports
division by a scalar.
This operation can also be applied using the division operator (/).
``model3 = model1.divide(model2)``
``model3 = model1 / model2``
``model5 = model4 / 3``
other: VoxelModel to divide self by
if type(other) is VoxelModel:
checkResolution(self, other)
a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, other)
x_len = a.shape[0]
y_len = a.shape[1]
z_len = a.shape[2]
new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16)
new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32)
for x in range(x_len):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
i1 = int(a[x, y, z])
i2 = int(b[x, y, z])
m1 = self.materials[i1]
m2 = other.materials[i2]
m2[m2 == 0] = 1
m = np.divide(m1, m2)
m[0] = m1[0]
i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0]
if len(i) > 0:
new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0]
new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m))
new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
if other == 0:
return self
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_model.materials[1:, 1:] = np.divide(new_model.materials[1:, 1:], other)
return new_model
def __truediv__(self, other):
Find the material-wise division of two models.
Overload division operator (/) for VoxelModel objects with divide().
other: VoxelModel to divide self by
return self.divide(other)
# Morphology Operations ##############################
def dilate(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, struct_type: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): # TODO: Preserve overlapping materials?
Dilate a model along the specified axes.
``model2 = model1.dilate(3)``
``model4 = model3.dilate(1, Axes.XY, Struct.SPHERE, 2)``
radius: Dilation radius in voxels
plane: Dilation directions, set using Axes class
struct_type: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
if radius == 0:
return VoxelModel.copy(self)
x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] + (radius * 2)
y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] + (radius * 2)
z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] + (radius * 2)
new_voxels = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len), dtype=np.uint16)
new_voxels[radius:-radius, radius:-radius, radius:-radius] = self.voxels
if struct_type == Struct.SPHERE:
struct = structSphere(radius, plane)
new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct)
else: # Struct.STANDARD
struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane)
for i in range(radius):
new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct)
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, (self.coords[0] - radius, self.coords[1] - radius, self.coords[2] - radius), self.resolution)
def __lshift__(self, radius):
Dilate a model in all three axes.
Overload left shift operator (<<) for VoxelModel objects with dilate().
- plane = Axes.XYZ
- struct_type = Struct.STANDARD
- connectivity = 3
radius: Dilation radius in voxels
return self.dilate(radius)
def dilateBounded(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3):
Dilate a model along the specified axes without increasing the size of its bounding box.
radius: Dilation radius in voxels
plane: Dilation directions, set using Axes class
structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
if radius == 0:
return VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_voxels = np.copy(self.fitWorkspace().voxels)
if structType == Struct.SPHERE:
struct = structSphere(radius, plane)
new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct)
else: # Struct.STANDARD
struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane)
for i in range(radius):
new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct)
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def erode(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, struct_type: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3):
Erode a model along the specified axes.
``model2 = model1.erode(5, connectivity=2)``
``model4 = model3.erode(2, Axes.X, Struct.SPHERE, 1)``
radius: Erosion radius in voxels
plane: Erosion directions, set using Axes class
struct_type: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
if radius == 0:
return VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels)
mask = np.array(new_voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_)
if struct_type == Struct.SPHERE:
struct = structSphere(radius, plane)
mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask, structure=struct)
else: # Struct.STANDARD
struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane)
mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask, structure=struct, iterations=radius)
new_voxels = np.multiply(new_voxels, mask)
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def __rshift__(self, radius):
Erode a model in all three axes.
Overload right shift operator (>>) for VoxelModel objects with erode().
- plane = Axes.XYZ
- struct_type = Struct.STANDARD
- connectivity = 3
radius: Dilation radius in voxels
return self.erode(radius)
def closing(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3):
Apply a closing algorithm along the specified axes.
This algorithm consists of dilation followed by erosion and will remove small holes.
Depending on the structuring element used, this will apply a chamfer or fillet effect
to inside corners.
radius: Radius for dilation/erosion in voxels
plane: Dilation/erosion directions, set using Axes class
structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
connectivity: connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
if radius == 0:
return VoxelModel.copy(self)
return self.dilate(radius, plane, structType, connectivity).erode(radius, plane, structType, connectivity).fitWorkspace()
def opening(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3):
Apply an opening algorithm along the specified axes.
This algorithm consists of erosion followed by dilation and will remove small features.
Depending on the structuring element used, this will apply a chamfer or fillet effect
to outside corners.
radius: Radius for dilation/erosion in voxels
plane: Dilation/erosion directions, set using Axes class
structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
if radius == 0:
return VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels)
mask = np.array(new_voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_)
if structType == Struct.SPHERE:
struct = structSphere(radius, plane)
mask = ndimage.binary_opening(mask, structure=struct)
else: # Struct.STANDARD
struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane)
mask = ndimage.binary_opening(mask, structure=struct, iterations=radius)
new_voxels = np.multiply(new_voxels, mask)
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
# Material Interface Modification ##############################
def blur(self, radius: float = 1):
Apply a Gaussian blur with the defined radius to the entire model.
The blur radius corresponds to two times the standard deviation
(2 * sigma) of the Gaussian distribution. The blurred effect is limited
to voxels that were occupied by material in the input model.
``model2 = model1.blur(2)``
radius: Blur radius in voxels
if radius == 0:
return VoxelModel.copy(self)
full_model = toFullMaterials(self.voxels, self.materials, len(self.materials[0]))
for m in tqdm(range(len(self.materials[0])-1), desc='Blur - applying gaussian filter'):
full_model[:, :, :, m+1] = ndimage.gaussian_filter(full_model[:, :, :, m+1], sigma=radius/2)
mask = full_model[:, :, :, 0]
mask = np.repeat(mask[..., None], len(self.materials[0]), axis=3)
full_model = np.multiply(full_model, mask)
return toIndexedMaterials(full_model, self, self.resolution)
def blurRegion(self, radius: float, region):
Apply a Gaussian blur with the defined radius to voxels that intersect with the region model.
The blur radius corresponds to two times the standard deviation
(2 * sigma) of the Gaussian distribution. The blurred effect is limited
to voxels that were occupied by material in the intersection result
and the material of the region model is ignored.
``model2 = model1.blurRegion(3, regionModel)``
radius: Blur radius in voxels
region: VoxelModel defining the target blur region
new_model = self.blur(radius)
new_model = new_model.intersection(region)
new_model = new_model.union(self)
return new_model
def dither(self, use_full=True, x_error=0.0, y_error=0.0, z_error=0.0, error_spread_threshold=0.8, blur=False, radius=1):
Apply material-wise dithering to a model.
Applying dithering will modify the model so that each voxel contains material in only a single material channel.
Regions of the model which contained mixtures of materials will be converted to distributions of adjacent single
material voxels.
use_full: Enabling will use a Stucki error diffusion filter. Disabling will use the provided values for x, y, and z error
x_error: Percentage of error to spread in X
y_error: Percentage of error to spread in Y
z_error: Percentage of error to spread in Z
error_spread_threshold: If a voxel contains a material channel that accounts for more than this percentage of the voxel, no additional error will be spread to it
blur: Enable/disable applying a blur operation before the dither operation
radius: Radius value for the optional blur operation
if blur and (radius > 0):
new_model = self.blur(radius)
new_model = new_model.scaleValues()
new_model = self.scaleValues()
new_model.voxels = new_model.voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16)
full_model = toFullMaterials(new_model.voxels, new_model.materials, len(material_properties) + 1)
full_model = ditherOptimized(full_model, use_full, x_error, y_error, z_error, error_spread_threshold)
return toIndexedMaterials(full_model, self, self.resolution)
# Cleanup ##############################
def removeNegatives(self):
Remove negative material values from a model (these have no physical meaning).
``model2 = model1.removeNegatives()``
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_model.materials[new_model.materials < 1e-10] = 0
material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:,1:], 1) # This and following update the a values
material_sums[material_sums > 0] = 1
new_model.materials[:, 0] = material_sums
return new_model
def scaleValues(self):
Scale nonzero material values to make all voxels contain 100% material while
maintaining the ratio between materials.
``model2 = model1.scaleValues()``
new_model = self.removeNegatives()
material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:, 1:], 1)
material_sums[material_sums == 0] = 1
material_sums = np.repeat(material_sums[..., None], len(self.materials[0])-1, axis=1)
new_model.materials[:,1:] = np.divide(new_model.materials[:,1:], material_sums)
return new_model
def scaleNull(self):
Scale null material values to make all voxels contain 100% material.
Voxels that contained less than 100% material will contain the same material percentages as
before, but will have varying density. Voxels that contained greater than 100% material
will be scaled using scaleValues().
``model2 = model1.scaleNull()``
new_model = self.removeNegatives()
material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:, 1:], 1)
material_sums = np.ones(np.shape(material_sums)) - material_sums
material_sums[material_sums < 0] = 0
new_model.materials[:,1] = np.multiply(material_sums, new_model.materials[:,0])
new_model = new_model.scaleValues()
return new_model
def round(self, toNearest: float = 0.1):
Round material percentages to nearest multiple of an input value.
toNearest: Value to round to
new_materials = np.copy(self.materials)
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
mult = new_materials / toNearest
floorDiff = np.round(abs(mult - np.floor(mult)), 10)
ceilDiff = np.round(abs(mult - np.ceil(mult)), 10)
new_materials[floorDiff < ceilDiff] = toNearest * np.floor(mult[floorDiff < ceilDiff])
new_materials[floorDiff >= ceilDiff] = toNearest * np.ceil(mult[floorDiff >= ceilDiff])
new_model.materials = new_materials
return new_model
def clearNull(self):
Set all null material percentages to zero.
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_model.materials[1:, 1] = np.zeros(np.shape(new_model.materials[1:,1]))
return new_model
def setDensity(self, density: float = 1.0):
Set the density of all voxels.
density: Target density value
new_model = self.clearNull()
new_model = new_model.scaleValues()
null_material_values = np.multiply(np.ones(np.shape(new_model.materials[1:,1])), 1-density)
new_model.materials[1:, 1] = null_material_values
new_model.materials[1:, 2:] = np.multiply(new_model.materials[1:, 2:], density)
return new_model
# Transformations ##############################
def translate(self, vector: Tuple[int, int, int]):
Translate a model by the specified vector.
vector: Translation vector in voxels
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
new_model.coords = (self.coords[0]+vector[0], self.coords[1]+vector[1], self.coords[2]+vector[2])
return new_model
def translateMM(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]):
Translate a model by the specified vector.
vector: Translation vector in mm
xV = int(round(vector[0] * self.resolution))
yV = int(round(vector[1] * self.resolution))
zV = int(round(vector[2] * self.resolution))
new_model = self.translate((xV, yV, zV))
return new_model
def rotate(self, angle: float, axis: Axes = Axes.Z):
Rotate a model about its center.
Floating point errors may slightly affect the angle of the resulting model.
To rotate a model in precise 90 degree increments, use rotate90().
angle: Angle of rotation in degrees
axis: Axis of rotation, set using Axes class
if axis == Axes.X:
plane = (1, 2)
sign = 1
elif axis == Axes.Y:
plane = (2, 0)
sign = -1 # For some reason, Y rotates the opposite direction than expected
else: # axis == Axes.Z
plane = (0, 1)
sign = 1
centerCoords = self.getCenter()
new_voxels = ndimage.rotate(self.voxels, sign*angle, plane, order=0)
new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords)
return new_model
def rotate90(self, times: int = 1, axis: Axes = Axes.Z):
Rotate a model about its center in increments of 90 degrees.
times: Number of 90 degree increments to rotate model
axis: Axis of rotation, set using Axes class
if axis == Axes.X or axis == 0:
plane = (1, 2)
elif axis == Axes.Y or axis == 1:
plane = (0, 2)
else: # axis == Axes.Z or axis = 2
plane = (0, 1)
centerCoords = self.getCenter()
new_voxels = np.rot90(self.voxels, times, axes=plane)
new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords)
return new_model
def mirror(self, axes: Axes = Axes.X):
Mirror a model along the given axes.
This operation will mirror ALONG the given axes. For example:
- Axes.X performs a mirror about the YZ plane
- Axes.XY performs a mirror about the YZ plane and the XZ plane
- Axes.XYZ performs a mirror along all three axes
axes: Axes for mirror operation, set using Axes class
flip_axis = []
for i in range(len(axes.value)):
if axes.value[i]:
flip_axis = tuple(flip_axis)
centerCoords = self.getCenter()
new_voxels = np.flip(self.voxels, flip_axis)
new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords)
return new_model
def scale(self, factor: float, adjustResolution: bool = True):
Scale a model.
If adjustResolution is enabled, the resolution attribute of the model will
also be multiplied by the scaling factor.
Enable adjustResolution if using this operation to change the resolution of a model.
Disable adjustResolution if using this operation to change the size of a model.
factor: Scale factor
adjustResolution: Enable/disable automatic resolution adjustment
model = self.fitWorkspace()
x_len = int(model.voxels.shape[0] * factor)
y_len = int(model.voxels.shape[1] * factor)
z_len = int(model.voxels.shape[2] * factor)
new_voxels = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len))
for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Scaling'):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
x_source = int(((x+1) / x_len) * (model.voxels.shape[0]-1))
y_source = int(((y+1) / y_len) * (model.voxels.shape[1]-1))
z_source = int(((z+1) / z_len) * (model.voxels.shape[2]-1))
new_voxels[x,y,z] = model.voxels[x_source, y_source, z_source]
model.voxels = new_voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16)
model = model.setCoords(model.coords)
if adjustResolution:
model.resolution = model.resolution * factor
return model
def scaleToSize(self, size: Tuple[int, int, int]):
Scale a model to fit the given dimensions.
size: Target dimensions in voxels
model = self.fitWorkspace()
new_voxels = np.zeros(size)
for x in tqdm(range(size[0]), desc='Scaling'):
for y in range(size[1]):
for z in range(size[2]):
x_source = int(((x+1) / size[0]) * (model.voxels.shape[0]-1))
y_source = int(((y+1) / size[1]) * (model.voxels.shape[1]-1))
z_source = int(((z+1) / size[2]) * (model.voxels.shape[2]-1))
new_voxels[x,y,z] = model.voxels[x_source, y_source, z_source]
model.voxels = new_voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16)
new_model = model.setCoords(model.coords)
return new_model
def getCenter(self):
Find the coordinates of the center of a model.
Center coordinates in voxels
model = self.fitWorkspace()
x_center = (model.voxels.shape[0] / 2) + model.coords[0]
y_center = (model.voxels.shape[1] / 2) + model.coords[1]
z_center = (model.voxels.shape[2] / 2) + model.coords[2]
centerCoords = (x_center, y_center, z_center)
return centerCoords
def setCenter(self, coords: Tuple[float, float, float]):
Set the center of a model to the specified coordinates.
coords: Target coordinates in voxels
new_model = self.fitWorkspace()
x_new = int(round(coords[0] - (new_model.voxels.shape[0] / 2)))
y_new = int(round(coords[1] - (new_model.voxels.shape[1] / 2)))
z_new = int(round(coords[2] - (new_model.voxels.shape[2] / 2)))
new_model.coords = (x_new, y_new, z_new)
return new_model
def getCoords(self):
Get the origin coordinates of a model.
Origin coordinates in voxels
model = self.fitWorkspace()
return model.coords
def setCoords(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]):
Set the origin of a model to the specified coordinates.
coords: Target coordinates in voxels
new_model = self.fitWorkspace()
new_model.coords = coords
return new_model
def getMaxCoords(self):
Get the maximum coordinate location in a model.
This point is equal to origin coordinates + model dimensions.
Maximum coordinates in voxels
model = self.fitWorkspace()
x = model.coords[0] + model.voxels.shape[0]
y = model.coords[1] + model.voxels.shape[1]
z = model.coords[2] + model.voxels.shape[2]
return x, y, z
def getDim(self):
Get the dimensions of model.
Model dimensions in voxels
model = self.fitWorkspace()
x = model.voxels.shape[0]
y = model.voxels.shape[1]
z = model.voxels.shape[2]
return x, y, z
def isOccupied(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]):
Determine if a specific voxel is occupied.
x = coords[0] - self.coords[0]
y = coords[1] - self.coords[1]
z = coords[2] - self.coords[2]
if x < 0 or x >= self.voxels.shape[0]:
return False
if y < 0 or y >= self.voxels.shape[1]:
return False
if z < 0 or z >= self.voxels.shape[2]:
return False
v = self.voxels[x, y, z]
if v == 0:
return False
return True
# Model Info ##############################
def getVoxelDim(self):
Get the side dimension of a voxel in mm.
res = self.resolution
return (1.0/res) * 0.001
def getVolume(self, component: int = 0, material: int = 0):
Get the volume of a model or model component.
component: Component label to measure, set to 0 for all components
material: Material index to measure, set to 0 for all materials
Volume in voxels, volume in mm^3
new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self)
if component > 0:
new_model = new_model.isolateComponent(component)
if material > 0:
new_model = new_model.isolateMaterial(material)
volumeVoxels = np.count_nonzero(new_model.voxels)
volumeMM3 = volumeVoxels * ((1/self.resolution)**3)
return volumeVoxels, volumeMM3
def getMaterialProperties(self, material):
Get the average material properties of a row in a model's material array.
material: Material index
Dictionary of material properties
avg_properties = {}
for key in material_properties[0]:
if key == 'name' or key == 'process':
string = ''
for i in range(len(self.materials[0])-1):
if self.materials[material][i + 1] > 0:
current_material_data = getMaterialData(i)
string = string + current_material_data[key] + ' '
avg_properties.update({key: string})
elif key == 'MM' or key == 'MMD' or key == 'FM' or key == 'HG' or key == 'HGM':
material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax()
current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id)
var = current_material_data[key]
avg_properties.update({key: var})
var = 0
for i in range(len(self.materials[0])-1):
current_material_data = getMaterialData(i)
var = var + self.materials[material][i + 1] * current_material_data[key]
avg_properties.update({key: var})
return avg_properties
def getSSData(self, material):
Get the stress-strain data for a row in a model's material array.
This is currently returned based on the material present in the highest percentage.
TODO: Make this average multiple stress-strain curves
material: Material index
Dictionary of stress-strain data
material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax()
current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id)
ss_data_index = current_material_data['MMD']
current_ss_data = next((item for item in ss_data if item['id'] == ss_data_index), None)
if current_ss_data is None:
raise KeyError
except KeyError:
print('Stress-strain data not available for ' + current_material_data['name'])
current_ss_data = None
return current_ss_data
def getHGModel(self, material):
Get the hydrogel model parameters for a row in a model's material array.
This is currently returned based on the material present in the highest percentage.
TODO: Make this average multiple model parameters
material: Material index
Dictionary of hydrogel model parameters
material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax()
current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id)
hg_model_index = current_material_data['HGM']
current_hg_model = next((item for item in hg_models if item['id'] == hg_model_index), None)
if current_hg_model is None:
raise KeyError
except KeyError:
print('Hydrogel model data not available for ' + current_material_data['name'])
current_hg_model = None
return current_hg_model
def getVoxelProperties(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]):
Get the average material properties of a specific voxel.
coords: Voxel coordinates
Dictionary of material properties
return self.getMaterialProperties(self.voxels[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]])
# Manufacturing Features ##############################
def projection(self, direction: Dir, material: int = 1):
Generate a model representing all voxels within the workspace that contain
material or that lie in the specified direction with respect to a voxel
that contains material.
``modelResult = model1.projection(Dir.DOWN)``
direction: Projection direction, set using Dir class
material: Material index corresponding to
new_voxels = np.zeros_like(self.voxels)
x_len = self.voxels.shape[0]
y_len = self.voxels.shape[1]
z_len = self.voxels.shape[2]
if direction == Dir.BOTH:
# Loop through model data
for x in range(x_len):
for y in range(y_len):
if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, :]) > 0:
new_voxels[x, y, :].fill(1)
elif direction == Dir.DOWN:
# Loop through model data
for x in range(x_len):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, z:]) > 0:
new_voxels[x, y, z] = 1
elif np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, z:]) == 0:
elif direction == Dir.UP:
# Loop through model data
for x in range(x_len):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, :z]) > 0:
new_voxels[x, y, z] = 1
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, generateMaterials(material), self.coords, self.resolution)
def keepout(self, method: Process, material: int = 1):
Generate a model representing the keep-out region of a model.
The keep-out region for a given process and part represents material which
the process may not modify while creating the part. This feature primarily
applies to subtractive processes. It includes material that will be present
in the final part and regions of the workspace that cannot be accessed
without affecting this material. In general, additive processes will have
no keep-out region because they deposit material from the bottom up.
``modelResult = model1.keepout(Process.MILL)``
method: Target manufacturing method, set using Process class
material: Material index corresponding to
if method == Process.LASER:
new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material)
elif method == Process.MILL:
new_model = self.projection(Dir.DOWN, material)
elif method == Process.INSERT:
new_model = self.projection(Dir.UP, material)
new_model = self
return new_model
def clearance(self, method: Process, material: int = 1):
Generate a model representing the clearance region of a model.
The clearance region for a given process and part represents regions that
will be affected by the process acting on the part. Clearance can be
used to identify regions of a model that conflict with the manufacturing
of another model.
``modelResult = model1.clearance(Process.PRINT)``
method: Target manufacturing method, set using Process class
material: Material index corresponding to
if method == Process.LASER:
new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material).difference(self)
elif method == Process.MILL:
new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material).difference(self.projection(Dir.DOWN, material))
elif (method == Process.INSERT) or (method == Process.PRINT):
new_model = self.projection(Dir.UP, material)
new_model = self
return new_model
def support(self, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XY, material: int = 1):
Generate a model representing where support material may be added to an
object as characterized by the process that is used to remove the supports.
``modelResult =``
method: Target support removal method, set using Process class
r1: Parameter used to determine areas where support is ineffective based on proximity to empty regions that are inaccessible to the removal process
r2: Desired thickness of the support material
plane: Directions in which to add support material, set using Axes class
material: Material index corresponding to
model_A = self.keepout(method, material)
model_A = model_A.dilate(r2, plane).difference(model_A)
model_A = model_A.difference(self.keepout(method, material).difference(self).dilate(r1, plane)) # Valid support regions
return model_A
def userSupport(self, support_model, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XY, material: int = -1):
Generate a model representing the intersection of the supportable region and a user support model.
``modelResult = model1.userSupport(model2, Process.LASER)``
support_model: User provided support model
method: Target support removal method, set using Process class
r1: Parameter used to determine areas where support is ineffective based on proximity to empty regions that are inaccessible to the removal process
r2: Desired thickness of the support material
plane: Directions in which to add support material, set using Axes class
material: Material index corresponding to, set to -1 to use support model material
if material > -1:
model_A =, r1, r2, plane)
model_A = support_model.intersection(model_A)
model_A =, r1, r2, plane, material)
model_A = model_A.intersection(support_model)
return model_A
def web(self, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, layer: int = -1, material = 1):
Generate a model representing the scrap material surrounding a model.
Web can be used in the creation of supports or layer alignment fixtures.
``modelResult = model1.web(Process.LASER, 1, 5)``
method: Target web removal method, set using Process class
r1: Distance from surface of part to inside of web in
r2: Width of web in voxels
layer: Voxel layer at which to generate web, set to -1 to generate for all layers
material: Material index corresponding to
model_A = self.keepout(method, material)
if layer != -1:
model_A = model_A.isolateLayer(layer)
model_A = model_A.dilate(r1, Axes.XY)
model_A = model_A.dilate(r2, Axes.XY).getBoundingBox().difference(model_A)
return model_A
# File IO ##############################
# Add model to a K3D plot in Jupyter Notebook
def plot(self, plot=None, name: str = 'model', wireframe: bool = False, **kwargs):
Add model to a K3D plot.
Additional display options:
- opacity: `float`. Opacity of voxels.
- outlines: `bool`. Whether mesh should display with outlines.
- outlines_color: `int`. Packed RGB color of the resulting outlines (0xff0000 is red, 0xff is blue)
- kwargs: `dict`. Dictionary arguments to configure transform and model_matrix.
More information available at:
plot: Plot object to add model to
name: Model name
wireframe: Enable displaying model as a wireframe
kwargs: Additional display options (see above)
K3D plot object
model = self.fitWorkspace() | VoxelModel.empty((1, 1, 1), resolution=self.resolution)
model = model.removeDuplicateMaterials()
# Get colors
colors = []
for m in model.materials:
r = 0
g = 0
b = 0
for i in range(1, len(m)):
r = r + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['r']
g = g + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['g']
b = b + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['b']
r = 1 if r > 1 else r
g = 1 if g > 1 else g
b = 1 if b > 1 else b
colors.append(rgb_to_hex(r, g, b))
colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.uint32)[1:]
# Plot
if plot is None:
plot = k3d.plot()
plot += k3d.voxels(np.swapaxes(model.voxels, 0, 2).astype(np.uint8), color_map=colors, name=name, wireframe=wireframe, **kwargs)
return plot
def saveVF(self, filename: str):
Save model data to a .vf file
The native VoxelFuse file format stores the same information as the attributes of
a VoxelModel object. This includes geometry and material mixture data. Material
attributes remain stored in the file, so the same version of
this file must be used when saving and opening models. The .vf file type can be reopened
by a VoxelFuse script.
filename: File name
f = open(filename+'.vf', 'w+')
print('Saving file: ' +
x_coord = self.coords[0]
y_coord = self.coords[1]
z_coord = self.coords[2]
writeOpen(f, 'coords')
f.write(str(x_coord) + ',' + str(y_coord) + ',' + str(z_coord) + ',\n')
writeClos(f, 'coords')
writeOpen(f, 'resolution')
f.write(str(self.resolution) + '\n')
writeClos(f, 'resolution')
writeOpen(f, 'materials')
for r in range(len(self.materials[:,0])): # tqdm(range(len(self.materials[:,0])), desc='Writing materials'):
for c in range(len(self.materials[0,:])):
f.write(str(self.materials[r,c]) + ',')
writeClos(f, 'materials')
x_len = self.voxels.shape[0]
y_len = self.voxels.shape[1]
z_len = self.voxels.shape[2]
writeOpen(f, 'size')
f.write(str(x_len) + ',' + str(y_len) + ',' + str(z_len) + ',\n')
writeClos(f, 'size')
writeOpen(f, 'voxels')
for x in range(x_len): # tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Writing voxels'):
for z in range(z_len):
for y in range(y_len):
f.write(str(int(self.voxels[x,y,z])) + ',')
writeClos(f, 'voxels')
writeOpen(f, 'components')
f.write(str(self.numComponents) + '\n')
writeClos(f, 'components')
if self.numComponents > 0:
writeOpen(f, 'labels')
for x in range(x_len): # tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Writing components'):
for z in range(z_len):
for y in range(y_len):
f.write(str(int(self.components[x,y,z])) + ',')
writeClos(f, 'labels')
def openVF(cls, filename: str):
Load model data from a .vf file
This method will create a new VoxelModel object using the data from the .vf file.
Material attributes are stored in the file, so the same version of
this file must be used when saving and opening models.
``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.openVF("test-file")``
filename: File name
if filename[-3:] == '.vf':
f = open(filename, 'r')
f = open(filename + '.vf', 'r')
print('Opening file: ' +
data = f.readlines()
loc = np.ones((7,2), dtype=np.uint16)
loc = np.multiply(loc, -1)
for i in range(len(data)): # tqdm(range(len(data)), desc='Finding tags'):
if data[i][:-1] == '<coords>':
loc[0,0] = i+1
if data[i][:-1] == '</coords>':
loc[0,1] = i
if data[i][:-1] == '<materials>':
loc[1,0] = i+1
if data[i][:-1] == '</materials>':
loc[1,1] = i
if data[i][:-1] == '<size>':
loc[2,0] = i+1
if data[i][:-1] == '</size>':
loc[2,1] = i
if data[i][:-1] == '<voxels>':
loc[3,0] = i+1
if data[i][:-1] == '</voxels>':
loc[3,1] = i
if data[i][:-1] == '<components>':
loc[4,0] = i+1
if data[i][:-1] == '</components>':
loc[4,1] = i
if data[i][:-1] == '<labels>':
loc[5,0] = i+1
if data[i][:-1] == '</labels>':
loc[5,1] = i
if data[i][:-1] == '<resolution>':
loc[6,0] = i+1
if data[i][:-1] == '</resolution>':
loc[6,1] = i
coords = np.array(data[loc[0,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.int16)
if loc[6,0] > -1:
resolution = float(data[loc[6,0]][:-1])
resolution = 1
materials = np.array(data[loc[1,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(loc[1,0]+1, loc[1,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[1,0]+1, loc[1,1]), desc='Reading materials'):
materials = np.vstack((materials, np.array(data[i][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.float32)))
size = tuple(np.array(data[loc[2,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.uint16))
voxels = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint16)
for i in range(loc[3,0], loc[3,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[3,0], loc[3,1]), desc='Reading voxels'):
x = i - loc[3,0]
yz = data[i][:-2].split(";")
for z in range(len(yz)):
y = np.array(yz[z][:-1].split(","), dtype=np.uint16)
voxels[x, :, z] = y
numComponents = int(data[loc[4,0]][:-1])
components = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8)
if numComponents > 0:
for i in range(loc[5,0], loc[5,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[5,0], loc[5,1]), desc='Reading components'):
x = i - loc[5, 0]
yz = data[i][:-2].split(";")
for z in range(len(yz)):
y = np.array(yz[z][:-1].split(","), dtype=np.uint8)
components[x, :, z] = y
new_model = cls(voxels, materials, coords=tuple(coords), resolution=resolution)
new_model.numComponents = numComponents
new_model.components = components
return new_model
def saveVXC(self, filename: str, compression: bool = False):
Save model data to a .vxc file
The VoxCad file format stores geometry and full material palette data. The material
palette includes the properties for each material and material mixtures are
converted into distinct palette entries.
This format supports compression for the voxel data. Enabling compression allows
for larger models, but it may introduce geometry errors that particularly affect
small models.
The .vxc file type can be opened using VoxCad simulation software. However, it
cannot currently be reopened by a VoxelFuse script.
``modelResult.saveVXC("test-file", compression=False)``
filename: File name
compression: Enable/disable voxel data compression
f = open(filename + '.vxc', 'w+')
print('Saving file: ' +
empty_model = VoxelModel.empty((1,1,1), resolution=self.resolution)
export_model = (VoxelModel.copy(self).fitWorkspace()) | empty_model # Fit workspace and union with an empty object at the origin to clear offsets if object is raised
export_model.coords = (0, 0, 0) # Set coords to zero to move object to origin if it is at negative coordinates
writeHeader(f, '1.0', 'ISO-8859-1')
export_model.writeVXCData(f, compression)
def writeVXCData(self, f: TextIO, compression: bool = False):
Write geometry and material data to a text file using the .vxc format.
The VXC/VXA format stores geometry as a 3D grid of single-digit decimal numbers. As such, it is limited to 9
distinct materials.
f: File to write to
compression: Enable/disable voxel data compression
if len(self.materials[:, 0]) > 10:
raise ValueError('The VXC/VXA file format supports a maximum of 9 distinct materials')
writeOpen(f, 'VXC Version="' + str(0.94) + '"', 0)
# Lattice settings
writeOpen(f, 'Lattice', 1)
writeData(f, 'Lattice_Dim', (1 / self.resolution) * 0.001, 2)
writeData(f, 'X_Dim_Adj', 1, 2)
writeData(f, 'Y_Dim_Adj', 1, 2)
writeData(f, 'Z_Dim_Adj', 1, 2)
writeData(f, 'X_Line_Offset', 0, 2)
writeData(f, 'Y_Line_Offset', 0, 2)
writeData(f, 'X_Layer_Offset', 0, 2)
writeData(f, 'Y_Layer_Offset', 0, 2)
writeClos(f, 'Lattice', 1)
# Voxel settings
writeOpen(f, 'Voxel', 1)
writeData(f, 'Vox_Name', 'BOX', 2)
writeData(f, 'X_Squeeze', 1, 2)
writeData(f, 'Y_Squeeze', 1, 2)
writeData(f, 'Z_Squeeze', 1, 2)
writeClos(f, 'Voxel', 1)
# Materials
writeOpen(f, 'Palette', 1)
for row in range(1, len(self.materials[:, 0])): # tqdm(range(1, len(self.materials[:, 0])), desc='Writing materials'):
avgProps = self.getMaterialProperties(row)
writeOpen(f, 'Material ID="' + str(row) + '"', 2)
writeData(f, 'MatType', 0, 3)
writeData(f, 'Name', avgProps['name'][0:-1], 3)
writeOpen(f, 'Display', 3)
writeData(f, 'Red', avgProps['r'], 4)
writeData(f, 'Green', avgProps['g'], 4)
writeData(f, 'Blue', avgProps['b'], 4)
writeData(f, 'Alpha', 1, 4)
writeClos(f, 'Display', 3)
writeOpen(f, 'Mechanical', 3)
if int(avgProps['MM']) == 3:
current_ss_data = self.getSSData(row)
if current_ss_data is not None:
writeData(f, 'MatModel', 3, 4)
writeOpen(f, 'SSData', 4)
writeData(f, 'NumDataPts', len(current_ss_data['strain']), 5)
writeOpen(f, 'StrainData', 5)
for point in current_ss_data['strain']:
writeData(f, 'Strain', point, 6)
writeClos(f, 'StrainData', 5)
writeOpen(f, 'StressData', 5)
for point in current_ss_data['stress']:
writeData(f, 'Stress', point, 6)
writeClos(f, 'StressData', 5)
writeClos(f, 'SSData', 4)
writeData(f, 'MatModel', 0, 4)
writeData(f, 'MatModel', avgProps['MM'], 4)
writeData(f, 'Elastic_Mod', avgProps['E'], 4)
writeData(f, 'Plastic_Mod', avgProps['Z'], 4)
writeData(f, 'Yield_Stress', avgProps['eY'], 4)
writeData(f, 'FailModel', int(avgProps['FM']), 4)
writeData(f, 'Fail_Stress', avgProps['eF'], 4)
writeData(f, 'Fail_Strain', avgProps['SF'], 4)
writeData(f, 'Density', avgProps['p'] * 1e3, 4)
writeData(f, 'Poissons_Ratio', avgProps['v'], 4)
writeData(f, 'CTE', avgProps['CTE'], 4)
writeData(f, 'MaterialTempPhase', avgProps['TP'], 4)
writeData(f, 'uStatic', avgProps['uS'], 4)
writeData(f, 'uDynamic', avgProps['uD'], 4)
if int(avgProps['HG']) == 1:
current_hg_model = self.getHGModel(row)
if current_hg_model is not None:
writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 1, 4)
writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3)
writeOpen(f, 'Hydrogel', 3)
writeData(f, 'Name', current_hg_model['name'], 4)
writeData(f, 'VoxelDim', current_hg_model['test_voxel_dim'], 4)
writeData(f, 'IdealDisplacement', current_hg_model['ideal_displacement'], 4)
writeData(f, 'TestDisplacement', current_hg_model['test_displacement'], 4)
writeData(f, 'TimeStepCorrection', current_hg_model['test_time_step'], 4)
writeData(f, 'KpRising', current_hg_model['kp_rising'], 4)
writeData(f, 'KpFalling', current_hg_model['kp_falling'], 4)
writeData(f, 'MaxTemp', current_hg_model['ideal_max_temp'], 4)
writeData(f, 'MinTemp', current_hg_model['ideal_min_temp'], 4)
writeData(f, 'TestMax', current_hg_model['test_max_temp'], 4)
writeData(f, 'TestMin', current_hg_model['test_min_temp'], 4)
writeData(f, 'C0', current_hg_model['c0'], 4)
writeData(f, 'C1', current_hg_model['c1'], 4)
writeData(f, 'C2', current_hg_model['c2'], 4)
writeData(f, 'C3', current_hg_model['c3'], 4)
writeData(f, 'C4', current_hg_model['c4'], 4)
writeData(f, 'C5', current_hg_model['c5'], 4)
writeClos(f, 'Hydrogel', 3)
writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 0, 4)
writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3)
writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 0, 4)
writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3)
writeClos(f, 'Material', 2)
writeClos(f, 'Palette', 1)
# Structure
if compression:
writeOpen(f, 'Structure Compression="ZLIB"', 1)
writeOpen(f, 'Structure Compression="ASCII_READABLE"', 1)
x_len = self.voxels.shape[0]
y_len = self.voxels.shape[1]
z_len = self.voxels.shape[2]
writeData(f, 'X_Voxels', x_len, 2)
writeData(f, 'Y_Voxels', y_len, 2)
writeData(f, 'Z_Voxels', z_len, 2)
writeOpen(f, 'Data', 2)
for z in range(z_len): # tqdm(range(z_len), desc='Writing voxels'):
layer = np.copy(self.voxels[:, :, z])
layer = layer.transpose()
layerData = layer.flatten()
layerData = layerData.astype('uint8')
if compression:
layerData = zlib.compress(layerData.tobytes())
layerData = base64.encodebytes(layerData)
layerDataStr = str(layerData)[2:-3]
layerDataStr = ''
for vox in layerData:
layerDataStr = layerDataStr + str(vox)
writeData(f, 'Layer', '<![CDATA[' + layerDataStr + ']]>', 3)
writeClos(f, 'Data', 2)
writeClos(f, 'Structure', 1)
writeClos(f, 'VXC', 0)
class GpuSettings:
Object to store GPU settings.
After initializing and configuring the GPU settings, use applySettings() to
apply them. Changes will only persist for the current Python session.
For persistent GPU settings, configure these environment variables:
``VF_CUDA_DEVICE = <desired GPU ID>``
``gpu = GpuSettings()``
``print('Default CUDA settings:' + str(gpu.CUDA_enable) + ', ' + str(gpu.CUDA_device))``
``gpu.setCUDA(True, 1)``
def __init__(self):
Initialize a GpuSettings object.
# Get CUDA settings from environment variables
CUDA_enable = bool(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_ENABLE'))
CUDA_device = int(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_DEVICE'))
except TypeError:
print('CUDA environment variables not found')
CUDA_enable = False
CUDA_device = 0
self.CUDA_enable = CUDA_enable
self.CUDA_device = CUDA_device
def setCUDA(self, CUDA_enable: bool = True, CUDA_device: int = 0):
Set overrides for CUDA settings.
CUDA_enable: Enable/disable CUDA acceleration
CUDA_device: Select CUDA device
self.CUDA_enable = CUDA_enable
self.CUDA_device = CUDA_device
def applySettings(self):
Apply GPU settings as overrides.
These changes will only persist for the current python session.
os.environ['VF_CUDA_ENABLE'] = str(int(self.CUDA_enable))
os.environ['VF_CUDA_DEVICE'] = str(self.CUDA_device)
# Helper functions ##############################################################
def rgb_to_hex(r: float, g: float, b: float):
Convert RGB values to a single hexadecimal value.
r: Red percentage (0-1)
g: Green percentage (0-1)
b: Blue percentage (0-1)
Hexadecimal color as an integer
r = round(r * 255)
g = round(g * 255)
b = round(b * 255)
hex_str = '0x{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(r, g, b)
return int(hex_str, base=16)
def getMaterialData(material_id):
Get the material data for a specific material id.
material_id: Material id corresponding to
Dictionary of material properties
current_material_data = next((item for item in material_properties if item['id'] == material_id))
if current_material_data is None:
print('Material data not available for id ' + str(material_id) + ' -- using first nonzero material')
current_material_data = next((item for item in material_properties if item['id'] != 0))
return current_material_data
def makeMesh(filename: str, delete_files: bool = True, gmsh_on_path: bool = False):
Import mesh data from file
filename: File name with extension
delete_files: Enable/disable deleting temporary files when finished
gmsh_on_path: Enable/disable using system gmsh rather than bundled gmsh
Mesh data (points, tris, and tets)
template = '''
Merge "{0}";
Surface Loop(1) = {{1}};
Volume(1) = {{1}};
geo_string = template.format(filename)
with open('output.geo', 'w') as f:
if gmsh_on_path:
command_string = 'gmsh '
# Check OS type
# Windows
command_string = f'"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}\\utils\\gmsh.exe"'
# Linux
command_string = f'"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/utils/gmsh"'
command_string = command_string + ' output.geo -3 -format msh'
print('Launching gmsh using: ' + command_string)
p = subprocess.Popen(command_string, shell=True)
mesh_file = 'output.msh'
data =
if delete_files:
return data
def alignDims(modelA, modelB):
Make object dimensions compatible for solid body operations.
This function accounts for location coordinates.
modelA: Input model A
modelB: Input model B
Resized model A, resized model B, New model coordinates
ax = modelA.coords[0]
ay = modelA.coords[1]
az = modelA.coords[2]
bx = modelB.coords[0]
by = modelB.coords[1]
bz = modelB.coords[2]
xMaxA = ax + modelA.voxels.shape[0]
yMaxA = ay + modelA.voxels.shape[1]
zMaxA = az + modelA.voxels.shape[2]
xMaxB = bx + modelB.voxels.shape[0]
yMaxB = by + modelB.voxels.shape[1]
zMaxB = bz + modelB.voxels.shape[2]
xNew = min(ax, bx)
yNew = min(ay, by)
zNew = min(az, bz)
xMaxNew = max(xMaxA, xMaxB)
yMaxNew = max(yMaxA, yMaxB)
zMaxNew = max(zMaxA, zMaxB)
voxelsANew = np.zeros((xMaxNew - xNew, yMaxNew - yNew, zMaxNew - zNew), dtype=np.uint16)
voxelsBNew = np.zeros((xMaxNew - xNew, yMaxNew - yNew, zMaxNew - zNew), dtype=np.uint16)
voxelsANew[(ax - xNew):(xMaxA - xNew), (ay - yNew):(yMaxA - yNew), (az - zNew):(zMaxA - zNew)] = modelA.voxels
voxelsBNew[(bx - xNew):(xMaxB - xNew), (by - yNew):(yMaxB - yNew), (bz - zNew):(zMaxB - zNew)] = modelB.voxels
return voxelsANew, voxelsBNew, (xNew, yNew, zNew)
def checkResolution(modelA, modelB):
Check if model resolutions are compatible for solid geometry operations.
Incompatible resolutions will print an error. This will not prevent the
operation from running, but it may indicate that the models are at
different scales or that a resolution value has been incorrectly set.
modelA: Input model A
modelB: Input model B
Check successful T/F
a = modelA.resolution
b = modelB.resolution
if a != b:
print('WARNING: inconsistent resolutions: ' + str(a) + ', ' + str(b))
return False
return True
Functions to generate structuring elements
def structSphere(radius: int, plane: Axes):
Generate a spherical structuring element.
radius: Radius of structuring element in voxels
plane: Structuring element directions, set using Axes class
Structuring element array
diameter = (radius * 2) + 1
struct = np.zeros((diameter, diameter, diameter), dtype=np.bool_)
for x in range(diameter):
for y in range(diameter):
for z in range(diameter):
xd = (x - radius)
yd = (y - radius)
zd = (z - radius)
r = np.sqrt(xd ** 2 + yd ** 2 + zd ** 2)
if r < (radius + .5):
struct[x, y, z] = 1
if plane.value[0] != 1:
struct[:radius, :, :].fill(0)
struct[-radius:, :, :].fill(0)
if plane.value[1] != 1:
struct[:, :radius, :].fill(0)
struct[:, -radius:, :].fill(0)
if plane.value[2] != 1:
struct[:, :, :radius].fill(0)
struct[:, :, -radius:].fill(0)
return struct
def structStandard(connectivity: int, plane: Axes):
Generate a 3x3x3 structuring element with the specified connectivity.
Outer face of structuring element illustrated for connectivity values 1-3:
0,0,0 | 0,1,0 | 1,1,1\n
0,1,0 | 1,1,1 | 1,1,1\n
0,0,0 | 0,1,0 | 1,1,1
connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
plane: Structuring element directions, set using Axes class
Structuring element array
struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, connectivity)
if plane.value[0] != 1:
struct[0, :, :].fill(0)
struct[2, :, :].fill(0)
if plane.value[1] != 1:
struct[:, 0, :].fill(0)
struct[:, 2, :].fill(0)
if plane.value[2] != 1:
struct[:, :, 0].fill(0)
struct[:, :, 2].fill(0)
return struct
def generateMaterials(m):
Generate the materials table for a single-material VoxelModel.
m: Material id corresponding to
Array containing the specified material and the empty material
materials = np.zeros(len(material_properties) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
material_vector = np.zeros(len(material_properties) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
material_vector[0] = 1
material_vector[m+1] = 1
materials = np.vstack((materials, material_vector))
return materials
def findFilledVoxels(a, b):
x_len = len(a[:, 0, 0])
y_len = len(a[0, :, 0])
z_len = len(b[:, 0])
f3 = np.zeros((x_len, z_len), dtype=np.float32)
for x in prange(x_len):
temp = np.zeros((y_len, z_len), dtype=np.float32)
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
temp[y, z] = a[x, y, :].dot(b[z, :])
f1 = ((temp[:, :] >= (0 - FLOATING_ERROR)).sum(0) == 4)
f2 = ((temp[:, :] <= (1 + FLOATING_ERROR)).sum(0) == 4)
f3[x] = f1 & f2
return f3
def toFullMaterials(voxels, materials, n_materials):
Convert from index-based material mixture storage to storing
full material mixtures at every voxel.
This representation requires much more memory, but is
needed for some operations. Also see toIndexedMaterials().
voxels: VoxelModel.voxels
materials: VoxelModel.materials
n_materials: Number of materials in the material properties table
Model data array
x_len = voxels.shape[0]
y_len = voxels.shape[1]
z_len = voxels.shape[2]
full_model = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len, n_materials), dtype=np.float32)
for x in range(x_len):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
i = voxels[x,y,z]
full_model[x,y,z,:] = materials[i]
return full_model
def toIndexedMaterials(voxels, model, resolution):
Convert from storing full material mixtures at every voxel
to index-based material mixture storage.
Also see toFullMaterials().
voxels: Model data array
model: Reference VoxelModel for size and coords
resolution: Model resolution
x_len = model.voxels.shape[0]
y_len = model.voxels.shape[1]
z_len = model.voxels.shape[2]
new_voxels = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len), dtype=np.int32)
new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(model.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32)
for x in range(x_len): # tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Converting to indexed materials'):
for y in range(y_len):
for z in range(z_len):
m = voxels[x, y, z, :]
i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0]
if len(i) > 0:
new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0]
new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m))
new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1
return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, coords=model.coords, resolution=resolution)
def addError(model, error, constant, i, x, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold):
if y < y_len and x < x_len and z < z_len:
high = np.where(model[x, y, z, 1:] > error_spread_threshold)[0]
if len(high) == 0:
model[x, y, z, i] += error * constant * model[x, y, z, 0]
def ditherOptimized(full_model, use_full, x_error, y_error, z_error, error_spread_threshold):
x_len = full_model.shape[0]
y_len = full_model.shape[1]
z_len = full_model.shape[2]
for z in range(z_len):
for y in range(y_len):
for x in range(x_len):
voxel = full_model[x, y, z]
if voxel[0] == 1.0:
max_i = voxel[1:].argmax()+1
for i in range(1, len(voxel)):
if full_model[x, y, z, i] != 0:
old = full_model[x, y, z, i]
if i == max_i:
full_model[x, y, z, i] = 1
full_model[x, y, z, i] = 0
error = old - full_model[x, y, z, i]
if use_full:
# Based on Fundamentals of 3D Halftoning by Lou and Stucki
addError(full_model, error, 4/21, i, x+1, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x+2, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 4/21, i, x, y+1, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x, y+2, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x+1, y+1, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x-1, y+1, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x, y-1, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x-1, y, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x, y+1, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x+1, y, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 4/21, i, x, y, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x, y, z+2, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, x_error, i, x+1, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, y_error, i, x, y+1, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
addError(full_model, error, z_error, i, x, y, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
return full_model
def updateMatIndices(voxels, old_materials, new_materials):
# Get current voxel coordinates
x, y, z = cuda.grid(3)
x_max, y_max, z_max = voxels.shape
# Ignore coordinates outside of model
if (x >= x_max) or (y >= y_max) or (z >= z_max):
# Get target material
target_mat_index = voxels[x, y, z]
target_mat = old_materials[target_mat_index, :]
# Search for material
for m in range(new_materials.shape[0]):
# If all material channels match...
match = True
for c in range(new_materials.shape[1]):
error = abs(new_materials[m, c] - target_mat[c])
if error > FLOATING_ERROR:
match = False
# the current index and end search
if match:
voxels[x, y, z] = m
voxels[x, y, z] = -1
Functions for writing to xml files
def writeHeader(f: TextIO, version: str, encoding: str):
Write XML file header
f: File object
version: XML version number
encoding: Encoding type
f.write('<?xml version="' + version + '" encoding="' + encoding + '"?>\n')
def writeData(f: TextIO, name: str, value, tab_level: int = 0):
Write a data element and the surrounding tags.
f: File object
name: Tag name
value: Data value
tab_level: Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line
for i in range(tab_level):
f.write(' ')
f.write('<' + name + '>')
f.write('</' + name + '>\n')
def writeOpen(f: TextIO, name: str, tab_level: int = 0):
Write an opening tag.
f: File object
name: Tag name
tab_level: Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line
for i in range(tab_level):
f.write(' ')
f.write('<' + name + '>\n')
def writeClos(f: TextIO, name: str, tab_level: int = 0):
Write a closing tag.
f: File object
name: Tag name
tab_level: Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line
for i in range(tab_level):
f.write(' ')
f.write('</' + name + '>\n')
def addError(model, error, constant, i, x, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold)
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@njit() def addError(model, error, constant, i, x, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold): if y < y_len and x < x_len and z < z_len: high = np.where(model[x, y, z, 1:] > error_spread_threshold)[0] if len(high) == 0: model[x, y, z, i] += error * constant * model[x, y, z, 0]
def alignDims(modelA, modelB)
Make object dimensions compatible for solid body operations.
This function accounts for location coordinates.
- Input model A
- Input model B
Resized model A, resized model B, New model coordinates
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def alignDims(modelA, modelB): """ Make object dimensions compatible for solid body operations. This function accounts for location coordinates. Args: modelA: Input model A modelB: Input model B Returns: Resized model A, resized model B, New model coordinates """ ax = modelA.coords[0] ay = modelA.coords[1] az = modelA.coords[2] bx = modelB.coords[0] by = modelB.coords[1] bz = modelB.coords[2] xMaxA = ax + modelA.voxels.shape[0] yMaxA = ay + modelA.voxels.shape[1] zMaxA = az + modelA.voxels.shape[2] xMaxB = bx + modelB.voxels.shape[0] yMaxB = by + modelB.voxels.shape[1] zMaxB = bz + modelB.voxels.shape[2] xNew = min(ax, bx) yNew = min(ay, by) zNew = min(az, bz) xMaxNew = max(xMaxA, xMaxB) yMaxNew = max(yMaxA, yMaxB) zMaxNew = max(zMaxA, zMaxB) voxelsANew = np.zeros((xMaxNew - xNew, yMaxNew - yNew, zMaxNew - zNew), dtype=np.uint16) voxelsBNew = np.zeros((xMaxNew - xNew, yMaxNew - yNew, zMaxNew - zNew), dtype=np.uint16) voxelsANew[(ax - xNew):(xMaxA - xNew), (ay - yNew):(yMaxA - yNew), (az - zNew):(zMaxA - zNew)] = modelA.voxels voxelsBNew[(bx - xNew):(xMaxB - xNew), (by - yNew):(yMaxB - yNew), (bz - zNew):(zMaxB - zNew)] = modelB.voxels return voxelsANew, voxelsBNew, (xNew, yNew, zNew)
def checkResolution(modelA, modelB)
Check if model resolutions are compatible for solid geometry operations.
Incompatible resolutions will print an error. This will not prevent the operation from running, but it may indicate that the models are at different scales or that a resolution value has been incorrectly set.
- Input model A
- Input model B
Check successful T/F
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def checkResolution(modelA, modelB): """ Check if model resolutions are compatible for solid geometry operations. Incompatible resolutions will print an error. This will not prevent the operation from running, but it may indicate that the models are at different scales or that a resolution value has been incorrectly set. Args: modelA: Input model A modelB: Input model B Returns: Check successful T/F """ a = modelA.resolution b = modelB.resolution if a != b: print('WARNING: inconsistent resolutions: ' + str(a) + ', ' + str(b)) return False else: return True
def ditherOptimized(full_model, use_full, x_error, y_error, z_error, error_spread_threshold)
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@njit() def ditherOptimized(full_model, use_full, x_error, y_error, z_error, error_spread_threshold): x_len = full_model.shape[0] y_len = full_model.shape[1] z_len = full_model.shape[2] for z in range(z_len): for y in range(y_len): for x in range(x_len): voxel = full_model[x, y, z] if voxel[0] == 1.0: max_i = voxel[1:].argmax()+1 for i in range(1, len(voxel)): if full_model[x, y, z, i] != 0: old = full_model[x, y, z, i] if i == max_i: full_model[x, y, z, i] = 1 else: full_model[x, y, z, i] = 0 error = old - full_model[x, y, z, i] if use_full: # Based on Fundamentals of 3D Halftoning by Lou and Stucki addError(full_model, error, 4/21, i, x+1, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x+2, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 4/21, i, x, y+1, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x, y+2, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x+1, y+1, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x-1, y+1, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x, y-1, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x-1, y, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x, y+1, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x+1, y, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 4/21, i, x, y, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, 1/21, i, x, y, z+2, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) else: addError(full_model, error, x_error, i, x+1, y, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, y_error, i, x, y+1, z, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) addError(full_model, error, z_error, i, x, y, z+1, x_len, y_len, z_len, error_spread_threshold) return full_model
def findFilledVoxels(a, b)
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@njit(parallel=True) def findFilledVoxels(a, b): x_len = len(a[:, 0, 0]) y_len = len(a[0, :, 0]) z_len = len(b[:, 0]) f3 = np.zeros((x_len, z_len), dtype=np.float32) for x in prange(x_len): temp = np.zeros((y_len, z_len), dtype=np.float32) for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): temp[y, z] = a[x, y, :].dot(b[z, :]) f1 = ((temp[:, :] >= (0 - FLOATING_ERROR)).sum(0) == 4) f2 = ((temp[:, :] <= (1 + FLOATING_ERROR)).sum(0) == 4) f3[x] = f1 & f2 return f3
def generateMaterials(m)
Generate the materials table for a single-material VoxelModel.
- Material id corresponding to
Array containing the specified material and the empty material
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def generateMaterials(m): """ Generate the materials table for a single-material VoxelModel. Args: m: Material id corresponding to Returns: Array containing the specified material and the empty material """ materials = np.zeros(len(material_properties) + 1, dtype=np.float32) material_vector = np.zeros(len(material_properties) + 1, dtype=np.float32) material_vector[0] = 1 material_vector[m+1] = 1 materials = np.vstack((materials, material_vector)) return materials
def getMaterialData(material_id)
Get the material data for a specific material id.
- Material id corresponding to
Dictionary of material properties
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def getMaterialData(material_id): """ Get the material data for a specific material id. Args: material_id: Material id corresponding to Returns: Dictionary of material properties """ current_material_data = next((item for item in material_properties if item['id'] == material_id)) if current_material_data is None: print('Material data not available for id ' + str(material_id) + ' -- using first nonzero material') current_material_data = next((item for item in material_properties if item['id'] != 0)) return current_material_data
def makeMesh(filename: str, delete_files: bool = True, gmsh_on_path: bool = False)
Import mesh data from file
- File name with extension
- Enable/disable deleting temporary files when finished
- Enable/disable using system gmsh rather than bundled gmsh
Mesh data (points, tris, and tets)
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def makeMesh(filename: str, delete_files: bool = True, gmsh_on_path: bool = False): """ Import mesh data from file Args: filename: File name with extension delete_files: Enable/disable deleting temporary files when finished gmsh_on_path: Enable/disable using system gmsh rather than bundled gmsh Returns: Mesh data (points, tris, and tets) """ template = ''' Merge "{0}"; Surface Loop(1) = {{1}}; //+ Volume(1) = {{1}}; ''' geo_string = template.format(filename) with open('output.geo', 'w') as f: f.writelines(geo_string) if gmsh_on_path: command_string = 'gmsh ' else: # Check OS type if'nt'): # Windows command_string = f'"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}\\utils\\gmsh.exe"' else: # Linux command_string = f'"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/utils/gmsh"' command_string = command_string + ' output.geo -3 -format msh' print('Launching gmsh using: ' + command_string) p = subprocess.Popen(command_string, shell=True) p.wait() mesh_file = 'output.msh' data = if delete_files: os.remove('output.msh') os.remove('output.geo') return data
def rgb_to_hex(r: float, g: float, b: float)
Convert RGB values to a single hexadecimal value.
- Red percentage (0-1)
- Green percentage (0-1)
- Blue percentage (0-1)
Hexadecimal color as an integer
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def rgb_to_hex(r: float, g: float, b: float): """ Convert RGB values to a single hexadecimal value. Args: r: Red percentage (0-1) g: Green percentage (0-1) b: Blue percentage (0-1) Returns: Hexadecimal color as an integer """ r = round(r * 255) g = round(g * 255) b = round(b * 255) hex_str = '0x{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(r, g, b) return int(hex_str, base=16)
def structSphere(radius: int, plane: Axes)
Generate a spherical structuring element.
- Radius of structuring element in voxels
- Structuring element directions, set using Axes class
Structuring element array
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def structSphere(radius: int, plane: Axes): """ Generate a spherical structuring element. Args: radius: Radius of structuring element in voxels plane: Structuring element directions, set using Axes class Returns: Structuring element array """ diameter = (radius * 2) + 1 struct = np.zeros((diameter, diameter, diameter), dtype=np.bool_) for x in range(diameter): for y in range(diameter): for z in range(diameter): xd = (x - radius) yd = (y - radius) zd = (z - radius) r = np.sqrt(xd ** 2 + yd ** 2 + zd ** 2) if r < (radius + .5): struct[x, y, z] = 1 if plane.value[0] != 1: struct[:radius, :, :].fill(0) struct[-radius:, :, :].fill(0) if plane.value[1] != 1: struct[:, :radius, :].fill(0) struct[:, -radius:, :].fill(0) if plane.value[2] != 1: struct[:, :, :radius].fill(0) struct[:, :, -radius:].fill(0) return struct
def structStandard(connectivity: int, plane: Axes)
Generate a 3x3x3 structuring element with the specified connectivity.
Outer face of structuring element illustrated for connectivity values 1-3:
0,0,0 | 0,1,0 | 1,1,1
0,1,0 | 1,1,1 | 1,1,1
0,0,0 | 0,1,0 | 1,1,1
- Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
- Structuring element directions, set using Axes class
Structuring element array
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def structStandard(connectivity: int, plane: Axes): """ Generate a 3x3x3 structuring element with the specified connectivity. Outer face of structuring element illustrated for connectivity values 1-3: 0,0,0 | 0,1,0 | 1,1,1\n 0,1,0 | 1,1,1 | 1,1,1\n 0,0,0 | 0,1,0 | 1,1,1 Args: connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) plane: Structuring element directions, set using Axes class Returns: Structuring element array """ struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, connectivity) if plane.value[0] != 1: struct[0, :, :].fill(0) struct[2, :, :].fill(0) if plane.value[1] != 1: struct[:, 0, :].fill(0) struct[:, 2, :].fill(0) if plane.value[2] != 1: struct[:, :, 0].fill(0) struct[:, :, 2].fill(0) return struct
def toFullMaterials(voxels, materials, n_materials)
Convert from index-based material mixture storage to storing full material mixtures at every voxel.
This representation requires much more memory, but is needed for some operations. Also see toIndexedMaterials().
- VoxelModel.voxels
- VoxelModel.materials
- Number of materials in the material properties table
Model data array
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@njit() def toFullMaterials(voxels, materials, n_materials): """ Convert from index-based material mixture storage to storing full material mixtures at every voxel. This representation requires much more memory, but is needed for some operations. Also see toIndexedMaterials(). Args: voxels: VoxelModel.voxels materials: VoxelModel.materials n_materials: Number of materials in the material properties table Returns: Model data array """ x_len = voxels.shape[0] y_len = voxels.shape[1] z_len = voxels.shape[2] full_model = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len, n_materials), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i = voxels[x,y,z] full_model[x,y,z,:] = materials[i] return full_model
def toIndexedMaterials(voxels, model, resolution)
Convert from storing full material mixtures at every voxel to index-based material mixture storage.
Also see toFullMaterials().
- Model data array
- Reference VoxelModel for size and coords
- Model resolution
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def toIndexedMaterials(voxels, model, resolution): """ Convert from storing full material mixtures at every voxel to index-based material mixture storage. Also see toFullMaterials(). Args: voxels: Model data array model: Reference VoxelModel for size and coords resolution: Model resolution Returns: VoxelModel """ x_len = model.voxels.shape[0] y_len = model.voxels.shape[1] z_len = model.voxels.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len), dtype=np.int32) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(model.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): # tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Converting to indexed materials'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): m = voxels[x, y, z, :] i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, coords=model.coords, resolution=resolution)
def writeClos(f:
, name: str, tab_level: int = 0) -
Write a closing tag.
- File object
- Tag name
- Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line
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def writeClos(f: TextIO, name: str, tab_level: int = 0): """ Write a closing tag. Args: f: File object name: Tag name tab_level: Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line Returns: None """ for i in range(tab_level): f.write(' ') f.write('</' + name + '>\n')
def writeData(f:
, name: str, value, tab_level: int = 0) -
Write a data element and the surrounding tags.
- File object
- Tag name
- Data value
- Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line
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def writeData(f: TextIO, name: str, value, tab_level: int = 0): """ Write a data element and the surrounding tags. Args: f: File object name: Tag name value: Data value tab_level: Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line Returns: None """ for i in range(tab_level): f.write(' ') f.write('<' + name + '>') f.write(str(value)) f.write('</' + name + '>\n')
def writeHeader(f:
, version: str, encoding: str) -
Write XML file header
- File object
- XML version number
- Encoding type
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def writeHeader(f: TextIO, version: str, encoding: str): """ Write XML file header Args: f: File object version: XML version number encoding: Encoding type Returns: None """ f.write('<?xml version="' + version + '" encoding="' + encoding + '"?>\n')
def writeOpen(f:
, name: str, tab_level: int = 0) -
Write an opening tag.
- File object
- Tag name
- Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line
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def writeOpen(f: TextIO, name: str, tab_level: int = 0): """ Write an opening tag. Args: f: File object name: Tag name tab_level: Number of tabs (2 spaces) before start of line Returns: None """ for i in range(tab_level): f.write(' ') f.write('<' + name + '>\n')
class Axes (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Options for axes and planes.
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class Axes(Enum): """ Options for axes and planes. """ X = (1,0,0) Y = (0,1,0) Z = (0,0,1) XY = (1,1,0) XZ = (1,0,1) YZ = (0,1,1) XYZ = (1,1,1)
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var X
var XY
var XYZ
var XZ
var Y
var YZ
var Z
class Dir (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Options for projection directions.
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class Dir(Enum): """ Options for projection directions. """ UP = 1 DOWN = 2 BOTH = 3
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var BOTH
var DOWN
var UP
class GpuSettings
Object to store GPU settings.
After initializing and configuring the GPU settings, use applySettings() to apply them. Changes will only persist for the current Python session.
For persistent GPU settings, configure these environment variables:
gpu = GpuSettings()
print('Default CUDA settings:' + str(gpu.CUDA_enable) + ', ' + str(gpu.CUDA_device))
gpu.setCUDA(True, 1)
Initialize a GpuSettings object.
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class GpuSettings: """ Object to store GPU settings. After initializing and configuring the GPU settings, use applySettings() to apply them. Changes will only persist for the current Python session. For persistent GPU settings, configure these environment variables: ``VF_CUDA_ENABLE = 1`` ``VF_CUDA_DEVICE = <desired GPU ID>`` ---- Example: ``gpu = GpuSettings()`` ``print('Default CUDA settings:' + str(gpu.CUDA_enable) + ', ' + str(gpu.CUDA_device))`` ``gpu.setCUDA(True, 1)`` ``gpu.applySettings()`` ---- """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize a GpuSettings object. """ # Get CUDA settings from environment variables try: CUDA_enable = bool(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_ENABLE')) CUDA_device = int(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_DEVICE')) except TypeError: print('CUDA environment variables not found') CUDA_enable = False CUDA_device = 0 self.CUDA_enable = CUDA_enable self.CUDA_device = CUDA_device def setCUDA(self, CUDA_enable: bool = True, CUDA_device: int = 0): """ Set overrides for CUDA settings. Args: CUDA_enable: Enable/disable CUDA acceleration CUDA_device: Select CUDA device Returns: None """ self.CUDA_enable = CUDA_enable self.CUDA_device = CUDA_device def applySettings(self): """ Apply GPU settings as overrides. These changes will only persist for the current python session. Returns: None """ os.environ['VF_CUDA_ENABLE'] = str(int(self.CUDA_enable)) os.environ['VF_CUDA_DEVICE'] = str(self.CUDA_device)
def applySettings(self)
Apply GPU settings as overrides.
These changes will only persist for the current python session.
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def applySettings(self): """ Apply GPU settings as overrides. These changes will only persist for the current python session. Returns: None """ os.environ['VF_CUDA_ENABLE'] = str(int(self.CUDA_enable)) os.environ['VF_CUDA_DEVICE'] = str(self.CUDA_device)
def setCUDA(self, CUDA_enable: bool = True, CUDA_device: int = 0)
Set overrides for CUDA settings.
- Enable/disable CUDA acceleration
- Select CUDA device
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def setCUDA(self, CUDA_enable: bool = True, CUDA_device: int = 0): """ Set overrides for CUDA settings. Args: CUDA_enable: Enable/disable CUDA acceleration CUDA_device: Select CUDA device Returns: None """ self.CUDA_enable = CUDA_enable self.CUDA_device = CUDA_device
class Process (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Options for manufacturing process types.
Expand source code
class Process(Enum): """ Options for manufacturing process types. """ LASER = 1 MILL = 2 PRINT = 3 CAST = 4 INSERT = 5
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var CAST
var MILL
class Struct (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Options for structuring element shapes.
Expand source code
class Struct(Enum): """ Options for structuring element shapes. """ STANDARD = 1 SPHERE = 2
- enum.Enum
Class variables
class VoxelModel (voxels: numpy.ndarray, materials: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = None, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1)
VoxelModel object that stores geometry, position, and material information.
Initialize a VoxelModel object.
- Array storing the index of the material present at each voxel
- Material index (int), or array of all material mixtures present in model with material format: (a, m0, m1, … mn)
- Model origin coordinates
- Number of voxels per mm (higher number = finer resolution)
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class VoxelModel: """ VoxelModel object that stores geometry, position, and material information. """ def __init__(self, voxels: np.ndarray, materials: TypeUnion[int, np.ndarray] = None, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1): """ Initialize a VoxelModel object. Args: voxels: Array storing the index of the material present at each voxel materials: Material index (int), or array of all material mixtures present in model with material format: (a, m0, m1, ... mn) coords: Model origin coordinates resolution: Number of voxels per mm (higher number = finer resolution) """ self.voxels = np.copy(voxels) # Use np.copy to break references # Determine how materials were specified and create the materials array accordingly if materials is None: self.materials = generateMaterials(1) elif isinstance(materials, int): self.materials = generateMaterials(materials) else: self.materials = np.copy(materials) self.coords = coords self.resolution = resolution self.components = np.zeros_like(voxels) self.numComponents = 0 @classmethod def fromVoxFile(cls, filename: str, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1): """ Create a VoxelModel from an imported .vox file. ---- Example: ``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.fromVoxFile('cylinder-red.vox', (0, 5, 0), 1)`` ---- Args: filename: File name with extension coords: Model origin coordinates resolution: Number of voxels per mm Returns: VoxelModel """ # Import data and align axes v1 = VoxParser(filename).parse() v2 = np.array(v1.to_dense(), dtype=np.uint16) v2 = np.flip(v2, 1) v2 = np.rot90(v2, 1, (2, 0)) v2 = np.rot90(v2, 1, (1, 2)) # Generate materials table assuming indices match materials in material_properties i = 0 materials = np.zeros((1, len(material_properties) + 1), dtype=np.float32) for m in np.unique(v2): if m != 0: i = i+1 material_vector = np.zeros(len(material_properties) + 1, dtype=np.float32) material_vector[0] = 1 material_vector[m+1] = 1 materials = np.vstack((materials, material_vector)) v2[v2 == m] = i return cls(v2, materials, coords=coords, resolution=resolution) @classmethod def fromMeshFile(cls, filename: str, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), material: int = 1, resolution: float = 1, gmsh_on_path: bool = False): """ Create a VoxelModel from an imported mesh file. ---- Example: ``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.fromMeshFile('center.stl', (67, 3, 0), 2, 1)`` ____ Args: filename: File name with extension coords: Model origin coordinates material: Material id corresponding to resolution: Number of voxels per mm gmsh_on_path: Enable/disable using system gmsh rather than bundled gmsh Returns: VoxelModel """ data = makeMesh(filename, True, gmsh_on_path) points = data.points # Get lists of indices of point # ii_tri = data.cells_dict['triangle'] ii_tet = data.cells_dict['tetra'] # Convert lists of indices to lists of points # tris = points[ii_tri] tets = points[ii_tet] # Create barycentric coordinate system T = np.concatenate((tets, tets[:, :, 0:1] * 0 + 1), 2) T_inv = np.zeros(T.shape) for ii, t in enumerate(T): T_inv[ii] = np.linalg.inv(t).T # Find bounding box base = 1 / resolution points_min = points.min(0) points_max = points.max(0) points_min_r = base * np.round(points_min/base) points_max_r = base * np.round(points_max/base) # Create 3D grid xx = np.r_[points_min_r[0]:points_max_r[0]+1:base] yy = np.r_[points_min_r[1]:points_max_r[1]+1:base] zz = np.r_[points_min_r[2]:points_max_r[2]+1:base] # Find center of every grid point xx_mid = (xx[1:] + xx[:-1]) / 2 yy_mid = (yy[1:] + yy[:-1]) / 2 zz_mid = (zz[1:] + zz[:-1]) / 2 # Create grid of voxel centers xyz_mid = np.array(np.meshgrid(xx_mid, yy_mid, zz_mid, indexing='ij')) xyz_mid = xyz_mid.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0) # Convert to list of points xyz_mid = xyz_mid.reshape(-1, 3) # Add 1 to allow conversion to barycentric coordinates xyz_mid = np.concatenate((xyz_mid, xyz_mid[:, 0:1] * 0 + 1), 1) # Create list of indices of each voxel ijk_mid = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.r_[:len(xx_mid)], np.r_[:len(yy_mid)], np.r_[:len(zz_mid)], indexing='ij')) ijk_mid = ijk_mid.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0) ijk_mid2 = ijk_mid.reshape(-1, 3) f3 = findFilledVoxels(np.asarray(T_inv, order='c'), np.asarray(xyz_mid, order='c')) ii, jj = f3.nonzero() lmn = ijk_mid2[np.unique(jj)] voxels = np.zeros(ijk_mid.shape[:3], dtype=np.bool_) voxels[lmn[:, 0], lmn[:, 1], lmn[:, 2]] = True new_model = cls(voxels, generateMaterials(material), coords=coords, resolution=resolution).fitWorkspace() return new_model @classmethod def empty(cls, size: Tuple[int, int, int], coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1, num_materials: int = len(material_properties)): """ Initialize an empty VoxelModel. Args: size: Size of the empty model in voxels coords: Model origin coordinates resolution: Number of voxels per mm num_materials: Number of material types in materials vector Returns: VoxelModel """ model_data = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint16) materials = np.zeros((1, num_materials + 1), dtype=np.float32) new_model = cls(model_data, materials, coords=coords, resolution=resolution) return new_model @classmethod def emptyLike(cls, voxel_model): """ Initialize an empty VoxelModel with the same size, materials, coords, and resolution as another model. Args: voxel_model: Reference VoxelModel object Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = cls(np.zeros_like(voxel_model.voxels, dtype=np.uint16), voxel_model.materials, coords=voxel_model.coords, resolution=voxel_model.resolution) return new_model @classmethod def copy(cls, voxel_model): """ Initialize an VoxelModel that is a copy of another model. Args: voxel_model: Reference VoxelModel object Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = cls(voxel_model.voxels, voxel_model.materials, coords=voxel_model.coords, resolution=voxel_model.resolution) new_model.numComponents = voxel_model.numComponents new_model.components = voxel_model.components return new_model # Property update operations ############################## def setResolution(self, res: float): """ Change the resolution of a model. Args: res: aaa Returns: None """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.resolution = res return new_model def fitWorkspace(self): """ Remove excess empty space from a model. Resize the workspace around a model to remove excess empty space. Model coordinates are updated to reflect the change. Returns: VoxelModel """ x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] x_min = -1 x_max = -1 y_min = -1 y_max = -1 z_min = -1 z_max = -1 for x in range(x_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, :, :]) > 0: x_min = x break for x in range(x_len-1,-1,-1): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, :, :]) > 0: x_max = x+1 break for y in range(y_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[:, y, :]) > 0: y_min = y break for y in range(y_len-1,-1,-1): if np.sum(self.voxels[:, y, :]) > 0: y_max = y+1 break for z in range(z_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[:, :, z]) > 0: z_min = z break for z in range(z_len-1,-1,-1): if np.sum(self.voxels[:, :, z]) > 0: z_max = z+1 break x_min = 0 if x_min == -1 else x_min y_min = 0 if y_min == -1 else y_min z_min = 0 if z_min == -1 else z_min x_max = x_len if x_max == -1 else x_max y_max = y_len if y_max == -1 else y_max z_max = z_len if z_max == -1 else z_max new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, z_min:z_max]) new_components = np.copy(self.components[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, z_min:z_max]) new_coords = (self.coords[0] + x_min, self.coords[1] + y_min, self.coords[2] + z_min) new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, coords=new_coords, resolution=self.resolution) new_model.numComponents = self.numComponents new_model.components = new_components return new_model def removeDuplicateMaterials(self): """ Remove duplicate rows from a model's material array. This function can be greatly accelerated using CUDA. For more information on how to enable CUDA in VoxelFuse, see the GpuSettings class. Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels) new_materials = np.unique(self.materials, axis=0) # Get CUDA settings try: CUDA_enable = bool(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_ENABLE')) CUDA_device = int(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_DEVICE')) except TypeError: print('CUDA environment variables not found, defaulting to CUDA disabled') CUDA_enable = False CUDA_device = 0 if CUDA_enable: # Select GPU cuda.select_device(CUDA_device) # CUDA blocks blockdim = (8, 8, 8) # 512 threads (1024 threads max) griddim = (new_voxels.shape[0] // blockdim[0] + 1, new_voxels.shape[1] // blockdim[1] + 1, new_voxels.shape[2] // blockdim[2] + 1) # Update material indices updateMatIndices[griddim, blockdim](new_voxels, self.materials, new_materials) else: x_len, y_len, z_len = self.voxels.shape for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Removing duplicate materials'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i = self.voxels[x, y, z] m = self.materials[i] ni = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0][0] new_voxels[x, y, z] = ni return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, self.coords, self.resolution) def getComponents(self, connectivity: int = 1): """ Update component labels for a model. This function uses a disconnected components algorithm and assumes that adjacent voxels with different materials are connected. Connectivity can be set to 1-3 and defines the shape of the structuring element. Args: connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.voxels[:, :, :] > 0, dtype=np.bool_) struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, connectivity) new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.components, new_model.numComponents = ndimage.label(mask, structure=struct) new_model.components = np.uint8(new_model.components) return new_model # Selection operations ############################## # TODO: Should this reference the material properties table? # TODO: isolateMaterialVector def isolateMaterial(self, material: int): """ Get all voxels with a specified material. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.isolateMaterial(4)`` ---- Args: material: Material index corresponding to the materials array for the model Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.voxels == material, dtype=np.bool_) materials = np.zeros((2, self.materials.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) materials[1] = self.materials[material] return VoxelModel(mask.astype(int), materials, self.coords, self.resolution) def isolateLayer(self, layer: int): """ Get all voxels in a specified layer. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.isolateLayer(8)`` ---- Args: layer: Voxel layer to isolate Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = np.zeros_like(self.voxels, dtype=np.uint16) new_voxels[:, :, layer - self.coords[2]] = self.voxels[:, :, layer - self.coords[2]] return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) def isolateComponent(self, component: int): """ Isolate a component by its component label. Component labels must first be updated with getComponents. Unrecognized component labels will return an empty object. Args: component: Component label to isolate Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.components == component, dtype=np.bool_) new_voxels = np.multiply(self.voxels, mask) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) # Mask operations ############################## # Material defaults to the first material in the input model def getUnoccupied(self): """ Get all voxels not occupied by the input model. This operation can also be applied using the invert operator (~). ---- Examples: ``model2 = model1.getUnoccupied()`` ``model2 = ~model1`` ---- Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.voxels == 0, dtype=np.bool_) return VoxelModel(mask, self.materials[0:2, :], self.coords, self.resolution) def __invert__(self): """ Get all voxels not occupied by the input model. Overload invert operator (~) for VoxelModel objects with getUnoccupied(). Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.getUnoccupied() def getOccupied(self): """ Get all voxels occupied by the input model. Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_) return VoxelModel(mask, self.materials[0:2, :], self.coords, self.resolution) def getBoundingBox(self): """ Get all voxels contained in the bounding box of the input model. Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model = new_model.fitWorkspace() new_model.voxels.fill(1) new_model = new_model.getOccupied() new_model.materials = self.materials[0:2, :] return new_model def setMaterial(self, material: int): """ Set the material of all voxels in a model. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.getBoundingBox()`` ``model3 = model2.setMaterial(2)`` ---- Args: material: Material id corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = self.getOccupied().voxels # Converts input model to a mask, no effect if input is already a mask material_vector = np.zeros(self.materials.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) material_vector[0] = 1 material_vector[material+1] = 1 a = np.zeros(self.materials.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) b = material_vector m = np.vstack((a, b)) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, m, self.coords, self.resolution) def setMaterialVector(self, material_vector): # material input is the desired material vector """ Set the material of all voxels in a model. ---- Example: ``material_vector = np.zeros(len(materials) + 1)`` ``material_vector[0] = 1 # Set a to 1`` ``material_vector[3] = 0.3 # Set material 3 to 30%`` ``material_vector[4] = 0.7 # Set material 4 to 70%`` ``model2 = model1.setMaterialVector(material_vector)`` ---- Args: material_vector: Material mixture vector, format: (a, m0, m1, ... mn) Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = self.getOccupied().voxels # Converts input model to a mask, no effect if input is already a mask a = np.zeros(len(material_vector), dtype=np.float32) b = material_vector materials = np.vstack((a, b)) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, self.coords, self.resolution) # Boolean operations ############################## # Material from base model takes priority def union(self, model_to_add): """ Find the geometric union of two models. The materials from self will take priority in overlapping areas of the resulting model. This operation can also be applied using the OR operator (|) ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.union(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 | model2`` ---- Args: model_to_add: VoxelModel to union with self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_to_add) materials = np.vstack((self.materials, model_to_add.materials[1:])) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_add) i_offset = len(self.materials) - 1 b = b + i_offset b[b == i_offset] = 0 # Paper uses a symmetric difference operation combined with the left/right intersection # A condensed version of this operation is used here for code simplicity mask = np.array(a == 0, dtype=np.bool_) new_voxels = np.multiply(b, mask) new_voxels = new_voxels + a # material from left model takes priority return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution) def __or__(self, other): """ Find the geometric union of two models. Overload OR operator (|) for VoxelModel objects with union(). Args: other: VoxelModel to union with self Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.union(other) def difference(self, model_to_sub): """ Find the geometric difference of two models. ---- Example: ``model3 = model1.difference(model2)`` ---- Args: model_to_sub: VoxelModel to subtract from self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_to_sub) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_sub) mask = np.array(b == 0, dtype=np.bool_) new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, new_coords, self.resolution) def intersection(self, model_2): """ Find the geometric intersection of two models. The materials from self will be used in the resulting model. This operation can also be applied using the AND operator (&) ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.intersection(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 & model2`` ---- Args: model_2: VoxelModel to intersect with self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_2) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_2) mask = np.logical_and(np.array(a != 0, dtype=np.bool_), np.array(b != 0, dtype=np.bool_)) # Paper provides for left/right intersection # For code simplicity, only a left intersection is provided here new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask) # material from left model takes priority materials = self.materials return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution) def __and__(self, other): """ Find the geometric intersection of two models. Overload AND operator (&) for VoxelModel objects with intersection(). Args: other: VoxelModel to intersect with self Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.intersection(other) def xor(self, model_2): """ Find the geometric exclusive or of two models. This operation can also be applied using the XOR operator (^) ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.xor(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 ^ model2`` ---- Args: model_2: VoxelModel to xor with self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_2) materials = np.vstack((self.materials, model_2.materials[1:])) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_2) i_offset = len(self.materials) - 1 b = b + i_offset b[b == i_offset] = 0 mask1 = np.array(b == 0, dtype=np.bool_) mask2 = np.array(a == 0, dtype=np.bool_) new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask1) + np.multiply(b, mask2) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution) def __xor__(self, other): """ Find the geometric exclusive or of two models. Overload XOR operator (^) for VoxelModel objects with xor(). Args: other: VoxelModel to xor with self Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.xor(other) # Material is computed def add(self, model_to_add): """ Find the material-wise addition of two models. The materials of the result are calculated by adding the material vectors for each voxel together. Example -- Adding a voxel containing material 1 and a voxel containing material 3: >> Voxel A = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]\n >> Voxel B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n >> A + B = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]\n >> Scale Result (see Cleanup Operations) → [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]\n This operation can also be applied using the addition operator (+). ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.add(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 + model2`` ---- Args: model_to_add: VoxelModel to add to self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_to_add) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_add) x_len = a.shape[0] y_len = a.shape[1] z_len = a.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i1 = int(a[x, y, z]) i2 = int(b[x, y, z]) m1 = self.materials[i1] m2 = model_to_add.materials[i2] m = m1 + m2 m[0] = np.logical_or(m1[0], m2[0]) i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution) def __add__(self, other): """ Find the material-wise addition of two models. Overload addition operator (+) for VoxelModel objects with add(). Args: other: VoxelModel to add to self Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.add(other) # Material is computed def subtract(self, model_to_sub): """ Find the material-wise difference of two models. The materials of the result are calculated for each voxel by subtracting the second material vector from the first. Example -- Subtracting a voxel containing material 3 from the result of the addition example: >> Voxel A = [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]\n >> Voxel B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n >> A - B = [1, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.5]\n >> Remove negatives (see Cleanup Operations) → [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0]\n This operation can also be applied using the subtraction operator (-). ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.subtract(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 - model2`` ---- Args: model_to_sub: VoxelModel to subtract from self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_to_sub) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_sub) x_len = a.shape[0] y_len = a.shape[1] z_len = a.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i1 = int(a[x, y, z]) i2 = int(b[x, y, z]) m1 = self.materials[i1] m2 = model_to_sub.materials[i2] m = m1 - m2 m[0] = np.logical_or(m1[0], m2[0]) i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution) def __sub__(self, other): """ Find the material-wise difference of two models. Overload subtraction operator (-) for VoxelModel objects with subtract(). Args: other: VoxelModel to subtract from self Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.subtract(other) def multiply(self, other): """ Find the material-wise multiplication of two models. The materials of the result are calculated by multiplying the material vectors for each voxel. This function also supports multiplication by a scalar. This operation can also be applied using the multiplication operator (*). ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.multiply(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 * model2`` ``model5 = model4 * 3`` ---- Args: other: VoxelModel to multiply with self Returns: VoxelModel """ if type(other) is VoxelModel: checkResolution(self, other) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, other) x_len = a.shape[0] y_len = a.shape[1] z_len = a.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i1 = int(a[x, y, z]) i2 = int(b[x, y, z]) m1 = self.materials[i1] m2 = other.materials[i2] m = np.multiply(m1, m2) m[0] = np.logical_and(m1[0], m2[0]) i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution) else: new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.materials[1:, 1:] = np.multiply(new_model.materials[1:, 1:], other) return new_model def __mul__(self, other): """ Find the material-wise multiplication of two models. Overload multiplication operator (*) for VoxelModel objects with multiply(). Args: other: VoxelModel to multiply with self Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.multiply(other) def divide(self, other): """ Find the material-wise division of two models. The materials of the result are calculated for each voxel by dividing the first material vector by the second. This function also supports division by a scalar. This operation can also be applied using the division operator (/). ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.divide(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 / model2`` ``model5 = model4 / 3`` ---- Args: other: VoxelModel to divide self by Returns: VoxelModel """ if type(other) is VoxelModel: checkResolution(self, other) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, other) x_len = a.shape[0] y_len = a.shape[1] z_len = a.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i1 = int(a[x, y, z]) i2 = int(b[x, y, z]) m1 = self.materials[i1] m2 = other.materials[i2] m2[m2 == 0] = 1 m = np.divide(m1, m2) m[0] = m1[0] i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution) else: if other == 0: return self new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.materials[1:, 1:] = np.divide(new_model.materials[1:, 1:], other) return new_model def __truediv__(self, other): """ Find the material-wise division of two models. Overload division operator (/) for VoxelModel objects with divide(). Args: other: VoxelModel to divide self by Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.divide(other) # Morphology Operations ############################## def dilate(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, struct_type: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): # TODO: Preserve overlapping materials? """ Dilate a model along the specified axes. ---- Examples: ``model2 = model1.dilate(3)`` ``model4 = model3.dilate(1, Axes.XY, Struct.SPHERE, 2)`` ---- Args: radius: Dilation radius in voxels plane: Dilation directions, set using Axes class struct_type: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] + (radius * 2) y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] + (radius * 2) z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] + (radius * 2) new_voxels = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len), dtype=np.uint16) new_voxels[radius:-radius, radius:-radius, radius:-radius] = self.voxels if struct_type == Struct.SPHERE: struct = structSphere(radius, plane) new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct) else: # Struct.STANDARD struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane) for i in range(radius): new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, (self.coords[0] - radius, self.coords[1] - radius, self.coords[2] - radius), self.resolution) def __lshift__(self, radius): """ Dilate a model in all three axes. Overload left shift operator (<<) for VoxelModel objects with dilate(). Uses: - plane = Axes.XYZ - struct_type = Struct.STANDARD - connectivity = 3 Args: radius: Dilation radius in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.dilate(radius) def dilateBounded(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): """ Dilate a model along the specified axes without increasing the size of its bounding box. Args: radius: Dilation radius in voxels plane: Dilation directions, set using Axes class structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) new_voxels = np.copy(self.fitWorkspace().voxels) if structType == Struct.SPHERE: struct = structSphere(radius, plane) new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct) else: # Struct.STANDARD struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane) for i in range(radius): new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) def erode(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, struct_type: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): """ Erode a model along the specified axes. ---- Examples: ``model2 = model1.erode(5, connectivity=2)`` ``model4 = model3.erode(2, Axes.X, Struct.SPHERE, 1)`` ---- Args: radius: Erosion radius in voxels plane: Erosion directions, set using Axes class struct_type: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels) mask = np.array(new_voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_) if struct_type == Struct.SPHERE: struct = structSphere(radius, plane) mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask, structure=struct) else: # Struct.STANDARD struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane) mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask, structure=struct, iterations=radius) new_voxels = np.multiply(new_voxels, mask) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) def __rshift__(self, radius): """ Erode a model in all three axes. Overload right shift operator (>>) for VoxelModel objects with erode(). Uses: - plane = Axes.XYZ - struct_type = Struct.STANDARD - connectivity = 3 Args: radius: Dilation radius in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ return self.erode(radius) def closing(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): """ Apply a closing algorithm along the specified axes. This algorithm consists of dilation followed by erosion and will remove small holes. Depending on the structuring element used, this will apply a chamfer or fillet effect to inside corners. Args: radius: Radius for dilation/erosion in voxels plane: Dilation/erosion directions, set using Axes class structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) else: return self.dilate(radius, plane, structType, connectivity).erode(radius, plane, structType, connectivity).fitWorkspace() def opening(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): """ Apply an opening algorithm along the specified axes. This algorithm consists of erosion followed by dilation and will remove small features. Depending on the structuring element used, this will apply a chamfer or fillet effect to outside corners. Args: radius: Radius for dilation/erosion in voxels plane: Dilation/erosion directions, set using Axes class structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels) mask = np.array(new_voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_) if structType == Struct.SPHERE: struct = structSphere(radius, plane) mask = ndimage.binary_opening(mask, structure=struct) else: # Struct.STANDARD struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane) mask = ndimage.binary_opening(mask, structure=struct, iterations=radius) new_voxels = np.multiply(new_voxels, mask) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) # Material Interface Modification ############################## def blur(self, radius: float = 1): """ Apply a Gaussian blur with the defined radius to the entire model. The blur radius corresponds to two times the standard deviation (2 * sigma) of the Gaussian distribution. The blurred effect is limited to voxels that were occupied by material in the input model. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.blur(2)`` ___ Args: radius: Blur radius in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) full_model = toFullMaterials(self.voxels, self.materials, len(self.materials[0])) for m in tqdm(range(len(self.materials[0])-1), desc='Blur - applying gaussian filter'): full_model[:, :, :, m+1] = ndimage.gaussian_filter(full_model[:, :, :, m+1], sigma=radius/2) mask = full_model[:, :, :, 0] mask = np.repeat(mask[..., None], len(self.materials[0]), axis=3) full_model = np.multiply(full_model, mask) return toIndexedMaterials(full_model, self, self.resolution) def blurRegion(self, radius: float, region): """ Apply a Gaussian blur with the defined radius to voxels that intersect with the region model. The blur radius corresponds to two times the standard deviation (2 * sigma) of the Gaussian distribution. The blurred effect is limited to voxels that were occupied by material in the intersection result and the material of the region model is ignored. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.blurRegion(3, regionModel)`` ___ Args: radius: Blur radius in voxels region: VoxelModel defining the target blur region Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.blur(radius) new_model = new_model.intersection(region) new_model = new_model.union(self) return new_model def dither(self, use_full=True, x_error=0.0, y_error=0.0, z_error=0.0, error_spread_threshold=0.8, blur=False, radius=1): """ Apply material-wise dithering to a model. Applying dithering will modify the model so that each voxel contains material in only a single material channel. Regions of the model which contained mixtures of materials will be converted to distributions of adjacent single material voxels. Args: use_full: Enabling will use a Stucki error diffusion filter. Disabling will use the provided values for x, y, and z error x_error: Percentage of error to spread in X y_error: Percentage of error to spread in Y z_error: Percentage of error to spread in Z error_spread_threshold: If a voxel contains a material channel that accounts for more than this percentage of the voxel, no additional error will be spread to it blur: Enable/disable applying a blur operation before the dither operation radius: Radius value for the optional blur operation Returns: VoxelModel """ if blur and (radius > 0): new_model = self.blur(radius) new_model = new_model.scaleValues() else: new_model = self.scaleValues() new_model.voxels = new_model.voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16) full_model = toFullMaterials(new_model.voxels, new_model.materials, len(material_properties) + 1) full_model = ditherOptimized(full_model, use_full, x_error, y_error, z_error, error_spread_threshold) return toIndexedMaterials(full_model, self, self.resolution) # Cleanup ############################## def removeNegatives(self): """ Remove negative material values from a model (these have no physical meaning). ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.removeNegatives()`` ___ Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.materials[new_model.materials < 1e-10] = 0 material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:,1:], 1) # This and following update the a values material_sums[material_sums > 0] = 1 new_model.materials[:, 0] = material_sums return new_model def scaleValues(self): """ Scale nonzero material values to make all voxels contain 100% material while maintaining the ratio between materials. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.scaleValues()`` ___ Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.removeNegatives() material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:, 1:], 1) material_sums[material_sums == 0] = 1 material_sums = np.repeat(material_sums[..., None], len(self.materials[0])-1, axis=1) new_model.materials[:,1:] = np.divide(new_model.materials[:,1:], material_sums) return new_model def scaleNull(self): """ Scale null material values to make all voxels contain 100% material. Voxels that contained less than 100% material will contain the same material percentages as before, but will have varying density. Voxels that contained greater than 100% material will be scaled using scaleValues(). ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.scaleNull()`` ___ Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.removeNegatives() material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:, 1:], 1) material_sums = np.ones(np.shape(material_sums)) - material_sums material_sums[material_sums < 0] = 0 new_model.materials[:,1] = np.multiply(material_sums, new_model.materials[:,0]) new_model = new_model.scaleValues() return new_model def round(self, toNearest: float = 0.1): """ Round material percentages to nearest multiple of an input value. Args: toNearest: Value to round to Returns: VoxelModel """ new_materials = np.copy(self.materials) new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) mult = new_materials / toNearest floorDiff = np.round(abs(mult - np.floor(mult)), 10) ceilDiff = np.round(abs(mult - np.ceil(mult)), 10) new_materials[floorDiff < ceilDiff] = toNearest * np.floor(mult[floorDiff < ceilDiff]) new_materials[floorDiff >= ceilDiff] = toNearest * np.ceil(mult[floorDiff >= ceilDiff]) new_model.materials = new_materials return new_model def clearNull(self): """ Set all null material percentages to zero. Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.materials[1:, 1] = np.zeros(np.shape(new_model.materials[1:,1])) return new_model def setDensity(self, density: float = 1.0): """ Set the density of all voxels. Args: density: Target density value Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.clearNull() new_model = new_model.scaleValues() null_material_values = np.multiply(np.ones(np.shape(new_model.materials[1:,1])), 1-density) new_model.materials[1:, 1] = null_material_values new_model.materials[1:, 2:] = np.multiply(new_model.materials[1:, 2:], density) return new_model # Transformations ############################## def translate(self, vector: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Translate a model by the specified vector. Args: vector: Translation vector in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.coords = (self.coords[0]+vector[0], self.coords[1]+vector[1], self.coords[2]+vector[2]) return new_model def translateMM(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]): """ Translate a model by the specified vector. Args: vector: Translation vector in mm Returns: VoxelModel """ xV = int(round(vector[0] * self.resolution)) yV = int(round(vector[1] * self.resolution)) zV = int(round(vector[2] * self.resolution)) new_model = self.translate((xV, yV, zV)) return new_model def rotate(self, angle: float, axis: Axes = Axes.Z): """ Rotate a model about its center. Floating point errors may slightly affect the angle of the resulting model. To rotate a model in precise 90 degree increments, use rotate90(). Args: angle: Angle of rotation in degrees axis: Axis of rotation, set using Axes class Returns: VoxelModel """ if axis == Axes.X: plane = (1, 2) sign = 1 elif axis == Axes.Y: plane = (2, 0) sign = -1 # For some reason, Y rotates the opposite direction than expected else: # axis == Axes.Z plane = (0, 1) sign = 1 centerCoords = self.getCenter() new_voxels = ndimage.rotate(self.voxels, sign*angle, plane, order=0) new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords) return new_model def rotate90(self, times: int = 1, axis: Axes = Axes.Z): """ Rotate a model about its center in increments of 90 degrees. Args: times: Number of 90 degree increments to rotate model axis: Axis of rotation, set using Axes class Returns: VoxelModel """ if axis == Axes.X or axis == 0: plane = (1, 2) elif axis == Axes.Y or axis == 1: plane = (0, 2) else: # axis == Axes.Z or axis = 2 plane = (0, 1) centerCoords = self.getCenter() new_voxels = np.rot90(self.voxels, times, axes=plane) new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords) return new_model def mirror(self, axes: Axes = Axes.X): """ Mirror a model along the given axes. This operation will mirror ALONG the given axes. For example: - Axes.X performs a mirror about the YZ plane - Axes.XY performs a mirror about the YZ plane and the XZ plane - Axes.XYZ performs a mirror along all three axes Args: axes: Axes for mirror operation, set using Axes class Returns: VoxelModel """ flip_axis = [] for i in range(len(axes.value)): if axes.value[i]: flip_axis.append(i) flip_axis = tuple(flip_axis) centerCoords = self.getCenter() new_voxels = np.flip(self.voxels, flip_axis) new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords) return new_model def scale(self, factor: float, adjustResolution: bool = True): """ Scale a model. If adjustResolution is enabled, the resolution attribute of the model will also be multiplied by the scaling factor. Enable adjustResolution if using this operation to change the resolution of a model. Disable adjustResolution if using this operation to change the size of a model. Args: factor: Scale factor adjustResolution: Enable/disable automatic resolution adjustment Returns: VoxelModel """ model = self.fitWorkspace() x_len = int(model.voxels.shape[0] * factor) y_len = int(model.voxels.shape[1] * factor) z_len = int(model.voxels.shape[2] * factor) new_voxels = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len)) for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Scaling'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): x_source = int(((x+1) / x_len) * (model.voxels.shape[0]-1)) y_source = int(((y+1) / y_len) * (model.voxels.shape[1]-1)) z_source = int(((z+1) / z_len) * (model.voxels.shape[2]-1)) new_voxels[x,y,z] = model.voxels[x_source, y_source, z_source] model.voxels = new_voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16) model = model.setCoords(model.coords) if adjustResolution: model.resolution = model.resolution * factor return model def scaleToSize(self, size: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Scale a model to fit the given dimensions. Args: size: Target dimensions in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ model = self.fitWorkspace() new_voxels = np.zeros(size) for x in tqdm(range(size[0]), desc='Scaling'): for y in range(size[1]): for z in range(size[2]): x_source = int(((x+1) / size[0]) * (model.voxels.shape[0]-1)) y_source = int(((y+1) / size[1]) * (model.voxels.shape[1]-1)) z_source = int(((z+1) / size[2]) * (model.voxels.shape[2]-1)) new_voxels[x,y,z] = model.voxels[x_source, y_source, z_source] model.voxels = new_voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16) new_model = model.setCoords(model.coords) return new_model def getCenter(self): """ Find the coordinates of the center of a model. Returns: Center coordinates in voxels """ model = self.fitWorkspace() x_center = (model.voxels.shape[0] / 2) + model.coords[0] y_center = (model.voxels.shape[1] / 2) + model.coords[1] z_center = (model.voxels.shape[2] / 2) + model.coords[2] centerCoords = (x_center, y_center, z_center) return centerCoords def setCenter(self, coords: Tuple[float, float, float]): """ Set the center of a model to the specified coordinates. Args: coords: Target coordinates in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.fitWorkspace() x_new = int(round(coords[0] - (new_model.voxels.shape[0] / 2))) y_new = int(round(coords[1] - (new_model.voxels.shape[1] / 2))) z_new = int(round(coords[2] - (new_model.voxels.shape[2] / 2))) new_model.coords = (x_new, y_new, z_new) return new_model def getCoords(self): """ Get the origin coordinates of a model. Returns: Origin coordinates in voxels """ model = self.fitWorkspace() return model.coords def setCoords(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Set the origin of a model to the specified coordinates. Args: coords: Target coordinates in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.fitWorkspace() new_model.coords = coords return new_model def getMaxCoords(self): """ Get the maximum coordinate location in a model. This point is equal to origin coordinates + model dimensions. Returns: Maximum coordinates in voxels """ model = self.fitWorkspace() x = model.coords[0] + model.voxels.shape[0] y = model.coords[1] + model.voxels.shape[1] z = model.coords[2] + model.voxels.shape[2] return x, y, z def getDim(self): """ Get the dimensions of model. Returns: Model dimensions in voxels """ model = self.fitWorkspace() x = model.voxels.shape[0] y = model.voxels.shape[1] z = model.voxels.shape[2] return x, y, z def isOccupied(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Determine if a specific voxel is occupied. Returns: True/False """ x = coords[0] - self.coords[0] y = coords[1] - self.coords[1] z = coords[2] - self.coords[2] if x < 0 or x >= self.voxels.shape[0]: return False if y < 0 or y >= self.voxels.shape[1]: return False if z < 0 or z >= self.voxels.shape[2]: return False v = self.voxels[x, y, z] if v == 0: return False else: return True # Model Info ############################## def getVoxelDim(self): """ Get the side dimension of a voxel in mm. Returns: Float """ res = self.resolution return (1.0/res) * 0.001 def getVolume(self, component: int = 0, material: int = 0): """ Get the volume of a model or model component. Args: component: Component label to measure, set to 0 for all components material: Material index to measure, set to 0 for all materials Returns: Volume in voxels, volume in mm^3 """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) if component > 0: new_model = new_model.isolateComponent(component) if material > 0: new_model = new_model.isolateMaterial(material) volumeVoxels = np.count_nonzero(new_model.voxels) volumeMM3 = volumeVoxels * ((1/self.resolution)**3) return volumeVoxels, volumeMM3 def getMaterialProperties(self, material): """ Get the average material properties of a row in a model's material array. Args: material: Material index Returns: Dictionary of material properties """ avg_properties = {} for key in material_properties[0]: if key == 'name' or key == 'process': string = '' for i in range(len(self.materials[0])-1): if self.materials[material][i + 1] > 0: current_material_data = getMaterialData(i) string = string + current_material_data[key] + ' ' avg_properties.update({key: string}) elif key == 'MM' or key == 'MMD' or key == 'FM' or key == 'HG' or key == 'HGM': material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax() current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id) var = current_material_data[key] avg_properties.update({key: var}) else: var = 0 for i in range(len(self.materials[0])-1): current_material_data = getMaterialData(i) var = var + self.materials[material][i + 1] * current_material_data[key] avg_properties.update({key: var}) return avg_properties def getSSData(self, material): """ Get the stress-strain data for a row in a model's material array. This is currently returned based on the material present in the highest percentage. TODO: Make this average multiple stress-strain curves Args: material: Material index Returns: Dictionary of stress-strain data """ material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax() current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id) try: ss_data_index = current_material_data['MMD'] current_ss_data = next((item for item in ss_data if item['id'] == ss_data_index), None) if current_ss_data is None: raise KeyError except KeyError: print('Stress-strain data not available for ' + current_material_data['name']) current_ss_data = None return current_ss_data def getHGModel(self, material): """ Get the hydrogel model parameters for a row in a model's material array. This is currently returned based on the material present in the highest percentage. TODO: Make this average multiple model parameters Args: material: Material index Returns: Dictionary of hydrogel model parameters """ material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax() current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id) try: hg_model_index = current_material_data['HGM'] current_hg_model = next((item for item in hg_models if item['id'] == hg_model_index), None) if current_hg_model is None: raise KeyError except KeyError: print('Hydrogel model data not available for ' + current_material_data['name']) current_hg_model = None return current_hg_model def getVoxelProperties(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Get the average material properties of a specific voxel. Args: coords: Voxel coordinates Returns: Dictionary of material properties """ return self.getMaterialProperties(self.voxels[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]]) # Manufacturing Features ############################## def projection(self, direction: Dir, material: int = 1): """ Generate a model representing all voxels within the workspace that contain material or that lie in the specified direction with respect to a voxel that contains material. --- Example: ``modelResult = model1.projection(Dir.DOWN)`` --- Args: direction: Projection direction, set using Dir class material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = np.zeros_like(self.voxels) x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] if direction == Dir.BOTH: # Loop through model data for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, :]) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, :].fill(1) elif direction == Dir.DOWN: # Loop through model data for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, z:]) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = 1 elif np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, z:]) == 0: break elif direction == Dir.UP: # Loop through model data for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, :z]) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, generateMaterials(material), self.coords, self.resolution) def keepout(self, method: Process, material: int = 1): """ Generate a model representing the keep-out region of a model. The keep-out region for a given process and part represents material which the process may not modify while creating the part. This feature primarily applies to subtractive processes. It includes material that will be present in the final part and regions of the workspace that cannot be accessed without affecting this material. In general, additive processes will have no keep-out region because they deposit material from the bottom up. ---- Example: ``modelResult = model1.keepout(Process.MILL)`` ---- Args: method: Target manufacturing method, set using Process class material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ if method == Process.LASER: new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material) elif method == Process.MILL: new_model = self.projection(Dir.DOWN, material) elif method == Process.INSERT: new_model = self.projection(Dir.UP, material) else: new_model = self return new_model def clearance(self, method: Process, material: int = 1): """ Generate a model representing the clearance region of a model. The clearance region for a given process and part represents regions that will be affected by the process acting on the part. Clearance can be used to identify regions of a model that conflict with the manufacturing of another model. ---- Example: ``modelResult = model1.clearance(Process.PRINT)`` ---- Args: method: Target manufacturing method, set using Process class material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ if method == Process.LASER: new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material).difference(self) elif method == Process.MILL: new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material).difference(self.projection(Dir.DOWN, material)) elif (method == Process.INSERT) or (method == Process.PRINT): new_model = self.projection(Dir.UP, material) else: new_model = self return new_model def support(self, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XY, material: int = 1): """ Generate a model representing where support material may be added to an object as characterized by the process that is used to remove the supports. ---- Example: ``modelResult =`` ---- Args: method: Target support removal method, set using Process class r1: Parameter used to determine areas where support is ineffective based on proximity to empty regions that are inaccessible to the removal process r2: Desired thickness of the support material plane: Directions in which to add support material, set using Axes class material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ model_A = self.keepout(method, material) model_A = model_A.dilate(r2, plane).difference(model_A) model_A = model_A.difference(self.keepout(method, material).difference(self).dilate(r1, plane)) # Valid support regions return model_A def userSupport(self, support_model, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XY, material: int = -1): """ Generate a model representing the intersection of the supportable region and a user support model. ---- Example: ``modelResult = model1.userSupport(model2, Process.LASER)`` ---- Args: support_model: User provided support model method: Target support removal method, set using Process class r1: Parameter used to determine areas where support is ineffective based on proximity to empty regions that are inaccessible to the removal process r2: Desired thickness of the support material plane: Directions in which to add support material, set using Axes class material: Material index corresponding to, set to -1 to use support model material Returns: VoxelModel """ if material > -1: model_A =, r1, r2, plane) model_A = support_model.intersection(model_A) else: model_A =, r1, r2, plane, material) model_A = model_A.intersection(support_model) return model_A def web(self, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, layer: int = -1, material = 1): """ Generate a model representing the scrap material surrounding a model. Web can be used in the creation of supports or layer alignment fixtures. ---- Example: ``modelResult = model1.web(Process.LASER, 1, 5)`` ---- Args: method: Target web removal method, set using Process class r1: Distance from surface of part to inside of web in r2: Width of web in voxels layer: Voxel layer at which to generate web, set to -1 to generate for all layers material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ model_A = self.keepout(method, material) if layer != -1: model_A = model_A.isolateLayer(layer) model_A = model_A.dilate(r1, Axes.XY) model_A = model_A.dilate(r2, Axes.XY).getBoundingBox().difference(model_A) return model_A # File IO ############################## # Add model to a K3D plot in Jupyter Notebook def plot(self, plot=None, name: str = 'model', wireframe: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Add model to a K3D plot. Additional display options: - opacity: `float`. Opacity of voxels. - outlines: `bool`. Whether mesh should display with outlines. - outlines_color: `int`. Packed RGB color of the resulting outlines (0xff0000 is red, 0xff is blue) - kwargs: `dict`. Dictionary arguments to configure transform and model_matrix. More information available at: Args: plot: Plot object to add model to name: Model name wireframe: Enable displaying model as a wireframe kwargs: Additional display options (see above) Returns: K3D plot object """ model = self.fitWorkspace() | VoxelModel.empty((1, 1, 1), resolution=self.resolution) model = model.removeDuplicateMaterials() # Get colors colors = [] for m in model.materials: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 for i in range(1, len(m)): r = r + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['r'] g = g + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['g'] b = b + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['b'] r = 1 if r > 1 else r g = 1 if g > 1 else g b = 1 if b > 1 else b colors.append(rgb_to_hex(r, g, b)) colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.uint32)[1:] # Plot if plot is None: plot = k3d.plot() plot += k3d.voxels(np.swapaxes(model.voxels, 0, 2).astype(np.uint8), color_map=colors, name=name, wireframe=wireframe, **kwargs) return plot def saveVF(self, filename: str): """ Save model data to a .vf file The native VoxelFuse file format stores the same information as the attributes of a VoxelModel object. This includes geometry and material mixture data. Material attributes remain stored in the file, so the same version of this file must be used when saving and opening models. The .vf file type can be reopened by a VoxelFuse script. ---- Example: ``modelResult.saveVF("test-file")`` ---- Args: filename: File name Returns: None """ f = open(filename+'.vf', 'w+') print('Saving file: ' + x_coord = self.coords[0] y_coord = self.coords[1] z_coord = self.coords[2] writeOpen(f, 'coords') f.write(str(x_coord) + ',' + str(y_coord) + ',' + str(z_coord) + ',\n') writeClos(f, 'coords') writeOpen(f, 'resolution') f.write(str(self.resolution) + '\n') writeClos(f, 'resolution') writeOpen(f, 'materials') for r in range(len(self.materials[:,0])): # tqdm(range(len(self.materials[:,0])), desc='Writing materials'): for c in range(len(self.materials[0,:])): f.write(str(self.materials[r,c]) + ',') f.write('\n') writeClos(f, 'materials') x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] writeOpen(f, 'size') f.write(str(x_len) + ',' + str(y_len) + ',' + str(z_len) + ',\n') writeClos(f, 'size') writeOpen(f, 'voxels') for x in range(x_len): # tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Writing voxels'): for z in range(z_len): for y in range(y_len): f.write(str(int(self.voxels[x,y,z])) + ',') f.write(';') f.write('\n') writeClos(f, 'voxels') writeOpen(f, 'components') f.write(str(self.numComponents) + '\n') writeClos(f, 'components') if self.numComponents > 0: writeOpen(f, 'labels') for x in range(x_len): # tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Writing components'): for z in range(z_len): for y in range(y_len): f.write(str(int(self.components[x,y,z])) + ',') f.write(';') f.write('\n') writeClos(f, 'labels') f.close() @classmethod def openVF(cls, filename: str): """ Load model data from a .vf file This method will create a new VoxelModel object using the data from the .vf file. Material attributes are stored in the file, so the same version of this file must be used when saving and opening models. ---- Example: ``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.openVF("test-file")`` ---- Args: filename: File name Returns: VoxelModel """ if filename[-3:] == '.vf': f = open(filename, 'r') else: f = open(filename + '.vf', 'r') print('Opening file: ' + data = f.readlines() loc = np.ones((7,2), dtype=np.uint16) loc = np.multiply(loc, -1) for i in range(len(data)): # tqdm(range(len(data)), desc='Finding tags'): if data[i][:-1] == '<coords>': loc[0,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</coords>': loc[0,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<materials>': loc[1,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</materials>': loc[1,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<size>': loc[2,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</size>': loc[2,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<voxels>': loc[3,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</voxels>': loc[3,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<components>': loc[4,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</components>': loc[4,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<labels>': loc[5,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</labels>': loc[5,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<resolution>': loc[6,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</resolution>': loc[6,1] = i coords = np.array(data[loc[0,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.int16) if loc[6,0] > -1: resolution = float(data[loc[6,0]][:-1]) else: resolution = 1 materials = np.array(data[loc[1,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(loc[1,0]+1, loc[1,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[1,0]+1, loc[1,1]), desc='Reading materials'): materials = np.vstack((materials, np.array(data[i][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.float32))) size = tuple(np.array(data[loc[2,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.uint16)) voxels = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint16) for i in range(loc[3,0], loc[3,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[3,0], loc[3,1]), desc='Reading voxels'): x = i - loc[3,0] yz = data[i][:-2].split(";") for z in range(len(yz)): y = np.array(yz[z][:-1].split(","), dtype=np.uint16) voxels[x, :, z] = y numComponents = int(data[loc[4,0]][:-1]) components = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8) if numComponents > 0: for i in range(loc[5,0], loc[5,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[5,0], loc[5,1]), desc='Reading components'): x = i - loc[5, 0] yz = data[i][:-2].split(";") for z in range(len(yz)): y = np.array(yz[z][:-1].split(","), dtype=np.uint8) components[x, :, z] = y new_model = cls(voxels, materials, coords=tuple(coords), resolution=resolution) new_model.numComponents = numComponents new_model.components = components f.close() return new_model def saveVXC(self, filename: str, compression: bool = False): """ Save model data to a .vxc file The VoxCad file format stores geometry and full material palette data. The material palette includes the properties for each material and material mixtures are converted into distinct palette entries. This format supports compression for the voxel data. Enabling compression allows for larger models, but it may introduce geometry errors that particularly affect small models. The .vxc file type can be opened using VoxCad simulation software. However, it cannot currently be reopened by a VoxelFuse script. ---- Example: ``modelResult.saveVXC("test-file", compression=False)`` ---- Args: filename: File name compression: Enable/disable voxel data compression Returns: None """ f = open(filename + '.vxc', 'w+') print('Saving file: ' + empty_model = VoxelModel.empty((1,1,1), resolution=self.resolution) export_model = (VoxelModel.copy(self).fitWorkspace()) | empty_model # Fit workspace and union with an empty object at the origin to clear offsets if object is raised export_model.coords = (0, 0, 0) # Set coords to zero to move object to origin if it is at negative coordinates writeHeader(f, '1.0', 'ISO-8859-1') export_model.writeVXCData(f, compression) f.close() def writeVXCData(self, f: TextIO, compression: bool = False): """ Write geometry and material data to a text file using the .vxc format. The VXC/VXA format stores geometry as a 3D grid of single-digit decimal numbers. As such, it is limited to 9 distinct materials. Args: f: File to write to compression: Enable/disable voxel data compression Returns: None """ if len(self.materials[:, 0]) > 10: f.close() os.remove( raise ValueError('The VXC/VXA file format supports a maximum of 9 distinct materials') writeOpen(f, 'VXC Version="' + str(0.94) + '"', 0) # Lattice settings writeOpen(f, 'Lattice', 1) writeData(f, 'Lattice_Dim', (1 / self.resolution) * 0.001, 2) writeData(f, 'X_Dim_Adj', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Dim_Adj', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'Z_Dim_Adj', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'X_Line_Offset', 0, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Line_Offset', 0, 2) writeData(f, 'X_Layer_Offset', 0, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Layer_Offset', 0, 2) writeClos(f, 'Lattice', 1) # Voxel settings writeOpen(f, 'Voxel', 1) writeData(f, 'Vox_Name', 'BOX', 2) writeData(f, 'X_Squeeze', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Squeeze', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'Z_Squeeze', 1, 2) writeClos(f, 'Voxel', 1) # Materials writeOpen(f, 'Palette', 1) for row in range(1, len(self.materials[:, 0])): # tqdm(range(1, len(self.materials[:, 0])), desc='Writing materials'): avgProps = self.getMaterialProperties(row) writeOpen(f, 'Material ID="' + str(row) + '"', 2) writeData(f, 'MatType', 0, 3) writeData(f, 'Name', avgProps['name'][0:-1], 3) writeOpen(f, 'Display', 3) writeData(f, 'Red', avgProps['r'], 4) writeData(f, 'Green', avgProps['g'], 4) writeData(f, 'Blue', avgProps['b'], 4) writeData(f, 'Alpha', 1, 4) writeClos(f, 'Display', 3) writeOpen(f, 'Mechanical', 3) if int(avgProps['MM']) == 3: current_ss_data = self.getSSData(row) if current_ss_data is not None: writeData(f, 'MatModel', 3, 4) writeOpen(f, 'SSData', 4) writeData(f, 'NumDataPts', len(current_ss_data['strain']), 5) writeOpen(f, 'StrainData', 5) for point in current_ss_data['strain']: writeData(f, 'Strain', point, 6) writeClos(f, 'StrainData', 5) writeOpen(f, 'StressData', 5) for point in current_ss_data['stress']: writeData(f, 'Stress', point, 6) writeClos(f, 'StressData', 5) writeClos(f, 'SSData', 4) else: writeData(f, 'MatModel', 0, 4) else: writeData(f, 'MatModel', avgProps['MM'], 4) writeData(f, 'Elastic_Mod', avgProps['E'], 4) writeData(f, 'Plastic_Mod', avgProps['Z'], 4) writeData(f, 'Yield_Stress', avgProps['eY'], 4) writeData(f, 'FailModel', int(avgProps['FM']), 4) writeData(f, 'Fail_Stress', avgProps['eF'], 4) writeData(f, 'Fail_Strain', avgProps['SF'], 4) writeData(f, 'Density', avgProps['p'] * 1e3, 4) writeData(f, 'Poissons_Ratio', avgProps['v'], 4) writeData(f, 'CTE', avgProps['CTE'], 4) writeData(f, 'MaterialTempPhase', avgProps['TP'], 4) writeData(f, 'uStatic', avgProps['uS'], 4) writeData(f, 'uDynamic', avgProps['uD'], 4) if int(avgProps['HG']) == 1: current_hg_model = self.getHGModel(row) if current_hg_model is not None: writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 1, 4) writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3) writeOpen(f, 'Hydrogel', 3) writeData(f, 'Name', current_hg_model['name'], 4) writeData(f, 'VoxelDim', current_hg_model['test_voxel_dim'], 4) writeData(f, 'IdealDisplacement', current_hg_model['ideal_displacement'], 4) writeData(f, 'TestDisplacement', current_hg_model['test_displacement'], 4) writeData(f, 'TimeStepCorrection', current_hg_model['test_time_step'], 4) writeData(f, 'KpRising', current_hg_model['kp_rising'], 4) writeData(f, 'KpFalling', current_hg_model['kp_falling'], 4) writeData(f, 'MaxTemp', current_hg_model['ideal_max_temp'], 4) writeData(f, 'MinTemp', current_hg_model['ideal_min_temp'], 4) writeData(f, 'TestMax', current_hg_model['test_max_temp'], 4) writeData(f, 'TestMin', current_hg_model['test_min_temp'], 4) writeData(f, 'C0', current_hg_model['c0'], 4) writeData(f, 'C1', current_hg_model['c1'], 4) writeData(f, 'C2', current_hg_model['c2'], 4) writeData(f, 'C3', current_hg_model['c3'], 4) writeData(f, 'C4', current_hg_model['c4'], 4) writeData(f, 'C5', current_hg_model['c5'], 4) writeClos(f, 'Hydrogel', 3) else: writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 0, 4) writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3) else: writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 0, 4) writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3) writeClos(f, 'Material', 2) writeClos(f, 'Palette', 1) # Structure if compression: writeOpen(f, 'Structure Compression="ZLIB"', 1) else: writeOpen(f, 'Structure Compression="ASCII_READABLE"', 1) x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] writeData(f, 'X_Voxels', x_len, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Voxels', y_len, 2) writeData(f, 'Z_Voxels', z_len, 2) writeOpen(f, 'Data', 2) for z in range(z_len): # tqdm(range(z_len), desc='Writing voxels'): layer = np.copy(self.voxels[:, :, z]) layer = layer.transpose() layerData = layer.flatten() layerData = layerData.astype('uint8') if compression: layerData = zlib.compress(layerData.tobytes()) layerData = base64.encodebytes(layerData) layerDataStr = str(layerData)[2:-3] else: layerDataStr = '' for vox in layerData: layerDataStr = layerDataStr + str(vox) writeData(f, 'Layer', '<![CDATA[' + layerDataStr + ']]>', 3) writeClos(f, 'Data', 2) writeClos(f, 'Structure', 1) writeClos(f, 'VXC', 0)
Static methods
def copy(voxel_model)
Initialize an VoxelModel that is a copy of another model.
- Reference VoxelModel object
Expand source code
@classmethod def copy(cls, voxel_model): """ Initialize an VoxelModel that is a copy of another model. Args: voxel_model: Reference VoxelModel object Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = cls(voxel_model.voxels, voxel_model.materials, coords=voxel_model.coords, resolution=voxel_model.resolution) new_model.numComponents = voxel_model.numComponents new_model.components = voxel_model.components return new_model
def empty(size: Tuple[int, int, int], coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1, num_materials: int = 15)
Initialize an empty VoxelModel.
- Size of the empty model in voxels
- Model origin coordinates
- Number of voxels per mm
- Number of material types in materials vector
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@classmethod def empty(cls, size: Tuple[int, int, int], coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1, num_materials: int = len(material_properties)): """ Initialize an empty VoxelModel. Args: size: Size of the empty model in voxels coords: Model origin coordinates resolution: Number of voxels per mm num_materials: Number of material types in materials vector Returns: VoxelModel """ model_data = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint16) materials = np.zeros((1, num_materials + 1), dtype=np.float32) new_model = cls(model_data, materials, coords=coords, resolution=resolution) return new_model
def emptyLike(voxel_model)
Initialize an empty VoxelModel with the same size, materials, coords, and resolution as another model.
- Reference VoxelModel object
Expand source code
@classmethod def emptyLike(cls, voxel_model): """ Initialize an empty VoxelModel with the same size, materials, coords, and resolution as another model. Args: voxel_model: Reference VoxelModel object Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = cls(np.zeros_like(voxel_model.voxels, dtype=np.uint16), voxel_model.materials, coords=voxel_model.coords, resolution=voxel_model.resolution) return new_model
def fromMeshFile(filename: str, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), material: int = 1, resolution: float = 1, gmsh_on_path: bool = False)
Create a VoxelModel from an imported mesh file.
model1 = vf.VoxelModel.fromMeshFile('center.stl', (67, 3, 0), 2, 1)
- File name with extension
- Model origin coordinates
- Material id corresponding to
- Number of voxels per mm
- Enable/disable using system gmsh rather than bundled gmsh
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@classmethod def fromMeshFile(cls, filename: str, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), material: int = 1, resolution: float = 1, gmsh_on_path: bool = False): """ Create a VoxelModel from an imported mesh file. ---- Example: ``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.fromMeshFile('center.stl', (67, 3, 0), 2, 1)`` ____ Args: filename: File name with extension coords: Model origin coordinates material: Material id corresponding to resolution: Number of voxels per mm gmsh_on_path: Enable/disable using system gmsh rather than bundled gmsh Returns: VoxelModel """ data = makeMesh(filename, True, gmsh_on_path) points = data.points # Get lists of indices of point # ii_tri = data.cells_dict['triangle'] ii_tet = data.cells_dict['tetra'] # Convert lists of indices to lists of points # tris = points[ii_tri] tets = points[ii_tet] # Create barycentric coordinate system T = np.concatenate((tets, tets[:, :, 0:1] * 0 + 1), 2) T_inv = np.zeros(T.shape) for ii, t in enumerate(T): T_inv[ii] = np.linalg.inv(t).T # Find bounding box base = 1 / resolution points_min = points.min(0) points_max = points.max(0) points_min_r = base * np.round(points_min/base) points_max_r = base * np.round(points_max/base) # Create 3D grid xx = np.r_[points_min_r[0]:points_max_r[0]+1:base] yy = np.r_[points_min_r[1]:points_max_r[1]+1:base] zz = np.r_[points_min_r[2]:points_max_r[2]+1:base] # Find center of every grid point xx_mid = (xx[1:] + xx[:-1]) / 2 yy_mid = (yy[1:] + yy[:-1]) / 2 zz_mid = (zz[1:] + zz[:-1]) / 2 # Create grid of voxel centers xyz_mid = np.array(np.meshgrid(xx_mid, yy_mid, zz_mid, indexing='ij')) xyz_mid = xyz_mid.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0) # Convert to list of points xyz_mid = xyz_mid.reshape(-1, 3) # Add 1 to allow conversion to barycentric coordinates xyz_mid = np.concatenate((xyz_mid, xyz_mid[:, 0:1] * 0 + 1), 1) # Create list of indices of each voxel ijk_mid = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.r_[:len(xx_mid)], np.r_[:len(yy_mid)], np.r_[:len(zz_mid)], indexing='ij')) ijk_mid = ijk_mid.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0) ijk_mid2 = ijk_mid.reshape(-1, 3) f3 = findFilledVoxels(np.asarray(T_inv, order='c'), np.asarray(xyz_mid, order='c')) ii, jj = f3.nonzero() lmn = ijk_mid2[np.unique(jj)] voxels = np.zeros(ijk_mid.shape[:3], dtype=np.bool_) voxels[lmn[:, 0], lmn[:, 1], lmn[:, 2]] = True new_model = cls(voxels, generateMaterials(material), coords=coords, resolution=resolution).fitWorkspace() return new_model
def fromVoxFile(filename: str, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1)
Create a VoxelModel from an imported .vox file.
model1 = vf.VoxelModel.fromVoxFile('cylinder-red.vox', (0, 5, 0), 1)
- File name with extension
- Model origin coordinates
- Number of voxels per mm
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@classmethod def fromVoxFile(cls, filename: str, coords: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: float = 1): """ Create a VoxelModel from an imported .vox file. ---- Example: ``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.fromVoxFile('cylinder-red.vox', (0, 5, 0), 1)`` ---- Args: filename: File name with extension coords: Model origin coordinates resolution: Number of voxels per mm Returns: VoxelModel """ # Import data and align axes v1 = VoxParser(filename).parse() v2 = np.array(v1.to_dense(), dtype=np.uint16) v2 = np.flip(v2, 1) v2 = np.rot90(v2, 1, (2, 0)) v2 = np.rot90(v2, 1, (1, 2)) # Generate materials table assuming indices match materials in material_properties i = 0 materials = np.zeros((1, len(material_properties) + 1), dtype=np.float32) for m in np.unique(v2): if m != 0: i = i+1 material_vector = np.zeros(len(material_properties) + 1, dtype=np.float32) material_vector[0] = 1 material_vector[m+1] = 1 materials = np.vstack((materials, material_vector)) v2[v2 == m] = i return cls(v2, materials, coords=coords, resolution=resolution)
def openVF(filename: str)
Load model data from a .vf file
This method will create a new VoxelModel object using the data from the .vf file. Material attributes are stored in the file, so the same version of this file must be used when saving and opening models.
model1 = vf.VoxelModel.openVF("test-file")
- File name
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@classmethod def openVF(cls, filename: str): """ Load model data from a .vf file This method will create a new VoxelModel object using the data from the .vf file. Material attributes are stored in the file, so the same version of this file must be used when saving and opening models. ---- Example: ``model1 = vf.VoxelModel.openVF("test-file")`` ---- Args: filename: File name Returns: VoxelModel """ if filename[-3:] == '.vf': f = open(filename, 'r') else: f = open(filename + '.vf', 'r') print('Opening file: ' + data = f.readlines() loc = np.ones((7,2), dtype=np.uint16) loc = np.multiply(loc, -1) for i in range(len(data)): # tqdm(range(len(data)), desc='Finding tags'): if data[i][:-1] == '<coords>': loc[0,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</coords>': loc[0,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<materials>': loc[1,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</materials>': loc[1,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<size>': loc[2,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</size>': loc[2,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<voxels>': loc[3,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</voxels>': loc[3,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<components>': loc[4,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</components>': loc[4,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<labels>': loc[5,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</labels>': loc[5,1] = i if data[i][:-1] == '<resolution>': loc[6,0] = i+1 if data[i][:-1] == '</resolution>': loc[6,1] = i coords = np.array(data[loc[0,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.int16) if loc[6,0] > -1: resolution = float(data[loc[6,0]][:-1]) else: resolution = 1 materials = np.array(data[loc[1,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(loc[1,0]+1, loc[1,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[1,0]+1, loc[1,1]), desc='Reading materials'): materials = np.vstack((materials, np.array(data[i][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.float32))) size = tuple(np.array(data[loc[2,0]][:-2].split(","), dtype=np.uint16)) voxels = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint16) for i in range(loc[3,0], loc[3,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[3,0], loc[3,1]), desc='Reading voxels'): x = i - loc[3,0] yz = data[i][:-2].split(";") for z in range(len(yz)): y = np.array(yz[z][:-1].split(","), dtype=np.uint16) voxels[x, :, z] = y numComponents = int(data[loc[4,0]][:-1]) components = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.uint8) if numComponents > 0: for i in range(loc[5,0], loc[5,1]): # tqdm(range(loc[5,0], loc[5,1]), desc='Reading components'): x = i - loc[5, 0] yz = data[i][:-2].split(";") for z in range(len(yz)): y = np.array(yz[z][:-1].split(","), dtype=np.uint8) components[x, :, z] = y new_model = cls(voxels, materials, coords=tuple(coords), resolution=resolution) new_model.numComponents = numComponents new_model.components = components f.close() return new_model
def add(self, model_to_add)
Find the material-wise addition of two models.
The materials of the result are calculated by adding the material vectors for each voxel together.
Example – Adding a voxel containing material 1 and a voxel containing material 3:
Voxel A = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]
Voxel B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
A + B = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
Scale Result (see Cleanup Operations) → [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]
This operation can also be applied using the addition operator (+).
model3 = model1.add(model2)
model3 = model1 + model2
- VoxelModel to add to self
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def add(self, model_to_add): """ Find the material-wise addition of two models. The materials of the result are calculated by adding the material vectors for each voxel together. Example -- Adding a voxel containing material 1 and a voxel containing material 3: >> Voxel A = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]\n >> Voxel B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n >> A + B = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]\n >> Scale Result (see Cleanup Operations) → [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]\n This operation can also be applied using the addition operator (+). ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.add(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 + model2`` ---- Args: model_to_add: VoxelModel to add to self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_to_add) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_add) x_len = a.shape[0] y_len = a.shape[1] z_len = a.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i1 = int(a[x, y, z]) i2 = int(b[x, y, z]) m1 = self.materials[i1] m2 = model_to_add.materials[i2] m = m1 + m2 m[0] = np.logical_or(m1[0], m2[0]) i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def blur(self, radius: float = 1)
Apply a Gaussian blur with the defined radius to the entire model.
The blur radius corresponds to two times the standard deviation (2 * sigma) of the Gaussian distribution. The blurred effect is limited to voxels that were occupied by material in the input model.
model2 = model1.blur(2)
- Blur radius in voxels
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def blur(self, radius: float = 1): """ Apply a Gaussian blur with the defined radius to the entire model. The blur radius corresponds to two times the standard deviation (2 * sigma) of the Gaussian distribution. The blurred effect is limited to voxels that were occupied by material in the input model. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.blur(2)`` ___ Args: radius: Blur radius in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) full_model = toFullMaterials(self.voxels, self.materials, len(self.materials[0])) for m in tqdm(range(len(self.materials[0])-1), desc='Blur - applying gaussian filter'): full_model[:, :, :, m+1] = ndimage.gaussian_filter(full_model[:, :, :, m+1], sigma=radius/2) mask = full_model[:, :, :, 0] mask = np.repeat(mask[..., None], len(self.materials[0]), axis=3) full_model = np.multiply(full_model, mask) return toIndexedMaterials(full_model, self, self.resolution)
def blurRegion(self, radius: float, region)
Apply a Gaussian blur with the defined radius to voxels that intersect with the region model.
The blur radius corresponds to two times the standard deviation (2 * sigma) of the Gaussian distribution. The blurred effect is limited to voxels that were occupied by material in the intersection result and the material of the region model is ignored.
model2 = model1.blurRegion(3, regionModel)
- Blur radius in voxels
- VoxelModel defining the target blur region
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def blurRegion(self, radius: float, region): """ Apply a Gaussian blur with the defined radius to voxels that intersect with the region model. The blur radius corresponds to two times the standard deviation (2 * sigma) of the Gaussian distribution. The blurred effect is limited to voxels that were occupied by material in the intersection result and the material of the region model is ignored. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.blurRegion(3, regionModel)`` ___ Args: radius: Blur radius in voxels region: VoxelModel defining the target blur region Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.blur(radius) new_model = new_model.intersection(region) new_model = new_model.union(self) return new_model
def clearNull(self)
Set all null material percentages to zero.
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def clearNull(self): """ Set all null material percentages to zero. Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.materials[1:, 1] = np.zeros(np.shape(new_model.materials[1:,1])) return new_model
def clearance(self, method: Process, material: int = 1)
Generate a model representing the clearance region of a model.
The clearance region for a given process and part represents regions that will be affected by the process acting on the part. Clearance can be used to identify regions of a model that conflict with the manufacturing of another model.
modelResult = model1.clearance(Process.PRINT)
- Target manufacturing method, set using Process class
- Material index corresponding to
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def clearance(self, method: Process, material: int = 1): """ Generate a model representing the clearance region of a model. The clearance region for a given process and part represents regions that will be affected by the process acting on the part. Clearance can be used to identify regions of a model that conflict with the manufacturing of another model. ---- Example: ``modelResult = model1.clearance(Process.PRINT)`` ---- Args: method: Target manufacturing method, set using Process class material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ if method == Process.LASER: new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material).difference(self) elif method == Process.MILL: new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material).difference(self.projection(Dir.DOWN, material)) elif (method == Process.INSERT) or (method == Process.PRINT): new_model = self.projection(Dir.UP, material) else: new_model = self return new_model
def closing(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3)
Apply a closing algorithm along the specified axes.
This algorithm consists of dilation followed by erosion and will remove small holes. Depending on the structuring element used, this will apply a chamfer or fillet effect to inside corners.
- Radius for dilation/erosion in voxels
- Dilation/erosion directions, set using Axes class
- Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
- connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
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def closing(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): """ Apply a closing algorithm along the specified axes. This algorithm consists of dilation followed by erosion and will remove small holes. Depending on the structuring element used, this will apply a chamfer or fillet effect to inside corners. Args: radius: Radius for dilation/erosion in voxels plane: Dilation/erosion directions, set using Axes class structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) else: return self.dilate(radius, plane, structType, connectivity).erode(radius, plane, structType, connectivity).fitWorkspace()
def difference(self, model_to_sub)
Find the geometric difference of two models.
model3 = model1.difference(model2)
- VoxelModel to subtract from self
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def difference(self, model_to_sub): """ Find the geometric difference of two models. ---- Example: ``model3 = model1.difference(model2)`` ---- Args: model_to_sub: VoxelModel to subtract from self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_to_sub) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_sub) mask = np.array(b == 0, dtype=np.bool_) new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def dilate(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, struct_type: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3)
Dilate a model along the specified axes.
model2 = model1.dilate(3)
model4 = model3.dilate(1, Axes.XY, Struct.SPHERE, 2)
- Dilation radius in voxels
- Dilation directions, set using Axes class
- Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
- Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
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def dilate(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, struct_type: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): # TODO: Preserve overlapping materials? """ Dilate a model along the specified axes. ---- Examples: ``model2 = model1.dilate(3)`` ``model4 = model3.dilate(1, Axes.XY, Struct.SPHERE, 2)`` ---- Args: radius: Dilation radius in voxels plane: Dilation directions, set using Axes class struct_type: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] + (radius * 2) y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] + (radius * 2) z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] + (radius * 2) new_voxels = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len), dtype=np.uint16) new_voxels[radius:-radius, radius:-radius, radius:-radius] = self.voxels if struct_type == Struct.SPHERE: struct = structSphere(radius, plane) new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct) else: # Struct.STANDARD struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane) for i in range(radius): new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, (self.coords[0] - radius, self.coords[1] - radius, self.coords[2] - radius), self.resolution)
def dilateBounded(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3)
Dilate a model along the specified axes without increasing the size of its bounding box.
- Dilation radius in voxels
- Dilation directions, set using Axes class
- Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
- Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
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def dilateBounded(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): """ Dilate a model along the specified axes without increasing the size of its bounding box. Args: radius: Dilation radius in voxels plane: Dilation directions, set using Axes class structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) new_voxels = np.copy(self.fitWorkspace().voxels) if structType == Struct.SPHERE: struct = structSphere(radius, plane) new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct) else: # Struct.STANDARD struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane) for i in range(radius): new_voxels = ndimage.grey_dilation(new_voxels, footprint=struct) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def dither(self, use_full=True, x_error=0.0, y_error=0.0, z_error=0.0, error_spread_threshold=0.8, blur=False, radius=1)
Apply material-wise dithering to a model.
Applying dithering will modify the model so that each voxel contains material in only a single material channel. Regions of the model which contained mixtures of materials will be converted to distributions of adjacent single material voxels.
- Enabling will use a Stucki error diffusion filter. Disabling will use the provided values for x, y, and z error
- Percentage of error to spread in X
- Percentage of error to spread in Y
- Percentage of error to spread in Z
- If a voxel contains a material channel that accounts for more than this percentage of the voxel, no additional error will be spread to it
- Enable/disable applying a blur operation before the dither operation
- Radius value for the optional blur operation
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def dither(self, use_full=True, x_error=0.0, y_error=0.0, z_error=0.0, error_spread_threshold=0.8, blur=False, radius=1): """ Apply material-wise dithering to a model. Applying dithering will modify the model so that each voxel contains material in only a single material channel. Regions of the model which contained mixtures of materials will be converted to distributions of adjacent single material voxels. Args: use_full: Enabling will use a Stucki error diffusion filter. Disabling will use the provided values for x, y, and z error x_error: Percentage of error to spread in X y_error: Percentage of error to spread in Y z_error: Percentage of error to spread in Z error_spread_threshold: If a voxel contains a material channel that accounts for more than this percentage of the voxel, no additional error will be spread to it blur: Enable/disable applying a blur operation before the dither operation radius: Radius value for the optional blur operation Returns: VoxelModel """ if blur and (radius > 0): new_model = self.blur(radius) new_model = new_model.scaleValues() else: new_model = self.scaleValues() new_model.voxels = new_model.voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16) full_model = toFullMaterials(new_model.voxels, new_model.materials, len(material_properties) + 1) full_model = ditherOptimized(full_model, use_full, x_error, y_error, z_error, error_spread_threshold) return toIndexedMaterials(full_model, self, self.resolution)
def divide(self, other)
Find the material-wise division of two models.
The materials of the result are calculated for each voxel by dividing the first material vector by the second. This function also supports division by a scalar.
This operation can also be applied using the division operator (/).
model3 = model1.divide(model2)
model3 = model1 / model2
model5 = model4 / 3
- VoxelModel to divide self by
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def divide(self, other): """ Find the material-wise division of two models. The materials of the result are calculated for each voxel by dividing the first material vector by the second. This function also supports division by a scalar. This operation can also be applied using the division operator (/). ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.divide(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 / model2`` ``model5 = model4 / 3`` ---- Args: other: VoxelModel to divide self by Returns: VoxelModel """ if type(other) is VoxelModel: checkResolution(self, other) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, other) x_len = a.shape[0] y_len = a.shape[1] z_len = a.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i1 = int(a[x, y, z]) i2 = int(b[x, y, z]) m1 = self.materials[i1] m2 = other.materials[i2] m2[m2 == 0] = 1 m = np.divide(m1, m2) m[0] = m1[0] i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution) else: if other == 0: return self new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.materials[1:, 1:] = np.divide(new_model.materials[1:, 1:], other) return new_model
def erode(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, struct_type: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3)
Erode a model along the specified axes.
model2 = model1.erode(5, connectivity=2)
model4 = model3.erode(2, Axes.X, Struct.SPHERE, 1)
- Erosion radius in voxels
- Erosion directions, set using Axes class
- Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
- Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
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def erode(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, struct_type: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): """ Erode a model along the specified axes. ---- Examples: ``model2 = model1.erode(5, connectivity=2)`` ``model4 = model3.erode(2, Axes.X, Struct.SPHERE, 1)`` ---- Args: radius: Erosion radius in voxels plane: Erosion directions, set using Axes class struct_type: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels) mask = np.array(new_voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_) if struct_type == Struct.SPHERE: struct = structSphere(radius, plane) mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask, structure=struct) else: # Struct.STANDARD struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane) mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask, structure=struct, iterations=radius) new_voxels = np.multiply(new_voxels, mask) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def fitWorkspace(self)
Remove excess empty space from a model.
Resize the workspace around a model to remove excess empty space. Model coordinates are updated to reflect the change.
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def fitWorkspace(self): """ Remove excess empty space from a model. Resize the workspace around a model to remove excess empty space. Model coordinates are updated to reflect the change. Returns: VoxelModel """ x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] x_min = -1 x_max = -1 y_min = -1 y_max = -1 z_min = -1 z_max = -1 for x in range(x_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, :, :]) > 0: x_min = x break for x in range(x_len-1,-1,-1): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, :, :]) > 0: x_max = x+1 break for y in range(y_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[:, y, :]) > 0: y_min = y break for y in range(y_len-1,-1,-1): if np.sum(self.voxels[:, y, :]) > 0: y_max = y+1 break for z in range(z_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[:, :, z]) > 0: z_min = z break for z in range(z_len-1,-1,-1): if np.sum(self.voxels[:, :, z]) > 0: z_max = z+1 break x_min = 0 if x_min == -1 else x_min y_min = 0 if y_min == -1 else y_min z_min = 0 if z_min == -1 else z_min x_max = x_len if x_max == -1 else x_max y_max = y_len if y_max == -1 else y_max z_max = z_len if z_max == -1 else z_max new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, z_min:z_max]) new_components = np.copy(self.components[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, z_min:z_max]) new_coords = (self.coords[0] + x_min, self.coords[1] + y_min, self.coords[2] + z_min) new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, coords=new_coords, resolution=self.resolution) new_model.numComponents = self.numComponents new_model.components = new_components return new_model
def getBoundingBox(self)
Get all voxels contained in the bounding box of the input model.
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def getBoundingBox(self): """ Get all voxels contained in the bounding box of the input model. Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model = new_model.fitWorkspace() new_model.voxels.fill(1) new_model = new_model.getOccupied() new_model.materials = self.materials[0:2, :] return new_model
def getCenter(self)
Find the coordinates of the center of a model.
Center coordinates in voxels
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def getCenter(self): """ Find the coordinates of the center of a model. Returns: Center coordinates in voxels """ model = self.fitWorkspace() x_center = (model.voxels.shape[0] / 2) + model.coords[0] y_center = (model.voxels.shape[1] / 2) + model.coords[1] z_center = (model.voxels.shape[2] / 2) + model.coords[2] centerCoords = (x_center, y_center, z_center) return centerCoords
def getComponents(self, connectivity: int = 1)
Update component labels for a model.
This function uses a disconnected components algorithm and assumes that adjacent voxels with different materials are connected. Connectivity can be set to 1-3 and defines the shape of the structuring element.
- Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
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def getComponents(self, connectivity: int = 1): """ Update component labels for a model. This function uses a disconnected components algorithm and assumes that adjacent voxels with different materials are connected. Connectivity can be set to 1-3 and defines the shape of the structuring element. Args: connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.voxels[:, :, :] > 0, dtype=np.bool_) struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, connectivity) new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.components, new_model.numComponents = ndimage.label(mask, structure=struct) new_model.components = np.uint8(new_model.components) return new_model
def getCoords(self)
Get the origin coordinates of a model.
Origin coordinates in voxels
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def getCoords(self): """ Get the origin coordinates of a model. Returns: Origin coordinates in voxels """ model = self.fitWorkspace() return model.coords
def getDim(self)
Get the dimensions of model.
Model dimensions in voxels
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def getDim(self): """ Get the dimensions of model. Returns: Model dimensions in voxels """ model = self.fitWorkspace() x = model.voxels.shape[0] y = model.voxels.shape[1] z = model.voxels.shape[2] return x, y, z
def getHGModel(self, material)
Get the hydrogel model parameters for a row in a model's material array.
This is currently returned based on the material present in the highest percentage.
TODO: Make this average multiple model parameters
- Material index
Dictionary of hydrogel model parameters
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def getHGModel(self, material): """ Get the hydrogel model parameters for a row in a model's material array. This is currently returned based on the material present in the highest percentage. TODO: Make this average multiple model parameters Args: material: Material index Returns: Dictionary of hydrogel model parameters """ material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax() current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id) try: hg_model_index = current_material_data['HGM'] current_hg_model = next((item for item in hg_models if item['id'] == hg_model_index), None) if current_hg_model is None: raise KeyError except KeyError: print('Hydrogel model data not available for ' + current_material_data['name']) current_hg_model = None return current_hg_model
def getMaterialProperties(self, material)
Get the average material properties of a row in a model's material array.
- Material index
Dictionary of material properties
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def getMaterialProperties(self, material): """ Get the average material properties of a row in a model's material array. Args: material: Material index Returns: Dictionary of material properties """ avg_properties = {} for key in material_properties[0]: if key == 'name' or key == 'process': string = '' for i in range(len(self.materials[0])-1): if self.materials[material][i + 1] > 0: current_material_data = getMaterialData(i) string = string + current_material_data[key] + ' ' avg_properties.update({key: string}) elif key == 'MM' or key == 'MMD' or key == 'FM' or key == 'HG' or key == 'HGM': material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax() current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id) var = current_material_data[key] avg_properties.update({key: var}) else: var = 0 for i in range(len(self.materials[0])-1): current_material_data = getMaterialData(i) var = var + self.materials[material][i + 1] * current_material_data[key] avg_properties.update({key: var}) return avg_properties
def getMaxCoords(self)
Get the maximum coordinate location in a model.
This point is equal to origin coordinates + model dimensions.
Maximum coordinates in voxels
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def getMaxCoords(self): """ Get the maximum coordinate location in a model. This point is equal to origin coordinates + model dimensions. Returns: Maximum coordinates in voxels """ model = self.fitWorkspace() x = model.coords[0] + model.voxels.shape[0] y = model.coords[1] + model.voxels.shape[1] z = model.coords[2] + model.voxels.shape[2] return x, y, z
def getOccupied(self)
Get all voxels occupied by the input model.
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def getOccupied(self): """ Get all voxels occupied by the input model. Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_) return VoxelModel(mask, self.materials[0:2, :], self.coords, self.resolution)
def getSSData(self, material)
Get the stress-strain data for a row in a model's material array.
This is currently returned based on the material present in the highest percentage.
TODO: Make this average multiple stress-strain curves
- Material index
Dictionary of stress-strain data
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def getSSData(self, material): """ Get the stress-strain data for a row in a model's material array. This is currently returned based on the material present in the highest percentage. TODO: Make this average multiple stress-strain curves Args: material: Material index Returns: Dictionary of stress-strain data """ material_id = self.materials[material][1:].argmax() current_material_data = getMaterialData(material_id) try: ss_data_index = current_material_data['MMD'] current_ss_data = next((item for item in ss_data if item['id'] == ss_data_index), None) if current_ss_data is None: raise KeyError except KeyError: print('Stress-strain data not available for ' + current_material_data['name']) current_ss_data = None return current_ss_data
def getUnoccupied(self)
Get all voxels not occupied by the input model.
This operation can also be applied using the invert operator (~).
model2 = model1.getUnoccupied()
model2 = ~model1
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def getUnoccupied(self): """ Get all voxels not occupied by the input model. This operation can also be applied using the invert operator (~). ---- Examples: ``model2 = model1.getUnoccupied()`` ``model2 = ~model1`` ---- Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.voxels == 0, dtype=np.bool_) return VoxelModel(mask, self.materials[0:2, :], self.coords, self.resolution)
def getVolume(self, component: int = 0, material: int = 0)
Get the volume of a model or model component.
- Component label to measure, set to 0 for all components
- Material index to measure, set to 0 for all materials
Volume in voxels, volume in mm^3
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def getVolume(self, component: int = 0, material: int = 0): """ Get the volume of a model or model component. Args: component: Component label to measure, set to 0 for all components material: Material index to measure, set to 0 for all materials Returns: Volume in voxels, volume in mm^3 """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) if component > 0: new_model = new_model.isolateComponent(component) if material > 0: new_model = new_model.isolateMaterial(material) volumeVoxels = np.count_nonzero(new_model.voxels) volumeMM3 = volumeVoxels * ((1/self.resolution)**3) return volumeVoxels, volumeMM3
def getVoxelDim(self)
Get the side dimension of a voxel in mm.
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def getVoxelDim(self): """ Get the side dimension of a voxel in mm. Returns: Float """ res = self.resolution return (1.0/res) * 0.001
def getVoxelProperties(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int])
Get the average material properties of a specific voxel.
- Voxel coordinates
Dictionary of material properties
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def getVoxelProperties(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Get the average material properties of a specific voxel. Args: coords: Voxel coordinates Returns: Dictionary of material properties """ return self.getMaterialProperties(self.voxels[coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]])
def intersection(self, model_2)
Find the geometric intersection of two models.
The materials from self will be used in the resulting model. This operation can also be applied using the AND operator (&)
model3 = model1.intersection(model2)
model3 = model1 & model2
- VoxelModel to intersect with self
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def intersection(self, model_2): """ Find the geometric intersection of two models. The materials from self will be used in the resulting model. This operation can also be applied using the AND operator (&) ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.intersection(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 & model2`` ---- Args: model_2: VoxelModel to intersect with self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_2) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_2) mask = np.logical_and(np.array(a != 0, dtype=np.bool_), np.array(b != 0, dtype=np.bool_)) # Paper provides for left/right intersection # For code simplicity, only a left intersection is provided here new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask) # material from left model takes priority materials = self.materials return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def isOccupied(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int])
Determine if a specific voxel is occupied.
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def isOccupied(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Determine if a specific voxel is occupied. Returns: True/False """ x = coords[0] - self.coords[0] y = coords[1] - self.coords[1] z = coords[2] - self.coords[2] if x < 0 or x >= self.voxels.shape[0]: return False if y < 0 or y >= self.voxels.shape[1]: return False if z < 0 or z >= self.voxels.shape[2]: return False v = self.voxels[x, y, z] if v == 0: return False else: return True
def isolateComponent(self, component: int)
Isolate a component by its component label.
Component labels must first be updated with getComponents. Unrecognized component labels will return an empty object.
- Component label to isolate
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def isolateComponent(self, component: int): """ Isolate a component by its component label. Component labels must first be updated with getComponents. Unrecognized component labels will return an empty object. Args: component: Component label to isolate Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.components == component, dtype=np.bool_) new_voxels = np.multiply(self.voxels, mask) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def isolateLayer(self, layer: int)
Get all voxels in a specified layer.
model2 = model1.isolateLayer(8)
- Voxel layer to isolate
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def isolateLayer(self, layer: int): """ Get all voxels in a specified layer. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.isolateLayer(8)`` ---- Args: layer: Voxel layer to isolate Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = np.zeros_like(self.voxels, dtype=np.uint16) new_voxels[:, :, layer - self.coords[2]] = self.voxels[:, :, layer - self.coords[2]] return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def isolateMaterial(self, material: int)
Get all voxels with a specified material.
model2 = model1.isolateMaterial(4)
- Material index corresponding to the materials array for the model
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def isolateMaterial(self, material: int): """ Get all voxels with a specified material. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.isolateMaterial(4)`` ---- Args: material: Material index corresponding to the materials array for the model Returns: VoxelModel """ mask = np.array(self.voxels == material, dtype=np.bool_) materials = np.zeros((2, self.materials.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) materials[1] = self.materials[material] return VoxelModel(mask.astype(int), materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def keepout(self, method: Process, material: int = 1)
Generate a model representing the keep-out region of a model.
The keep-out region for a given process and part represents material which the process may not modify while creating the part. This feature primarily applies to subtractive processes. It includes material that will be present in the final part and regions of the workspace that cannot be accessed without affecting this material. In general, additive processes will have no keep-out region because they deposit material from the bottom up.
modelResult = model1.keepout(Process.MILL)
- Target manufacturing method, set using Process class
- Material index corresponding to
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def keepout(self, method: Process, material: int = 1): """ Generate a model representing the keep-out region of a model. The keep-out region for a given process and part represents material which the process may not modify while creating the part. This feature primarily applies to subtractive processes. It includes material that will be present in the final part and regions of the workspace that cannot be accessed without affecting this material. In general, additive processes will have no keep-out region because they deposit material from the bottom up. ---- Example: ``modelResult = model1.keepout(Process.MILL)`` ---- Args: method: Target manufacturing method, set using Process class material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ if method == Process.LASER: new_model = self.projection(Dir.BOTH, material) elif method == Process.MILL: new_model = self.projection(Dir.DOWN, material) elif method == Process.INSERT: new_model = self.projection(Dir.UP, material) else: new_model = self return new_model
def mirror(self, axes: Axes = Axes.X)
Mirror a model along the given axes.
This operation will mirror ALONG the given axes. For example:
- Axes.X performs a mirror about the YZ plane
- Axes.XY performs a mirror about the YZ plane and the XZ plane
- Axes.XYZ performs a mirror along all three axes
- Axes for mirror operation, set using Axes class
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def mirror(self, axes: Axes = Axes.X): """ Mirror a model along the given axes. This operation will mirror ALONG the given axes. For example: - Axes.X performs a mirror about the YZ plane - Axes.XY performs a mirror about the YZ plane and the XZ plane - Axes.XYZ performs a mirror along all three axes Args: axes: Axes for mirror operation, set using Axes class Returns: VoxelModel """ flip_axis = [] for i in range(len(axes.value)): if axes.value[i]: flip_axis.append(i) flip_axis = tuple(flip_axis) centerCoords = self.getCenter() new_voxels = np.flip(self.voxels, flip_axis) new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords) return new_model
def multiply(self, other)
Find the material-wise multiplication of two models.
The materials of the result are calculated by multiplying the material vectors for each voxel. This function also supports multiplication by a scalar.
This operation can also be applied using the multiplication operator (*).
model3 = model1.multiply(model2)
model3 = model1 * model2
model5 = model4 * 3
- VoxelModel to multiply with self
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def multiply(self, other): """ Find the material-wise multiplication of two models. The materials of the result are calculated by multiplying the material vectors for each voxel. This function also supports multiplication by a scalar. This operation can also be applied using the multiplication operator (*). ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.multiply(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 * model2`` ``model5 = model4 * 3`` ---- Args: other: VoxelModel to multiply with self Returns: VoxelModel """ if type(other) is VoxelModel: checkResolution(self, other) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, other) x_len = a.shape[0] y_len = a.shape[1] z_len = a.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i1 = int(a[x, y, z]) i2 = int(b[x, y, z]) m1 = self.materials[i1] m2 = other.materials[i2] m = np.multiply(m1, m2) m[0] = np.logical_and(m1[0], m2[0]) i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution) else: new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.materials[1:, 1:] = np.multiply(new_model.materials[1:, 1:], other) return new_model
def opening(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3)
Apply an opening algorithm along the specified axes.
This algorithm consists of erosion followed by dilation and will remove small features. Depending on the structuring element used, this will apply a chamfer or fillet effect to outside corners.
- Radius for dilation/erosion in voxels
- Dilation/erosion directions, set using Axes class
- Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class
- Connectivity of structuring element (1-3)
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def opening(self, radius: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XYZ, structType: Struct = Struct.STANDARD, connectivity: int = 3): """ Apply an opening algorithm along the specified axes. This algorithm consists of erosion followed by dilation and will remove small features. Depending on the structuring element used, this will apply a chamfer or fillet effect to outside corners. Args: radius: Radius for dilation/erosion in voxels plane: Dilation/erosion directions, set using Axes class structType: Shape of structuring element, set using Struct class connectivity: Connectivity of structuring element (1-3) Returns: VoxelModel """ if radius == 0: return VoxelModel.copy(self) new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels) mask = np.array(new_voxels != 0, dtype=np.bool_) if structType == Struct.SPHERE: struct = structSphere(radius, plane) mask = ndimage.binary_opening(mask, structure=struct) else: # Struct.STANDARD struct = structStandard(connectivity, plane) mask = ndimage.binary_opening(mask, structure=struct, iterations=radius) new_voxels = np.multiply(new_voxels, mask) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def plot(self, plot=None, name: str = 'model', wireframe: bool = False, **kwargs)
Add model to a K3D plot.
Additional display options:
- opacity:
. Opacity of voxels. - outlines:
. Whether mesh should display with outlines. - outlines_color:
. Packed RGB color of the resulting outlines (0xff0000 is red, 0xff is blue) - kwargs:
. Dictionary arguments to configure transform and model_matrix.
More information available at:
- Plot object to add model to
- Model name
- Enable displaying model as a wireframe
- Additional display options (see above)
K3D plot object
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def plot(self, plot=None, name: str = 'model', wireframe: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Add model to a K3D plot. Additional display options: - opacity: `float`. Opacity of voxels. - outlines: `bool`. Whether mesh should display with outlines. - outlines_color: `int`. Packed RGB color of the resulting outlines (0xff0000 is red, 0xff is blue) - kwargs: `dict`. Dictionary arguments to configure transform and model_matrix. More information available at: Args: plot: Plot object to add model to name: Model name wireframe: Enable displaying model as a wireframe kwargs: Additional display options (see above) Returns: K3D plot object """ model = self.fitWorkspace() | VoxelModel.empty((1, 1, 1), resolution=self.resolution) model = model.removeDuplicateMaterials() # Get colors colors = [] for m in model.materials: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 for i in range(1, len(m)): r = r + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['r'] g = g + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['g'] b = b + m[i] * material_properties[i - 1]['b'] r = 1 if r > 1 else r g = 1 if g > 1 else g b = 1 if b > 1 else b colors.append(rgb_to_hex(r, g, b)) colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.uint32)[1:] # Plot if plot is None: plot = k3d.plot() plot += k3d.voxels(np.swapaxes(model.voxels, 0, 2).astype(np.uint8), color_map=colors, name=name, wireframe=wireframe, **kwargs) return plot
- opacity:
def projection(self, direction: Dir, material: int = 1)
Generate a model representing all voxels within the workspace that contain material or that lie in the specified direction with respect to a voxel that contains material.
modelResult = model1.projection(Dir.DOWN)
- Projection direction, set using Dir class
- Material index corresponding to
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def projection(self, direction: Dir, material: int = 1): """ Generate a model representing all voxels within the workspace that contain material or that lie in the specified direction with respect to a voxel that contains material. --- Example: ``modelResult = model1.projection(Dir.DOWN)`` --- Args: direction: Projection direction, set using Dir class material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = np.zeros_like(self.voxels) x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] if direction == Dir.BOTH: # Loop through model data for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, :]) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, :].fill(1) elif direction == Dir.DOWN: # Loop through model data for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, z:]) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = 1 elif np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, z:]) == 0: break elif direction == Dir.UP: # Loop through model data for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): if np.sum(self.voxels[x, y, :z]) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, generateMaterials(material), self.coords, self.resolution)
def removeDuplicateMaterials(self)
Remove duplicate rows from a model's material array.
This function can be greatly accelerated using CUDA. For more information on how to enable CUDA in VoxelFuse, see the GpuSettings class.
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def removeDuplicateMaterials(self): """ Remove duplicate rows from a model's material array. This function can be greatly accelerated using CUDA. For more information on how to enable CUDA in VoxelFuse, see the GpuSettings class. Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = np.copy(self.voxels) new_materials = np.unique(self.materials, axis=0) # Get CUDA settings try: CUDA_enable = bool(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_ENABLE')) CUDA_device = int(os.environ.get('VF_CUDA_DEVICE')) except TypeError: print('CUDA environment variables not found, defaulting to CUDA disabled') CUDA_enable = False CUDA_device = 0 if CUDA_enable: # Select GPU cuda.select_device(CUDA_device) # CUDA blocks blockdim = (8, 8, 8) # 512 threads (1024 threads max) griddim = (new_voxels.shape[0] // blockdim[0] + 1, new_voxels.shape[1] // blockdim[1] + 1, new_voxels.shape[2] // blockdim[2] + 1) # Update material indices updateMatIndices[griddim, blockdim](new_voxels, self.materials, new_materials) else: x_len, y_len, z_len = self.voxels.shape for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Removing duplicate materials'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i = self.voxels[x, y, z] m = self.materials[i] ni = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0][0] new_voxels[x, y, z] = ni return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def removeNegatives(self)
Remove negative material values from a model (these have no physical meaning).
model2 = model1.removeNegatives()
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def removeNegatives(self): """ Remove negative material values from a model (these have no physical meaning). ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.removeNegatives()`` ___ Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.materials[new_model.materials < 1e-10] = 0 material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:,1:], 1) # This and following update the a values material_sums[material_sums > 0] = 1 new_model.materials[:, 0] = material_sums return new_model
def rotate(self, angle: float, axis: Axes = Axes.Z)
Rotate a model about its center.
Floating point errors may slightly affect the angle of the resulting model. To rotate a model in precise 90 degree increments, use rotate90().
- Angle of rotation in degrees
- Axis of rotation, set using Axes class
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def rotate(self, angle: float, axis: Axes = Axes.Z): """ Rotate a model about its center. Floating point errors may slightly affect the angle of the resulting model. To rotate a model in precise 90 degree increments, use rotate90(). Args: angle: Angle of rotation in degrees axis: Axis of rotation, set using Axes class Returns: VoxelModel """ if axis == Axes.X: plane = (1, 2) sign = 1 elif axis == Axes.Y: plane = (2, 0) sign = -1 # For some reason, Y rotates the opposite direction than expected else: # axis == Axes.Z plane = (0, 1) sign = 1 centerCoords = self.getCenter() new_voxels = ndimage.rotate(self.voxels, sign*angle, plane, order=0) new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords) return new_model
def rotate90(self, times: int = 1, axis: Axes = Axes.Z)
Rotate a model about its center in increments of 90 degrees.
- Number of 90 degree increments to rotate model
- Axis of rotation, set using Axes class
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def rotate90(self, times: int = 1, axis: Axes = Axes.Z): """ Rotate a model about its center in increments of 90 degrees. Args: times: Number of 90 degree increments to rotate model axis: Axis of rotation, set using Axes class Returns: VoxelModel """ if axis == Axes.X or axis == 0: plane = (1, 2) elif axis == Axes.Y or axis == 1: plane = (0, 2) else: # axis == Axes.Z or axis = 2 plane = (0, 1) centerCoords = self.getCenter() new_voxels = np.rot90(self.voxels, times, axes=plane) new_model = VoxelModel(new_voxels, self.materials, self.coords, self.resolution) new_model = new_model.setCenter(centerCoords) return new_model
def round(self, toNearest: float = 0.1)
Round material percentages to nearest multiple of an input value.
- Value to round to
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def round(self, toNearest: float = 0.1): """ Round material percentages to nearest multiple of an input value. Args: toNearest: Value to round to Returns: VoxelModel """ new_materials = np.copy(self.materials) new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) mult = new_materials / toNearest floorDiff = np.round(abs(mult - np.floor(mult)), 10) ceilDiff = np.round(abs(mult - np.ceil(mult)), 10) new_materials[floorDiff < ceilDiff] = toNearest * np.floor(mult[floorDiff < ceilDiff]) new_materials[floorDiff >= ceilDiff] = toNearest * np.ceil(mult[floorDiff >= ceilDiff]) new_model.materials = new_materials return new_model
def saveVF(self, filename: str)
Save model data to a .vf file
The native VoxelFuse file format stores the same information as the attributes of a VoxelModel object. This includes geometry and material mixture data. Material attributes remain stored in the file, so the same version of this file must be used when saving and opening models. The .vf file type can be reopened by a VoxelFuse script.
- File name
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def saveVF(self, filename: str): """ Save model data to a .vf file The native VoxelFuse file format stores the same information as the attributes of a VoxelModel object. This includes geometry and material mixture data. Material attributes remain stored in the file, so the same version of this file must be used when saving and opening models. The .vf file type can be reopened by a VoxelFuse script. ---- Example: ``modelResult.saveVF("test-file")`` ---- Args: filename: File name Returns: None """ f = open(filename+'.vf', 'w+') print('Saving file: ' + x_coord = self.coords[0] y_coord = self.coords[1] z_coord = self.coords[2] writeOpen(f, 'coords') f.write(str(x_coord) + ',' + str(y_coord) + ',' + str(z_coord) + ',\n') writeClos(f, 'coords') writeOpen(f, 'resolution') f.write(str(self.resolution) + '\n') writeClos(f, 'resolution') writeOpen(f, 'materials') for r in range(len(self.materials[:,0])): # tqdm(range(len(self.materials[:,0])), desc='Writing materials'): for c in range(len(self.materials[0,:])): f.write(str(self.materials[r,c]) + ',') f.write('\n') writeClos(f, 'materials') x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] writeOpen(f, 'size') f.write(str(x_len) + ',' + str(y_len) + ',' + str(z_len) + ',\n') writeClos(f, 'size') writeOpen(f, 'voxels') for x in range(x_len): # tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Writing voxels'): for z in range(z_len): for y in range(y_len): f.write(str(int(self.voxels[x,y,z])) + ',') f.write(';') f.write('\n') writeClos(f, 'voxels') writeOpen(f, 'components') f.write(str(self.numComponents) + '\n') writeClos(f, 'components') if self.numComponents > 0: writeOpen(f, 'labels') for x in range(x_len): # tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Writing components'): for z in range(z_len): for y in range(y_len): f.write(str(int(self.components[x,y,z])) + ',') f.write(';') f.write('\n') writeClos(f, 'labels') f.close()
def saveVXC(self, filename: str, compression: bool = False)
Save model data to a .vxc file
The VoxCad file format stores geometry and full material palette data. The material palette includes the properties for each material and material mixtures are converted into distinct palette entries.
This format supports compression for the voxel data. Enabling compression allows for larger models, but it may introduce geometry errors that particularly affect small models.
The .vxc file type can be opened using VoxCad simulation software. However, it cannot currently be reopened by a VoxelFuse script.
modelResult.saveVXC("test-file", compression=False)
- File name
- Enable/disable voxel data compression
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def saveVXC(self, filename: str, compression: bool = False): """ Save model data to a .vxc file The VoxCad file format stores geometry and full material palette data. The material palette includes the properties for each material and material mixtures are converted into distinct palette entries. This format supports compression for the voxel data. Enabling compression allows for larger models, but it may introduce geometry errors that particularly affect small models. The .vxc file type can be opened using VoxCad simulation software. However, it cannot currently be reopened by a VoxelFuse script. ---- Example: ``modelResult.saveVXC("test-file", compression=False)`` ---- Args: filename: File name compression: Enable/disable voxel data compression Returns: None """ f = open(filename + '.vxc', 'w+') print('Saving file: ' + empty_model = VoxelModel.empty((1,1,1), resolution=self.resolution) export_model = (VoxelModel.copy(self).fitWorkspace()) | empty_model # Fit workspace and union with an empty object at the origin to clear offsets if object is raised export_model.coords = (0, 0, 0) # Set coords to zero to move object to origin if it is at negative coordinates writeHeader(f, '1.0', 'ISO-8859-1') export_model.writeVXCData(f, compression) f.close()
def scale(self, factor: float, adjustResolution: bool = True)
Scale a model.
If adjustResolution is enabled, the resolution attribute of the model will also be multiplied by the scaling factor. Enable adjustResolution if using this operation to change the resolution of a model. Disable adjustResolution if using this operation to change the size of a model.
- Scale factor
- Enable/disable automatic resolution adjustment
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def scale(self, factor: float, adjustResolution: bool = True): """ Scale a model. If adjustResolution is enabled, the resolution attribute of the model will also be multiplied by the scaling factor. Enable adjustResolution if using this operation to change the resolution of a model. Disable adjustResolution if using this operation to change the size of a model. Args: factor: Scale factor adjustResolution: Enable/disable automatic resolution adjustment Returns: VoxelModel """ model = self.fitWorkspace() x_len = int(model.voxels.shape[0] * factor) y_len = int(model.voxels.shape[1] * factor) z_len = int(model.voxels.shape[2] * factor) new_voxels = np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len)) for x in tqdm(range(x_len), desc='Scaling'): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): x_source = int(((x+1) / x_len) * (model.voxels.shape[0]-1)) y_source = int(((y+1) / y_len) * (model.voxels.shape[1]-1)) z_source = int(((z+1) / z_len) * (model.voxels.shape[2]-1)) new_voxels[x,y,z] = model.voxels[x_source, y_source, z_source] model.voxels = new_voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16) model = model.setCoords(model.coords) if adjustResolution: model.resolution = model.resolution * factor return model
def scaleNull(self)
Scale null material values to make all voxels contain 100% material.
Voxels that contained less than 100% material will contain the same material percentages as before, but will have varying density. Voxels that contained greater than 100% material will be scaled using scaleValues().
model2 = model1.scaleNull()
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def scaleNull(self): """ Scale null material values to make all voxels contain 100% material. Voxels that contained less than 100% material will contain the same material percentages as before, but will have varying density. Voxels that contained greater than 100% material will be scaled using scaleValues(). ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.scaleNull()`` ___ Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.removeNegatives() material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:, 1:], 1) material_sums = np.ones(np.shape(material_sums)) - material_sums material_sums[material_sums < 0] = 0 new_model.materials[:,1] = np.multiply(material_sums, new_model.materials[:,0]) new_model = new_model.scaleValues() return new_model
def scaleToSize(self, size: Tuple[int, int, int])
Scale a model to fit the given dimensions.
- Target dimensions in voxels
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def scaleToSize(self, size: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Scale a model to fit the given dimensions. Args: size: Target dimensions in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ model = self.fitWorkspace() new_voxels = np.zeros(size) for x in tqdm(range(size[0]), desc='Scaling'): for y in range(size[1]): for z in range(size[2]): x_source = int(((x+1) / size[0]) * (model.voxels.shape[0]-1)) y_source = int(((y+1) / size[1]) * (model.voxels.shape[1]-1)) z_source = int(((z+1) / size[2]) * (model.voxels.shape[2]-1)) new_voxels[x,y,z] = model.voxels[x_source, y_source, z_source] model.voxels = new_voxels.astype(dtype=np.uint16) new_model = model.setCoords(model.coords) return new_model
def scaleValues(self)
Scale nonzero material values to make all voxels contain 100% material while maintaining the ratio between materials.
model2 = model1.scaleValues()
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def scaleValues(self): """ Scale nonzero material values to make all voxels contain 100% material while maintaining the ratio between materials. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.scaleValues()`` ___ Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.removeNegatives() material_sums = np.sum(new_model.materials[:, 1:], 1) material_sums[material_sums == 0] = 1 material_sums = np.repeat(material_sums[..., None], len(self.materials[0])-1, axis=1) new_model.materials[:,1:] = np.divide(new_model.materials[:,1:], material_sums) return new_model
def setCenter(self, coords: Tuple[float, float, float])
Set the center of a model to the specified coordinates.
- Target coordinates in voxels
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def setCenter(self, coords: Tuple[float, float, float]): """ Set the center of a model to the specified coordinates. Args: coords: Target coordinates in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.fitWorkspace() x_new = int(round(coords[0] - (new_model.voxels.shape[0] / 2))) y_new = int(round(coords[1] - (new_model.voxels.shape[1] / 2))) z_new = int(round(coords[2] - (new_model.voxels.shape[2] / 2))) new_model.coords = (x_new, y_new, z_new) return new_model
def setCoords(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int])
Set the origin of a model to the specified coordinates.
- Target coordinates in voxels
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def setCoords(self, coords: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Set the origin of a model to the specified coordinates. Args: coords: Target coordinates in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.fitWorkspace() new_model.coords = coords return new_model
def setDensity(self, density: float = 1.0)
Set the density of all voxels.
- Target density value
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def setDensity(self, density: float = 1.0): """ Set the density of all voxels. Args: density: Target density value Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = self.clearNull() new_model = new_model.scaleValues() null_material_values = np.multiply(np.ones(np.shape(new_model.materials[1:,1])), 1-density) new_model.materials[1:, 1] = null_material_values new_model.materials[1:, 2:] = np.multiply(new_model.materials[1:, 2:], density) return new_model
def setMaterial(self, material: int)
Set the material of all voxels in a model.
model2 = model1.getBoundingBox()
model3 = model2.setMaterial(2)
- Material id corresponding to
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def setMaterial(self, material: int): """ Set the material of all voxels in a model. ---- Example: ``model2 = model1.getBoundingBox()`` ``model3 = model2.setMaterial(2)`` ---- Args: material: Material id corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = self.getOccupied().voxels # Converts input model to a mask, no effect if input is already a mask material_vector = np.zeros(self.materials.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) material_vector[0] = 1 material_vector[material+1] = 1 a = np.zeros(self.materials.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) b = material_vector m = np.vstack((a, b)) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, m, self.coords, self.resolution)
def setMaterialVector(self, material_vector)
Set the material of all voxels in a model.
material_vector = np.zeros(len(materials) + 1)
material_vector[0] = 1 # Set a to 1
material_vector[3] = 0.3 # Set material 3 to 30%
material_vector[4] = 0.7 # Set material 4 to 70%
model2 = model1.setMaterialVector(material_vector)
- Material mixture vector, format: (a, m0, m1, … mn)
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def setMaterialVector(self, material_vector): # material input is the desired material vector """ Set the material of all voxels in a model. ---- Example: ``material_vector = np.zeros(len(materials) + 1)`` ``material_vector[0] = 1 # Set a to 1`` ``material_vector[3] = 0.3 # Set material 3 to 30%`` ``material_vector[4] = 0.7 # Set material 4 to 70%`` ``model2 = model1.setMaterialVector(material_vector)`` ---- Args: material_vector: Material mixture vector, format: (a, m0, m1, ... mn) Returns: VoxelModel """ new_voxels = self.getOccupied().voxels # Converts input model to a mask, no effect if input is already a mask a = np.zeros(len(material_vector), dtype=np.float32) b = material_vector materials = np.vstack((a, b)) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, self.coords, self.resolution)
def setResolution(self, res: float)
Change the resolution of a model.
- aaa
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def setResolution(self, res: float): """ Change the resolution of a model. Args: res: aaa Returns: None """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.resolution = res return new_model
def subtract(self, model_to_sub)
Find the material-wise difference of two models.
The materials of the result are calculated for each voxel by subtracting the second material vector from the first.
Example – Subtracting a voxel containing material 3 from the result of the addition example:
Voxel A = [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]
Voxel B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
A - B = [1, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.5]
Remove negatives (see Cleanup Operations) → [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0]
This operation can also be applied using the subtraction operator (-).
model3 = model1.subtract(model2)
model3 = model1 - model2
- VoxelModel to subtract from self
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def subtract(self, model_to_sub): """ Find the material-wise difference of two models. The materials of the result are calculated for each voxel by subtracting the second material vector from the first. Example -- Subtracting a voxel containing material 3 from the result of the addition example: >> Voxel A = [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]\n >> Voxel B = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n >> A - B = [1, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.5]\n >> Remove negatives (see Cleanup Operations) → [1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0]\n This operation can also be applied using the subtraction operator (-). ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.subtract(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 - model2`` ---- Args: model_to_sub: VoxelModel to subtract from self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_to_sub) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_sub) x_len = a.shape[0] y_len = a.shape[1] z_len = a.shape[2] new_voxels = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint16) new_materials = np.zeros((1, len(self.materials[0])), dtype=np.float32) for x in range(x_len): for y in range(y_len): for z in range(z_len): i1 = int(a[x, y, z]) i2 = int(b[x, y, z]) m1 = self.materials[i1] m2 = model_to_sub.materials[i2] m = m1 - m2 m[0] = np.logical_or(m1[0], m2[0]) i = np.where(np.equal(new_materials, m).all(1))[0] if len(i) > 0: new_voxels[x, y, z] = i[0] else: new_materials = np.vstack((new_materials, m)) new_voxels[x, y, z] = len(new_materials) - 1 return VoxelModel(new_voxels, new_materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def support(self, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XY, material: int = 1)
Generate a model representing where support material may be added to an object as characterized by the process that is used to remove the supports.
modelResult =
- Target support removal method, set using Process class
- Parameter used to determine areas where support is ineffective based on proximity to empty regions that are inaccessible to the removal process
- Desired thickness of the support material
- Directions in which to add support material, set using Axes class
- Material index corresponding to
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def support(self, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XY, material: int = 1): """ Generate a model representing where support material may be added to an object as characterized by the process that is used to remove the supports. ---- Example: ``modelResult =`` ---- Args: method: Target support removal method, set using Process class r1: Parameter used to determine areas where support is ineffective based on proximity to empty regions that are inaccessible to the removal process r2: Desired thickness of the support material plane: Directions in which to add support material, set using Axes class material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ model_A = self.keepout(method, material) model_A = model_A.dilate(r2, plane).difference(model_A) model_A = model_A.difference(self.keepout(method, material).difference(self).dilate(r1, plane)) # Valid support regions return model_A
def translate(self, vector: Tuple[int, int, int])
Translate a model by the specified vector.
- Translation vector in voxels
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def translate(self, vector: Tuple[int, int, int]): """ Translate a model by the specified vector. Args: vector: Translation vector in voxels Returns: VoxelModel """ new_model = VoxelModel.copy(self) new_model.coords = (self.coords[0]+vector[0], self.coords[1]+vector[1], self.coords[2]+vector[2]) return new_model
def translateMM(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float])
Translate a model by the specified vector.
- Translation vector in mm
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def translateMM(self, vector: Tuple[float, float, float]): """ Translate a model by the specified vector. Args: vector: Translation vector in mm Returns: VoxelModel """ xV = int(round(vector[0] * self.resolution)) yV = int(round(vector[1] * self.resolution)) zV = int(round(vector[2] * self.resolution)) new_model = self.translate((xV, yV, zV)) return new_model
def union(self, model_to_add)
Find the geometric union of two models.
The materials from self will take priority in overlapping areas of the resulting model. This operation can also be applied using the OR operator (|)
model3 = model1.union(model2)
model3 = model1 | model2
- VoxelModel to union with self
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def union(self, model_to_add): """ Find the geometric union of two models. The materials from self will take priority in overlapping areas of the resulting model. This operation can also be applied using the OR operator (|) ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.union(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 | model2`` ---- Args: model_to_add: VoxelModel to union with self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_to_add) materials = np.vstack((self.materials, model_to_add.materials[1:])) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_to_add) i_offset = len(self.materials) - 1 b = b + i_offset b[b == i_offset] = 0 # Paper uses a symmetric difference operation combined with the left/right intersection # A condensed version of this operation is used here for code simplicity mask = np.array(a == 0, dtype=np.bool_) new_voxels = np.multiply(b, mask) new_voxels = new_voxels + a # material from left model takes priority return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution)
def userSupport(self, support_model, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XY, material: int = -1)
Generate a model representing the intersection of the supportable region and a user support model.
modelResult = model1.userSupport(model2, Process.LASER)
- User provided support model
- Target support removal method, set using Process class
- Parameter used to determine areas where support is ineffective based on proximity to empty regions that are inaccessible to the removal process
- Desired thickness of the support material
- Directions in which to add support material, set using Axes class
- Material index corresponding to, set to -1 to use support model material
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def userSupport(self, support_model, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, plane: Axes = Axes.XY, material: int = -1): """ Generate a model representing the intersection of the supportable region and a user support model. ---- Example: ``modelResult = model1.userSupport(model2, Process.LASER)`` ---- Args: support_model: User provided support model method: Target support removal method, set using Process class r1: Parameter used to determine areas where support is ineffective based on proximity to empty regions that are inaccessible to the removal process r2: Desired thickness of the support material plane: Directions in which to add support material, set using Axes class material: Material index corresponding to, set to -1 to use support model material Returns: VoxelModel """ if material > -1: model_A =, r1, r2, plane) model_A = support_model.intersection(model_A) else: model_A =, r1, r2, plane, material) model_A = model_A.intersection(support_model) return model_A
def web(self, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, layer: int = -1, material=1)
Generate a model representing the scrap material surrounding a model.
Web can be used in the creation of supports or layer alignment fixtures.
modelResult = model1.web(Process.LASER, 1, 5)
- Target web removal method, set using Process class
- Distance from surface of part to inside of web in
- Width of web in voxels
- Voxel layer at which to generate web, set to -1 to generate for all layers
- Material index corresponding to
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def web(self, method: Process, r1: int = 1, r2: int = 1, layer: int = -1, material = 1): """ Generate a model representing the scrap material surrounding a model. Web can be used in the creation of supports or layer alignment fixtures. ---- Example: ``modelResult = model1.web(Process.LASER, 1, 5)`` ---- Args: method: Target web removal method, set using Process class r1: Distance from surface of part to inside of web in r2: Width of web in voxels layer: Voxel layer at which to generate web, set to -1 to generate for all layers material: Material index corresponding to Returns: VoxelModel """ model_A = self.keepout(method, material) if layer != -1: model_A = model_A.isolateLayer(layer) model_A = model_A.dilate(r1, Axes.XY) model_A = model_A.dilate(r2, Axes.XY).getBoundingBox().difference(model_A) return model_A
def writeVXCData(self, f:
, compression: bool = False) -
Write geometry and material data to a text file using the .vxc format.
The VXC/VXA format stores geometry as a 3D grid of single-digit decimal numbers. As such, it is limited to 9 distinct materials.
- File to write to
- Enable/disable voxel data compression
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def writeVXCData(self, f: TextIO, compression: bool = False): """ Write geometry and material data to a text file using the .vxc format. The VXC/VXA format stores geometry as a 3D grid of single-digit decimal numbers. As such, it is limited to 9 distinct materials. Args: f: File to write to compression: Enable/disable voxel data compression Returns: None """ if len(self.materials[:, 0]) > 10: f.close() os.remove( raise ValueError('The VXC/VXA file format supports a maximum of 9 distinct materials') writeOpen(f, 'VXC Version="' + str(0.94) + '"', 0) # Lattice settings writeOpen(f, 'Lattice', 1) writeData(f, 'Lattice_Dim', (1 / self.resolution) * 0.001, 2) writeData(f, 'X_Dim_Adj', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Dim_Adj', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'Z_Dim_Adj', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'X_Line_Offset', 0, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Line_Offset', 0, 2) writeData(f, 'X_Layer_Offset', 0, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Layer_Offset', 0, 2) writeClos(f, 'Lattice', 1) # Voxel settings writeOpen(f, 'Voxel', 1) writeData(f, 'Vox_Name', 'BOX', 2) writeData(f, 'X_Squeeze', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Squeeze', 1, 2) writeData(f, 'Z_Squeeze', 1, 2) writeClos(f, 'Voxel', 1) # Materials writeOpen(f, 'Palette', 1) for row in range(1, len(self.materials[:, 0])): # tqdm(range(1, len(self.materials[:, 0])), desc='Writing materials'): avgProps = self.getMaterialProperties(row) writeOpen(f, 'Material ID="' + str(row) + '"', 2) writeData(f, 'MatType', 0, 3) writeData(f, 'Name', avgProps['name'][0:-1], 3) writeOpen(f, 'Display', 3) writeData(f, 'Red', avgProps['r'], 4) writeData(f, 'Green', avgProps['g'], 4) writeData(f, 'Blue', avgProps['b'], 4) writeData(f, 'Alpha', 1, 4) writeClos(f, 'Display', 3) writeOpen(f, 'Mechanical', 3) if int(avgProps['MM']) == 3: current_ss_data = self.getSSData(row) if current_ss_data is not None: writeData(f, 'MatModel', 3, 4) writeOpen(f, 'SSData', 4) writeData(f, 'NumDataPts', len(current_ss_data['strain']), 5) writeOpen(f, 'StrainData', 5) for point in current_ss_data['strain']: writeData(f, 'Strain', point, 6) writeClos(f, 'StrainData', 5) writeOpen(f, 'StressData', 5) for point in current_ss_data['stress']: writeData(f, 'Stress', point, 6) writeClos(f, 'StressData', 5) writeClos(f, 'SSData', 4) else: writeData(f, 'MatModel', 0, 4) else: writeData(f, 'MatModel', avgProps['MM'], 4) writeData(f, 'Elastic_Mod', avgProps['E'], 4) writeData(f, 'Plastic_Mod', avgProps['Z'], 4) writeData(f, 'Yield_Stress', avgProps['eY'], 4) writeData(f, 'FailModel', int(avgProps['FM']), 4) writeData(f, 'Fail_Stress', avgProps['eF'], 4) writeData(f, 'Fail_Strain', avgProps['SF'], 4) writeData(f, 'Density', avgProps['p'] * 1e3, 4) writeData(f, 'Poissons_Ratio', avgProps['v'], 4) writeData(f, 'CTE', avgProps['CTE'], 4) writeData(f, 'MaterialTempPhase', avgProps['TP'], 4) writeData(f, 'uStatic', avgProps['uS'], 4) writeData(f, 'uDynamic', avgProps['uD'], 4) if int(avgProps['HG']) == 1: current_hg_model = self.getHGModel(row) if current_hg_model is not None: writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 1, 4) writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3) writeOpen(f, 'Hydrogel', 3) writeData(f, 'Name', current_hg_model['name'], 4) writeData(f, 'VoxelDim', current_hg_model['test_voxel_dim'], 4) writeData(f, 'IdealDisplacement', current_hg_model['ideal_displacement'], 4) writeData(f, 'TestDisplacement', current_hg_model['test_displacement'], 4) writeData(f, 'TimeStepCorrection', current_hg_model['test_time_step'], 4) writeData(f, 'KpRising', current_hg_model['kp_rising'], 4) writeData(f, 'KpFalling', current_hg_model['kp_falling'], 4) writeData(f, 'MaxTemp', current_hg_model['ideal_max_temp'], 4) writeData(f, 'MinTemp', current_hg_model['ideal_min_temp'], 4) writeData(f, 'TestMax', current_hg_model['test_max_temp'], 4) writeData(f, 'TestMin', current_hg_model['test_min_temp'], 4) writeData(f, 'C0', current_hg_model['c0'], 4) writeData(f, 'C1', current_hg_model['c1'], 4) writeData(f, 'C2', current_hg_model['c2'], 4) writeData(f, 'C3', current_hg_model['c3'], 4) writeData(f, 'C4', current_hg_model['c4'], 4) writeData(f, 'C5', current_hg_model['c5'], 4) writeClos(f, 'Hydrogel', 3) else: writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 0, 4) writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3) else: writeData(f, 'HydrogelModel', 0, 4) writeClos(f, 'Mechanical', 3) writeClos(f, 'Material', 2) writeClos(f, 'Palette', 1) # Structure if compression: writeOpen(f, 'Structure Compression="ZLIB"', 1) else: writeOpen(f, 'Structure Compression="ASCII_READABLE"', 1) x_len = self.voxels.shape[0] y_len = self.voxels.shape[1] z_len = self.voxels.shape[2] writeData(f, 'X_Voxels', x_len, 2) writeData(f, 'Y_Voxels', y_len, 2) writeData(f, 'Z_Voxels', z_len, 2) writeOpen(f, 'Data', 2) for z in range(z_len): # tqdm(range(z_len), desc='Writing voxels'): layer = np.copy(self.voxels[:, :, z]) layer = layer.transpose() layerData = layer.flatten() layerData = layerData.astype('uint8') if compression: layerData = zlib.compress(layerData.tobytes()) layerData = base64.encodebytes(layerData) layerDataStr = str(layerData)[2:-3] else: layerDataStr = '' for vox in layerData: layerDataStr = layerDataStr + str(vox) writeData(f, 'Layer', '<![CDATA[' + layerDataStr + ']]>', 3) writeClos(f, 'Data', 2) writeClos(f, 'Structure', 1) writeClos(f, 'VXC', 0)
def xor(self, model_2)
Find the geometric exclusive or of two models.
This operation can also be applied using the XOR operator (^)
model3 = model1.xor(model2)
model3 = model1 ^ model2
- VoxelModel to xor with self
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def xor(self, model_2): """ Find the geometric exclusive or of two models. This operation can also be applied using the XOR operator (^) ---- Examples: ``model3 = model1.xor(model2)`` ``model3 = model1 ^ model2`` ---- Args: model_2: VoxelModel to xor with self Returns: VoxelModel """ checkResolution(self, model_2) materials = np.vstack((self.materials, model_2.materials[1:])) a, b, new_coords = alignDims(self, model_2) i_offset = len(self.materials) - 1 b = b + i_offset b[b == i_offset] = 0 mask1 = np.array(b == 0, dtype=np.bool_) mask2 = np.array(a == 0, dtype=np.bool_) new_voxels = np.multiply(a, mask1) + np.multiply(b, mask2) return VoxelModel(new_voxels, materials, new_coords, self.resolution)