Module voxelfuse_examples.fish_tail.joint
Joint with Embedded Servo.
Adds clearances for inserted components, determine where pauses must be inserted in the gcode, and export an stl file of the modified part.
Copyright 2019 - Cole Brauer, Dan Aukes
Expand source code
Joint with Embedded Servo.
Adds clearances for inserted components, determine where pauses must be inserted in the gcode,
and export an stl file of the modified part.
Copyright 2019 - Cole Brauer, Dan Aukes
import numpy as np
import time
from voxelfuse.voxel_model import VoxelModel, Axes, Process
from voxelfuse.mesh import Mesh
from voxelfuse.materials import material_properties
if __name__=='__main__':
# User preferences
modelName = 'joint-2.vox'
# modelName = 'tail-holder-1r.vox'
# Import model
start = time.time()
modelIn = VoxelModel.fromVoxFile(modelName)
end = time.time()
importTime = (end - start)
start = time.time()
# Rotate to best orientation for printing
modelIn = modelIn.rotate90(axis=Axes.Y)
# Initialize object to hold result
modelResult = VoxelModel.copy(modelIn)
# Initialize array for identifying library materials
library_materials = np.identity(len(material_properties))
library_materials[0, 0] = 0
a = np.ones((len(material_properties), 1))
a[0, 0] = 0
library_materials = np.hstack((a, library_materials))
# Initialize object to hold inserted components
insertedComponents = VoxelModel.emptyLike(modelResult)
# Find inserted components
for m in range(len(modelIn.materials)):
i = np.where(np.equal(library_materials, modelIn.materials[m]).all(1))[0]
if len(i) > 0:
if material_properties[i[0]]['process'] == 'ins':
insertedComponents = insertedComponents.union(modelIn.isolateMaterial(m).dilate())
# Find clearance for inserted components
insertedComponentsClearance = insertedComponents.clearance(Process.INSERT)
pauseLayers = []
# Find pause layers at top of each inserted component
for z in range(1, len(insertedComponents.voxels[0, 0, :])):
if np.sum(insertedComponents.voxels[:, :, z]) == 0:
# Remove clearance between parts
insertedComponentsClearance.voxels[:, :, z].fill(0)
# Identify tops of parts
if np.sum(insertedComponents.voxels[:, :, z-1]) > 0:
print('Pause layers: ' + str(pauseLayers))
insertedComponents = insertedComponents.union(insertedComponentsClearance)
# Remove inserted components
modelResult = modelResult.difference(insertedComponents)
end = time.time()
processingTime = (end - start)
# Create mesh data
start = time.time()
mesh1 = Mesh.fromVoxelModel(modelIn)
mesh2 = Mesh.fromVoxelModel(modelResult)
end = time.time()
meshingTime = (end - start)
# Export .stl file
# TODO: Slice .stl file
# Insert pauses at top of each inserted component
# TODO: Integrate
# Print elapsed times
print("Import time = %s" % importTime)
print("Processing time = %s" % processingTime)
print("Meshing time = %s" % meshingTime)
# Create plots
# mesh1.viewer(name='Input')