Module voxelfuse_examples.lattice_generation.lattice_generation
Lattice structure generation.
Generate a lattice structure over a cylindrical region based on a template element file.
Copyright 2020 - Cole Brauer, Dan Aukes
Expand source code
Lattice structure generation.
Generate a lattice structure over a cylindrical region based on a template element file.
Copyright 2020 - Cole Brauer, Dan Aukes
# Import Libraries
import numpy as np
from voxelfuse.voxel_model import VoxelModel
from voxelfuse.mesh import Mesh
from voxelfuse.primitives import cylinder
# Start Application
if __name__=='__main__':
dilate_radius = 2
# Import element template
T = VoxelModel.fromVoxFile('lattice_element_1m.vox')
T = T.dilateBounded(dilate_radius)
# Create target volume model
M = cylinder(30, 60).translate((30,30,0))
M = M.setCoords((0,0,0))
t = T.voxels.shape[0]
size = M.voxels.shape
# Create empty model to hold result
V = VoxelModel.empty(size)
# Add tiled lattice elements
for x in range(int(np.ceil(size[0]/t))):
for y in range(int(np.ceil(size[1] / t))):
for z in range(int(np.ceil(size[2]/t))):
T = T.setCoords((M.coords[0]+(x*t), M.coords[1]+(y*t), M.coords[2]+(z*t)))
V = V | T
# Intersect lattice with target volume
V = M & V
# Create Mesh
mesh1 = Mesh.fromVoxelModel(T)
mesh2 = Mesh.fromVoxelModel(M)
mesh3 = Mesh.fromVoxelModel(V)
# Create Plot